
It’s Complicated but it doesn’t have to be

When Melissa meets identical twins Blake and Brock, her life changes.

IonaFitzgerald69 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Smiling back at Elaine, as she handed Melissa some papers, she picked her bag up and what was left of her coffee, and took the private elevator that went directly to her office.

  Stepping out, Melissa noticed her office door was unlocked. Walking in, she saw her father Shane Hartford.

  Shane Hartford was a self made billionaire, he had revolutionised the world of digital photography in mobile phones. He never lost his accent, his first wife Chloe had died during childbirth, and he had worked three jobs as well as coming up with his idea all while raising Melissa, he was her hero. Tall, with broad shoulders, short spiky salt and pepper hair, he worked out a lot and regardless of his 50 years was very fit for his age.

  He met his second wife Suzanna Bass when Melissa was 8, they married within a year and had her half brother Ryan Hartford-Bass a year later

  Suzanna and Melissa always got along like mother and daughter. They were extremely close, even after Ryan was born. She had been with them when they launched Hartford Industries, she had supported and worked just as hard, even supporting the move to the United States.

  "Dad?! What are you doing here?" Melissa fearing the worst that her father had come by with a problem.

  Rising from his old chair, he greeted his eldest daughter with a kiss on the cheek. "Hello Darling, I've come to help you conduct an interview for a secretary."

  Placing her things on the desk, and folding her arms, "Come on, spill." Melissa always knew when her father and step mother had argued, he hid in the office. He avoided arguments like the plague, the reason was the day Melissa's mother had died he had argued, and was of the mindset that he could stop them from happening thereby stopping bad things happening.

  "We're arguing about you." He said after leaning against her desk.

  Stunned and shocked, Melissa squeaked out "Me? Why me?"

  Biting the side of his thumbnail, a habit he had from a small boy, when anxious or stressed, he took a deep breath "I had arranged a mixer, I believe it's called, to find you a life partner...." Melissa rolled her eyes, this wasn't the first time that her father had tried to arrange a boyfriend for Melissa, it was true she'd never have a long term boyfriend, she believed that emotions made you weak and vulnerable, Melissa hated feeling vulnerable and couldn't imagine putting all her faith and trust in another person, she'd had flirtations, and she was still a virgin, but he had no right to interfere, Melissa zoned back in "Suzanna said I have no right to interfere, but I just want you to find happiness sweetheart, that's all."

  Melissa put a hand on her father's arm, "I'm sure I will find someone eventually."

  "Shall we get on with finding you a secretary?" Shane said brightly.

  Shaking her head and smiling at her father, Melissa grabbed his arm, "oh by the way, can you check the waiting area and see if a Nancy Kettleman is there please?"

  "Why?" Shane asked.

  "She's a bitch, she bumped into me which made me spill my coffee all over her, when I tried to apologise she called me crazy and clumsy and did I know who she was." Melissa said the last bit with air quotes.

  "Hey, do you fancy doing recruitment operation, GYOB?" Shane asked "You were the one who came up with it after all."

  Melissa liked Recruitment Operation: Get Your Own Back was put in place by Shane for those people who weren't humble enough in normal situations, for example if you made a rude gesture to someone who took a parking space, that could be your future boss, if you parked in a disabled zone and weren't disabled or had a badge to prove you could park there etc. She nodded.

  Shane left the office, going to the waiting room, which was decorated in the minimalist style, it had a nice coffee machine and had comfy chairs and tables.

  Melissa waited for her cue, pressing the button on the intercom to hear what her dad was saying "Hello there, I'm Shane Hartford, I will be helping with your recruitment process, it will be a full day, I hope you brought some lunch, if you didn't please feel free to use the employee and public restaurant located on the first floor. If you get employed here you'll get a 30% discount, on everything we make, we don't just make and sell phone components, but lots of other products too.

  Right could you all tell me your names please? And write them on these labels. If you'll excuse me I will just go get some equipment."

  Melissa heard the door close and waited till her office door opened, then she heard the girl called Nancy. "Wow he's gorgeous, of course he was totally flirting with me." Letting go of the intercom button Melissa let go of the button and laughed "Oh if only she knew." And marched out of her office, pushing the handle down she pushed the door open, and came face to face with Nancy.

  She shot her a nasty glare "If you're looking for the boss....."

  Cutting her off Melissa said "Then here's where I, the CEO of Hartford Industries, need to be."

  "You liar. Everyone knows you're lying, they also know that Shane Hartford is the CEO." Nancy started screeching

  Camly and quietly "And if you were up on your knowledge you'd know that one year ago my father retired, due to ill health, and put myself Melissa in charge."

  "No!" Nancy screamed "You're lying." Looking round at the two other interviewees they were shaking their heads as if to say "No she's not lying."

  Suddenly, Nancy clammed up. Shane returned, "Right shall we continue with the interviews." The bottle blonde Nancy was frantically texting. After 30 of rapid fire "What would you do in this situation" questions a knock came at the door.

  "Yes Elaine?" Melissa asked

  "Miss Hartford, Mister Hartford, there's a man in your office." And with that Elaine left.

  Melissa turned to Shane and said "Can you take care of the rest of it? I need to sort this out."

  "Certainly." Giving her finger guns and a wink.

  Walking back to her office, Melissa opened the door, there stood a man who she recognised, both of them audibly gasped when they saw each other.

  It was none other than Nancy Kettleman' father Colin. He had status and respect but not as much as Melissa and her family had.

  The phone rang and Melissa, had a pounding headache, answered it. "Yes?" Slightly snappy The interviewee that they had hired was speaking into the receiver, his name was Sam, he had excellent qualities, and references. Melissa thought back to earlier on when Colin Kettleman walked into her office.