
It’s not a legend

In1893 ,in a very remote village called Hawking,3child friends has found an evil book full of mystery ,upon reflection thy ended up making they ended up making the decision to open the book,as soon as amenés it , very stranger things began to happen in this city.

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Adventer n°1 (the first precious stone) P1

As the sun rose, the friends met with the stranger man entrance to the forest. He asked them: (Are you ready for the adventure?) They answered him: (Yes). Here they started to follow him. And after long hours of walking they came to an abandoned house. They started asking questions about the reason for their presence in this horrible place, the strenger man answered them, saying: (Here your first adventure begins) and he didn't add a word. When they entered they found a room full of mirrors and another door with a bear and a strange writing on the wall in Spanish( el cielo es naranja lourse marrant braille), They asked how to understand the writing, but luckily Alex knows the Spanish language well. So she started to translate the sentence while the boys were looking for the reason for all these mirrors, and after a few minutes she started screaming: (I found it, the translation of the sentence is: the sky is orange the brown bear shines) Then she added: {But there's a little problem. I translated the sentence, but still haven't solved the riddle}.Clark replied: {Don't worry, we'll solve it together}. After hours and while they were thinking, a sunlight came from a little hole that they didn't notice, and here Alex had a smart idea, she took out of her bag a little mirror and she started moving it in all directions until the light reached all the mirrors and at the end the bear on the door. After a few seconds, the door opened and the friends were happy, so they quickly entered the next room, thinking the mission was over, but unfortunately their entry was surprising ...