
Issei Hyoudou is the Summoner!

I died spun a wheel and became Issei Hyoudou. Now I'm stuck with two systems. I can't really complain I lived an okay life I guess. I got no worries. Let's see how strong I can get then. ------ Be warned Mc is a emo(sorta) and also his growth will be really fast as this is mostly a smut fic.

DownfallstrikerX7 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 30: Devils

Does anyone know what's up with Facebook and Webnovel, I can't seem to sign into webnovel using my Facebook account.


"Damn that was good!" I said as I stretched, I looked back to see Miki with an absolute look euphoria on her face, her eyes were rolled back and she was covered in large amounts my cum.

I smiled as I took out my phone. Honestly I'm kinda scared how my girls are gonna react, to you know fucking my own mother.

But there my girls, I can only hope eromancer abilities not make them wanna leave me after what I did.

So I took out my phone and texted Aika.

[Me: Hey, there's something I need to talk to you about.

Cheeks(Aika): What?

Me: I found a new girl.

Cheeks: Really now? Who? Is she hot?

Me: Yep! But here's the awkward part, she's my Mom.

Cheeks: ....

Cheeks: Fucking what!]


Aika Kiryuu, held her phone as shock immediately came over her, usually disgust would but for some reason she found that...hot.

She couldn't help lick her lips as her nipples hardened, the glasses wearing brunette did not expect her boyfriend to add his own mother to the harem! She doesn't really know what she looks like.

But if she's like what he says.

She unconsciously licks her lips again. She then rubbed he legs together as a small drizzle of pussy juice leaves her cunt.

[Cheeks: That's kinda hot!

Me:nReally? Your not grossed out?

Cheeks: I think I am, but for some reason I want you bend me over right now.]

Issei looks at his phone in shock. 'System what the hell is this?'

[Simple due to the eromancer skills, your girls are not only into you but are open to whatever fucked up fetishes, even if they are disgusted by it, the moment they participate they'll enjoy it. For example your into harems, so your women are going to be into that shit. Especially after the orgies.]

'Ah shit! I'd rather not brain wash my girls!'

[It is what it is. Your the one who used charm on them making them get crushes on you.]

'Oh right I did do that. Well there's nothing I can do about it now.' I thought as I got up and opened up a window, the place stunk of sex and I really need a bath.

[Cheeks: Are you going to tell Orihime and Shinobu?

Me: Yeah I am, I'm thinking I should take some time off of school tomorrow as I not only revealed my involvement in the supernatural world but also gave her evidence of my Dad cheating on her with multiple other women.

Cheeks: Really? And what makes that different from you fucking multiple other girls.

Me: Aika, unlike him you consented to me having multiple girls. He didn't even mention a thing to my Mom. Who would've agreed to him having multiple girls as well, since they have one hell of a sex life. Aika if I fuck someone I'm tell you and the other girls.

Me: I love all you.]

Aika Kiryuu looked at her phone in shock, she didn't know why but she began to blush a lot and her heart rate increased.

[Me: Anyway I gotta go now love you.]

Looking at her phone she pouted while lying down on her bed. "Dummy!" she said closing he flip phone.


"Oh!" I sensed a stray enter the town. I then decided to take a quick bath a stray shouldn't do much damage and the devil's should deal with it by the time I'm done.

After my little bath I change into a red shirt with a skull on it along with a black jacket and similar pants along with a pair of sneakers and necklace.

It's time I introduced myself to the devil's.


Landing outside an abandoned building I entered and smelt blood, it seemed like it already went to work.

Walking in further I saw a beautiful blonde woman and I mean she was sexy as fuck even beating Rangiku in some points. "Well hello there cutie. I didn't expect anyone to show up here." she says with a smile.

But I can sense her energy, it's dark and twisted not only that due to my great eyesight I can see a body in the back, it seemed to be some salary man.

I should've came here faster. That man didn't have to die.

I was going to recruit her but that's not going to happen, I immediately took my nichirin, the blade glowed red as I unsheathed it.

Seeing this the stray smiled, her grin grew to unnatural lengths until her face split open. as her body began to morph into monster like shape.

It was honestly disgusting.

"I'll kill you!" she shouts before lunging at me. With a single slash her body splat into two and began to ignite, I simply sheathed my sword and ended it there.

Soon I heard foot steps and four girls entered, one of them was busty red head, a busty raven head, a busty blonde and a white haired Loli who was munching on chocolate bar.

"Yo!" I said I was waved to them. The four girls looked stunned. Seeing me with a sword in hand.

"You are Issei Hyoudou correct?" said Rias with her arms.

"Yep." I said with a smile.

"And you defeated the stray?" she asked.

"Geez! What's with a the question? Aren't your smart enough to figure this stuff out."

Hearing this her eye's narrowed. "Are you insulting my intelligence?" she asked, naturally as a devil she had a lot of pride.

"Hey I didn't say that. But I have been meaning to speak with you and Student Council Pres. So I thought why not introduce myself, but I think you should deal with that first." I say as point towards the dead body.

The girls didn't really flinch seeing it, only having a slight look of sadness for a brief moment, which meant these girls even though they were weak. As in Rias and Akeno slowly entering the Mid levels of high class.

While Kiba and Koneko was in the mid-class range.


"So what is it you wished to discuss." asks Sona as I sat around a table with her and Rias their peerages standing behind them.

Oh! It seems Saji is still Saji. Bummer!

"You see, a few days ago I got into contact with a the fallen angel governor Azazel." Hearing this the girls, eyes immediately widened except for Saji who looked confuse.

Sona being the more calm of the two kept her cool. Keeping up the stoic front she had.

"I see and how did you get into contact with him?" she asked.

"I sensed he was nearby and headed over to his place, I play video games with him now and then."

"I see and where is he now?" she asks. Issei raised an eyebrow, Rias has barely said anything, he could only guess it's due to Sona being the more calm and collected.

"Here in town, though that isn't why I'm here." I told them. Hearing the first part of sentence a small scowl appears on Rias's face, while one appeared on Sona's fora brief second.

"So what is the reason why we're having this conversation?" she asks.

"Simple, this evening a fallen attacked me, it turns out Azazel told them to monitor me as I'm sacred gear wielder, he forgot to called her off, however it seems for some reason she attacked me."

Hearing this Akeno audibly scoffed a scowl was set onto her face as a cold glint ran through her eyes.

"I knocked her out and brought to Azazel, turns out he didn't order the kill me. It turns out a war mongering piece of shit named Kokabiel ordered my death." I told them making them even more shocked.

But I continued. "Anyway Azazel doesn't have any proof on the guy so he can't do anything until he makes an actual move and we can't go off the words bunch low class grunts. He's one of the leaders that makes it so he have a decent amount of protection and clout. Not only that I'm not truly allied with the fallen angels."

With a low hum, Sona began to think. But I stood up ready to leave.

"Your leaving already?" asked Rias.

"Yep!" I answered before stopping "Before I leave. Azazel will be sending three of the fallen angels colluding with Kokabiel, to work as maids. Other than later!" I say with a wink, using charm on them.