
Issry: Equilibrium

tells about a boy named Evan in a world called Equilibrium. he doesn't remember anything, past, relatives, friends, or even family. He kept trying to find out what what actually happened to him. Reincarnation? apparently not. His goal is simple, he just want to live. While enjoying the journey of the story, he is also looking for pieces of memory that might be able to help him remember everything that happened.

IrVi_0 · Fantasy
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18 Chs


Evan now is different. Very different. The sword he first called should have remained like an ordinary sword with a slightly larger blade. Now, the sword has lengthened and has a slimmer blade. The sword seems to have adapted to its master.

The wind around him blows aimlessly with strength. Whether it's the original power or from his sword, one hundred percent Evan is confident he can easily defeat the dragon.

As Evan grips his sword tightly, the dragon seems startled and immediately attacks him with its tail. Of course, the attack is easy for Evan to evade. Swift as the wind, Evan leaps upward.

Simultaneously, one of the three heads of the dragon spews blue fire while still in the air. However, the attack is stopped by a towering ice wall in front of Evan. The ice wall is strong enough to withstand the blue fire.

Looking down, Evan realizes Alicia has her bow and her left hand stretched forward. She has just conjured the ice magic to create a shield for Evan.

In that moment, the three-headed dragon also takes flight, crashing through the ice wall as it propels itself forward.

Startled, Evan doesn't have time to dodge and is once again thrust upwards by the dragon's middle head, high into the sky.

At high speed, Evan breaks through the first layer of the atmosphere. He sees the pursuing dragon below. As he slows down and begins to fall, Evan seizes the opportunity.

Gripping his sword tightly, he forces his body to fall faster towards the dragon. Evan channels a surge of energy into his sword, causing it to glow like a star, almost like a sunlight.

Continuing to plummet rapidly, Evan wields his ready sword. The red eye on his right traces a path akin to neon lights due to his speed.

Once within striking distance, Evan swings his sword from left to right towards the dragon, creating a crescent slash of light that cleaves the dragon's body in two, followed by a powerful shockwave.

Evan's sword falls and embeds itself into the ground. He lands behind his sword, followed by the halves of the dragon falling behind him. Evan's body emits an aura similar to steam, accompanied by his sword.

Alicia and the King bear witness to the three-headed dragon's demise at Evan's hands, with just a single strike.

In Alicia's mind, she thinks, "Could it be... Light magic? Or is it just the power of his sword? It can't be..."

Suddenly, Evan's left eye throbs intensely, causing him to kneel in pain. Alongside the pulsing, tiny root-like markings resembling tattoos emerge from his temple. He simply closes his left eye without realizing the change.

Evan rises and stands, his sword slowly fading away. The King, who can only stand silently atop his horse, dismounts and watches as Evan approaches slowly.

"So, you'll pay me, right? Just as you promised in the quest paper from the guild," Evan said.

"Y-yes, of course. Follow me," the King replied.

Evan's eyebrow raised in confusion as he asked, "Follow? Where to?"

"The palace," the King answered, mounting his horse and heading towards the palace.

Evan intended to follow the King, but he was stopped by Alicia, who stood silently behind him.

"What's wrong? Aren't you coming?" Evan inquired.

"W-what? No, I don't need to go. Besides, you're the one who killed the dragon, not me," Alicia replied.

Evan looked at the girl of his age, sensing her hesitation, but also a desire to join.

After a moment of silence, Evan spoke again, "You helped me earlier. I'm sure the King noticed too."


Before Alicia could make an excuse, Evan cut her off, "Just come along," and continued walking.

Though hesitant, Alicia eventually joined Evan from behind, walking with her head down.

Upon reaching the palace, the King led them inside, even though Evan's attire was worn out. The soldiers lining the path bowed respectfully like knights.

They continued deeper into the palace until they reached the throne room and were warmly welcomed. "Demon!"


"What is a demon doing in our palace?!"


The nobles immediately began to argue upon seeing Alicia enter.

"Everyone, calm down," the King intervened.

"B-but Your Majesty—!" protested one of the nobles.

"She participated in slaying the Hydra in the city. Despite being a demon, I hope you won't judge her wrongly," the King continued.

"Your command, Your Majesty. I don't mean to contradict Your Majesty's words, but a demon is still a demon!" another noble retorted.

"That's right, Your Majesty! Please understand!"

"At the very least, don't let her in here, Your Majesty."

Alicia's mind quickly shattered into pieces. She simply looked down sadly at the floor of the room. Silence hung in the air. Eventually, the King spoke again.

He rose from his throne and said, "I have witnessed the battlefield myself."

"Young lady. Show me your bow," he said.

Alicia lifted her head and confidently summoned her bow. In her grasp, the bow emitted a blue icy light.


"H-how can this be?!"

Evan looked and was equally surprised by the significant change in Alicia's bow.

"You must be wondering why this bow fell into the hands of a demon," the King continued.

The King then approached Alicia and said, "Young lady. Or perhaps I should address you as 'Princess'?"

The entire room was shocked, including Evan. What did he mean by 'Princess'? Alicia's eyes widened at the words that came from the King's mouth.

"Your mother was human, right?" the King asked.

Alicia was even more surprised that the King knew the fact that her mother was human. It was the first time Evan heard this as well, and he was equally taken aback.

Nervously, Alicia asked, "H-how do you know about that?"

"Then, your father is a demon," the King stated.

Alicia could only remain silent, accepting the fact that the king knew who her parents were.

The King gently released Alicia's hand and returned to his throne. "Very well, let's return to our main topic."

"Your Excellency! Explain to us! How could the bow fall into the hands of a demon?!" mocked one of the nobles.

"There's no need for an explanation. The bow is bound to the genetic lineage of Neviella bloodline. It's impossible for just anyone to use it," explained the King.

The nobles fell silent, accepting the heavy truth they had to face – that they were essentially human, while Alicia was a demon.

"Alright, back to the main topic. The Hydra Dragon has been successfully slain by a young man standing before us," said the King.


"So young..."

"Your Majesty must be joking."

"Show us your adventurer's badge, young man," he said.

Evan confidently took out his card from his pocket and showed it to the King.

"It's been a long time since I've seen that rank appear in this land," the King said.

"Alright. How much do you want as payment?" the King asked directly.

Evan thought for a moment and then replied, "You decide."

"Hey! That's impolite!"

"Watch your words, kid!"

"Where are your manners!"

"Call the King by 'Majesty" name, boy!"

"Everyone, calm down," said the King.

"Ten platinum coins," he said.

Evan thought again and said, "Fifty."


The entire room was shocked by the amount Evan was bargaining for. It was five times larger than the initial offer. Just one platinum coin could keep a drunkard away from home for an entire month.

"Are you sure about this?" the King asked nervously.

Evan replied shortly, "Absolutely."

"That payment won't be difficult for your prosperous kingdom, right? Besides, trade routes can be reopened," explained Evan.

Evan smiled and continued, "For a while, you'll experience poverty."

"This brat...!" shout one of the nobles.

"Furthermore, you have the corpse of the three-headed dragon. Its tough skin can be turned into armor or weapons. Surely it has a high value," Evan added.

Despite the fact that the kingdom's economy could easily recover, the King remained silent, pondering a way out.

Evan glanced at Alicia, then turned back and said, "Alright. Give me a villa or homestay to stay in for a while. Reduce the payment to thirty platinum coins, consider the rest as payment for my stay. How about that?"

"Agreed!" the King answered without hesitation.

"Also, allow Alicia to stay temporarily. I understand she's a demon, but she's also your little sisters, right?" Evan said.

Alicia was surprised by Evan's request to the King.

The King lowered his head and replied, "That's right. She's also a part of my family, but I can't fully accept her presence in this kingdom."

"Why?" Evan asked.

"It's for the sake of my people," he answered.

"I-I don't mind at all," Alicia interjected.

Evan turned and asked, "Are you sure?"

Alicia nodded and replied, "I'm not entirely sure I'm a princess of this kingdom, as I was just a spoiled child to my father."

Alicia said this with a sweet smile.

Evan looked back at the King and said, "Alright, I've decided. Give me a few months to stay, along with Alicia."

"Fine. We'll prepare a villa and rooms for you, as well as the payment you requested," the King answered.

Once the negotiation was settled, that night Evan and Alicia were led to a large villa in the kingdom. The villa resembled a luxurious apartment, with each room having a living space, bedroom, bathroom, and even a balcony for relaxation. More like a stack of houses combined into one.

Alicia and Evan were given the top room, the only one with the most spacious area.

"You go ahead and take a shower, I'm going out," Evan said.

"Where are you going?" Alicia asked.

"I'm going to buy some supplies and new clothes," he answered.

"Can I come along?" Alicia asked again.

Evan turned to Alicia and said, "What? I'm not your father. Stop being so clingy."

"B-but..." she added.

Evan turned to leave the room but stopped and looked back at Alicia. He saw the pink-haired girl looking down at the floor, possibly feeling sad.

Seeing that, Evan conjured a simple robe and threw it over Alicia's head, saying, "Put this on. Don't show your horns to anyone other than the King."

Feeling Evan's kindness, Alicia smiled widely and put on the robe, following him out into the city that night. Though it was simple, Alicia was currently very happy. Happier than when she was spoiled by her father.

Alicia followed behind Evan, speaking softly, "Thank you."

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