
Isuzu-Chan : level up alpha so you can get out of school

this story will be about a girl getting into the wrong school

SS_lee · Teen
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

eps 1 : first day of school (3/4)

"and here we are room 135"

"so this is the werewolf class"

-Isuzu looked at the people inside talking to each other with werewolf ears and tails-

"yep anyways, it's time for me to go to my class bye"

"uh wait up-"

-before Isuzu could say anything tyrant runs off to his class-

"dang it I forgot to thank him anyways, I should probably go in"

-right after Isuzu walks in and takes a seat at the back the bell starts ringing and a man brush through the windows after a couple of seconds-

"dang that hurt"

-everyone in the classroom looked at the man wondering what the fuck just happened before anybody gets make the man turned around looking at them-

"ah hello students my name is mr. Johnson and I'll be your werewolf teacher for the year!"

-some new students started to murmur about the teacher-

{what the fuck just happened I can't believe this is our teacher man I really need to get out of this class before I get hurt}

"all right students quiet down, quiet down so you guys might remember me from last year and I remember some of you for good and bad reasons OK mostly bad reasons so hopefully you'll be better this year. All right everybody !"

-The entire class started to murmur around-

"class this is my only warning if you keep talking, we will have special punishments for you guys because you guys are werewolf's!"

-after that everybody quieted down a student raised his hand-

"ah yes, max what is your question"

-Isuzu look at the student that raise their hand and realized it was the kid that bumped into her two times now-

{Are you serious right now?! this guy! he's already in one of my classes and now this one God, why do you hate me so much!!!}

"mr. Johnson I requested a transfer from this

Class but it was declined why was that from my memories and reading the terms I have the full right to move into a different class"

"ah yes, about that Max, you are a special case. Remember, what happened last year you took down everybody and declare yourself the king of the school so we can't really change you because of the circumstances and the troublemaker you have become and with your new title and everything plus you have to keep these kids at check"


-max sat back down and said nothing-

{I knew he was a troublemaker. He beat up all the students last year.!! I have to be careful of this guy oh wait, I just remember talking about meeting up all the students I still haven't reach the end of the dungeon I have to talk to maxism and probably finish that soon}

" all right any more questions students"




"no sir"


-and a couple of more no's-

{Wow this class is really talkative. I don't think a lot of people would even try and say no. I think they'll just stay silent. Well, I guess they are werewolves.}

" all right so since everybody here is basically new and some old ones are here I decided to not take it easy and give you homework :)"

"fuck you teacher"

"son of a bitch"

"this motherfucker"

"are you serious"



"man I thought I could take it easy for at least a couple of days"

"fuck you bastard"


"bro I have a job after this, are you serious"

"bro I already have chores to do"

"this stupid Ni-"

-and many more complaints-

{Why are all of them cursing at the teacher!!!! do they want to get detention or expelled?!?!}

"shut up students or you will have double the homework" :)

"are you fucking serious"


-A lot of people stay silent after that but a little of them didn't-

"all right then you guys will have a 500 word essay on how it werewolf transforms and a fire another word it will be double again and again, until it reaches a certain point" : D

"bro how are we supposed too complete all of that!!"

-and a lot of complaints went out-

"all right then, counting everybody that started talking the word amount has changed to 3000 if you have any complaints, keep talking and you keep doubling"

-every student stayed quiet after that-

" all right. Because of the war behavior, and it will reach at least 5000 before my other classes shut up you guys will have only 1500 words you guys can start now" :)

{The teacher and the students are all crazy. Why are all of them like this and what is with this work?!?!?! Don't tell me I actually have to do a 1500 word essay on how a werewolf transforms are you serious?! I don't even care about werewolves!!!}

-before anything else boom!! an explosion everybody turned their heads to the explosion and saw. a man-

"hello everybody I am known as the training instructor and I'll be teaching you how to train your powers"

"oh great, hey Mr. Dk" - mr Johnson said

"well, it's good to see you again, Mr. Johnson I hope you don't mind me borrowing these little puppies"

"uh i'm not sure if they're ready I think you should give them 7 more days befor-"

"nonsense Mr. Johnson, are you telling me to give them a entire week to prepare they should be ready as soon as they are here they should have already learned some training from middle school."

"I know that Mr. DK but we need the students to be fully rested and everything needs to be perfectly prepared. Remember, what happened last time"

"yes I am aware of the fact that some bad things happened but they should've already filled out the paperwork and everything should've been fine"

"but were they of course you didn't give them time to prepare and look what happened we're not having a discussion like this again you got the hell out and don't come back for a week!"

"fine! I guess I will give them time and they should be ready after a week I'm not giving them another second after the week!"

"all right now get the hell out"

-the new teacher, Mr. DK and Mr. Johnson looked at us-


"as you heard, you will have a training instructor and you will have a week to prepare. Remember to fill out the papers and if you don't, you will be expelled from that class give him the PaperWork after the week I guess but remember you guys also have my assignment to finish and I will be giving out detention and other forms of punishment legal by the system"

{OK the Werewolf class really Fucked up I need to get the hell out of here as soon as possible. I guess I might as well start writing.}

-Isuzu started writing whatever she could think of of the werewolves and their powers and transformations for the entire class-

-Bell ringing-

"oh, I guess it's time to go to gym I think Jenna told me it was on the first floor I just have to figure out where it is now"

-Isuzu started going downstairs and started looking for the gym-

"where is it?"

"oh I think that might be it"

-Isuzu open the big doors and entered into the gym-

"oh hey you must be a new student!"

-A loud voice bloomed. out.-

"U-uh yes i am one of the new students"

"well what is your name?"

"uh m-my name is Isuzu"

"Isuzu? oh a unique name anyways, you should go sit down there I will be with the students in a while. I have to do something to prepare for the class."


-Isuzu walking to the area where the teacher pointed her at-

{hmmm what a interesting day so far. Hopefully it gets a bit better. I already made a friend though that's good but I should make more than one.}

-before Isuzu could think anymore she noticed the same mysterious boy that has bumped her shoulder-

{Are you serious? This guy is in my classes again. uhhhhhhhhhhhh!}

" OK classes are you guys ready?

-almost the entire class "yes."

"OK so first of all I need you to do five laps around the area"


"are you serious"


-some other replies

-after everybody did their lap and sat back to the benches

"OK class so today we have a couple of things to go over so you probably heard yes the werewolf students are going to be joining the normal students and before anybody starts complaining about how it's unfair and how the werewolf students are more powerful than you

they'll be put on a separate area so that you guys have your own things to do and they have their own but you could also go communicate with them and play with them if you want"

-all of the class started talking about the weather of students and how they're gonna be joining and with the new things

{Well at least I'll be able to see some werewolve students hopefully they don't bite}

-The mysterious boy "great I have to deal with them in this class too just my luck"

{huh what was that about? What do he mean?}