
Issei and his ladies. (DXD Hentai )

Short shots of Hentai. Sex. harem. Threesome. There are chapters of certain women divided apart like Kuroka has different chapters and Rossweisse has different chapters on find your favorite and do the deed . Rias and Rias plus Akeno ( ch 1 to 11) Kuroka ( 12 to 14) Rossweisse (15 to 19 ) Xenovia ( 20 to 23) Akeno ( 24 to 29)

Horny_Preacher · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Story 1. Issei and his sexy ladies.


Issei was just a normal teen, nothing really stood out about him other than being a giant open pervert. He was probably going to grow up normally with nothing exciting happening to him...until a few days ago. Issei was walking home with a stupid smile on his face as he looked at the package in his hands. "Hehe. This will turn my luck with girls around." He giggled perversely. He went into town that day after hearing about a product that will help his game with the ladies. A male enhancement machine designed to increase his members' size. He instantly went to the store, hoping to get it before it ran out. "And I got the only one too!!" He shouted happily.

Stepping inside his home he noticed his parents waiting for him by the door. "Hello son." His mother greeted with a smile while his father just nodded from the kitchen table.

Issei gained a genuine smile only his parents could see. "Hi Oka-san, Otou-san." He kissed his mother's cheek and went to sit next to his father.

As the family ate his father finally took notice to what his son had by his side. "Issei, what did you get when you went out?" He asked pointing at the box with his chopsticks. He had an idea of what it was but decided to humor his son.

Issei paused in his chewing for a second and slightly paled. 'I knew it.' His father thought with a sweatdrop. "N-Nothing dad! Just some stuff for a school project that I had to get in the city." He finished with a nervous chuckle. 'Please work!' He prayed inwardly that his father would let it drop. Thankfully he did and went back to eating with Issei releasing a sigh a relief of not having this taken.

Later within the night Issei was sitting in his room with the box on his lap. He had a giddy smile on his face. "Finally! I get to touch some tits!" He said with a perverted smile. His hands couldn't move faster as he ripped the box apart.

Inside was a metal cylinder with wires all around it flashing wildly. "What the hell? Will this really help?" He asked skeptically seeing this can't possibly help him. "Well…might as well try it." He said with a sigh.

The device actually fit around his, above average, six inch member perfectly considering it looked too large for him. "Alright, let's get this started." He flipped the switch on and he felt a little shaking in his pelvis and couldn't help his hips moving. The gyrating continued for five minutes when he felt something stir in him.

"Hey! It's actually working." He said happily only for the expression to turn to horror at what happened next.

The machine started steam! "W-What the fuck!" He yelled frantic. "Get it off! Get it off!" Desperately, he tried taking the device off but couldn't make it budge. It had a firm lock on his erect member as it soon started to shock him making him wail in agony.

The heat coming from the device started to really burn, and when he felt like he was about to pass out it fell off his member in a heap with electricity flickering around it. Only thing he saw before darkness became his world was the machine disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

In the middle of the night Issei's entire body started to glow a dark crimson color. Strangely it was focused around his groin making him groan and grunt in his sleep but continued sleeping unaware that he would be having his dream fulfilled in the coming days.


Issei's eyes were treated to a full assault of the sun's rays through his blinds. "Ahh! Stupid sun!" He groaned. He soon noticed he was still on his floor. "What the?" He asked himself then widened his eyes in remembrance. "Oh yeah! That stupid thing electrocuted me!" He said angered.

His eyes then looked around the room, searching for the machine that almost killed him and his chances of having a family. When he couldn't find it he scratched his head in irritation. "Damn it! How am I going to get my money back without the fucking thing!?" He asked himself.

Issei soon decided he was going to go to the store he got it from and ruin the product by saying it was a dick burner. "Heheh. That'll destroy business!" He laughed evilly; rubbing his hands like in those old-time cartoons.

Getting dressed in a simple red t-shirt, black pants, and red running shoes he walked downstairs to eat some breakfast before he left.

"Hey Oka-san, Tou-san." He greeted his mother who was at the stove and his father who was reading the paper while sipping some coffee.

"Hello son." His father greeted with a smile.

"How did you sleep? I heard some weird sounds last night? Are you okay?" His mother questioned him with a concerned face.

Issei just waved his mother's concerns off. "I'm fine Okaa-san. Just a bad dream is all." He reassured.

"Alright. Come sit down. Breakfast is almost ready." His father spoke.

The family of three enjoyed their small breakfast as they ate in a calm silence until Issei's father got up after finishing his food. "Alright I'm off to work. I'll see you tonight honey." The man kissed his wife's cheek making her blush a bit.

"Have a good day dear!" "See ya' later Tou-san!" The mother-son duo said.

His mother then turned her attention to her only sun. "What are you going to do today Issei?" She asked from the sink.

"Just going to the city to hang out with the guys." He lied with an easy smile. He wasn't really comfortable lying to his mother but didn't want to tell his mother the truth. While he was an open pervert he didn't like talking to his mother about it.

"Well, have fun." She accepted still washing the dishes.

"I will." He stood and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Okaa-san. Be back in a few hours!" With Issei left, never noticing that his mother gained a slightly larger blush and grew a little weak in the knees.

While walking down the street, thinking of the many ways to discredit the shop he failed to realize someone was in front of him until he bumped into them. "Ah!" He grunted a bit as he fell flat on his ass. "Hmm!" His head shot up though when he heard a feminine moan.

He had accidentally bumped into a middle-aged woman with a sizable chest that Issei was immediately drawn to. 'Nice!!' He inwardly shouted with a perverted smile.

The thoughts went away when he saw the woman still on the floor moaning a bit. Being the nice guy he lent his hand out. "Let me help you miss." He said with a smile.

The woman looked up to see the young man who bumped her extending his hand for her. "Why thank you." She accepted the hand and the unexpected happened to her. Touching his palm she began to feel hot in her loins and sweat a little. 'W-What's happening?' She asked herself lightly panting.

"Here you go." Issei helped her to her feet with a smile. "Sorry for making you fall. Heheh. Lost in thought." He never realized he was still holding her hand.

The woman was in too much pleasure to hear him. "J-Just by touching him.' She shivered quietly. 'Gets me so hot!' She looked at him with lustful eyes. 'W-Wait! I have a husband!' She reminded herself and pushed him away. She didn't care to help him up as she sprinted away.

Issei looked at the retreating ladies form with wide eyes. "W-What was her deal?" He asked himself. Shrugging it off he continued until he accidentally stepped in something wet. "Ah shit! My shoes!" He complained but was silenced at what he stepped in.

He was in the spot where the lady stood and he's seen enough porn to know what this was. "D-Did, she just-gulp-cum!?" He asked himself quietly. His eyes then lit up with happiness. "That thing worked!" He shouted to the heavens and ran to the train station. Fully intent to praise the store for such a gift from the Gods!

The train came quickly and with his ticket he got on and saw it was crowded. "Should have seen that coming." He mumbled to himself. Looking around he managed to find a rail and quickly grabbed it. Smiling he looked around and right next to him stood the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.

The woman was in her late teens with white skin blue-green eyes that shined with happiness and a buxom figure. Her most distinctive feature was her long crimson hair that reached to her thighs, with a single hair strand sticking out from the top of her head. Her loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her elegant face. She wore a white dress shirt that strained to contain her juicy breasts, with a matching magenta skirt with white accents, with brown dress shoes and white crew-length socks.

Her name was Rias Gremory and his senior at Kuoh Academy, a former all-girl school, where he they went. She was one of the two 'Great Onee-sama' with Akeno Himijima that were the idols of the school and what every man wanted to date/fuck and girls inspired to be like. He was one of the guys who wanted to touch and suck those enormous tits they had.

So seeing her hear, so close to him, made him blush crazily not that she noticed. She looked too deep in thought with a smile gracing her supple lips.

Rias Gremory, heir of the Gremory clan, was in a good mood today. She was finally going to the city to buy a manga that she has been wanting to have for a while and the store had it. 'Finally!' She inwardly squealed in happiness, a rare moment of being a girl her age. Looking to her left she saw the brown eyes of a teen maybe a year younger than herself.

She instantly recognized him as Issei Hyuodou a new student already dubbed, with two more, as 'The Perverted Trio'. While he seemed to be perverted she saw him actually being kind and considerate to those outside of school, when she was walking home, which caught her attention. 'He IS kind of cute; in a silly little brother kind of wat.' She though looking at Issei's facial expression.

Seeing the girl of his dreams looking at him made his blush go atomic. 'S-She's looking at me!!!' Issei shouted inwardly.

They were so deep into looking at each other they didn't notice the bump of the train making Issei accidentally move closer to her, hitting her shoulder. The sudden contact made Rias's eyes widen with surprise making her flush a little.

'O-Oh my Satan! What-What's happening!?' She asked herself, feeling really hot in her chest. She looked down and saw Issei touching her shoulder. 'I-Is it because of him?!' She asked herself. 'What's this heat!?' She asked herself in slight panic, never feeling this sensation enter her body before.

Issei was blushing like crazy. 'I'm actually touching Rias-senpai!!' He mentally did a happy dance. Even if it was an accident he took it! He then noticed she didn't make any move to shove him away. Thinking it was alright, he decided to up the ante by brushing his hand against her hand. He was happy to see her grasping his hand back.

He looked slightly down to see Rias with a light blush and slightly breathing heavier and started to slightly rube her thighs. 'Wa-Wait? I-Is she getting aroused like that other woman?!' He thought with shock.

'W-What am I doing?!' She asked herself unable to pull herself away from his hand. 'I-I can't pull away. He's so, so…warm.' She thought slightly light-headed at the felling of her hand in his. His hand, while soft, were still larger than hers.

She felt a course of pleasurable lightning shot down her spine and tingled her lower lips. She unconsciously moved closer to his body, standing in front of him, pressing her chest lightly against his slightly broad chest.

'N-No way?!' Issei thought in total surprise seeing one of the school idols pressing against him. She was so close he could smell her. She smelled of peaches.

"S-S-Senpai are you alright?" He finally spoke to the girl who looked up to him with slightly widened eyes.

She was knocked from her light haze as she heard his voice. Looking up to his concerned brown eyes made her heart beat a little. "I-I-I'm fine." She whispered. Still holding his hand. Issei nodded and tried to take his hand away but was stopped by Rias who still hand his hand in hers. "D-Don't." She stuttered embarrassed for her slip of the tongue.

Issei looked like he had seen God. This might be the opportunity he's been waiting for. Peering over his shoulder he noticed no one was looking at them. 'Perfect.' With a smile he went behind her and slowly brought his hands past her shirt. Making direct contact with her smooth skin.

Rias's eyes widened in surprise at the audacity Issei had but, surprisingly, didn't push him off. 'W-What is going on with his hands? He can't touch me in this way! Oh fuck!' She started to rant but her mind quickly lost her anger with her eyes rolling a bit as his hand made direct contact with her sensitive skin. His fingers left a searing feeling that she wanted to feel more often.

Issei was behind her with a giant smile and blush as he watched the famed Rias Gremory squirm under his touch. 'I fucking love that thing!' He thought as he continued to rub and play with her soft, palpable breasts. He wanted to push her to the wall and bury his head in her cleavage but decided not to.

After five minutes of resisting Rias couldn't take it anymore. She was trying hard to stop the pleasure she was feeling but no more. His skillful hands were like a drug she couldn't live without and the longer she was being touched the more she needed it.

"Ahh!" She moaned as softly as she could. "L-Let me…help you." She whispered, blushing up a storm, as she placed her hand atop his and helped him rub harder. "Ep!" She yelped lightly as she felt something hard hit her soft and firm ass. "W-W-What is this?" She questioned shakily. Rias had never really been this close to a man so she didn't really know too well about the hard thing bumping against her ass.

Issei was bone hard as he felt the girl of his dreams give in and actually helping him out. Issei leaned down slightly and rested his lips against her ear. "Y-You can help me with this too." He panted while he rubbed his ragging erection against her skirt clad booty.

Rias felt her skin prickle feeling the heat from his breath hit her. Her mind was slowly going into a fog of ecstasy at feeling his large member and his soft yet firm hands on her tits. "…Okay." She whispered back. Her mind was reeling at what she was doing but she shot those protests back, as this was slowly becoming fun for her.

Her sultry voice was only adding onto his arousal as she slowly bucked her ass against him. Issei growled lowly at the feeling of her amazing derriere on him. Deciding to be even more aggressive he let one of his hands that was pawing at her breast slid down her milky flesh until his fingertips hit the waist band, accidentally brushing against the stain of her underwear. "Do you want it?" He asked with a husky voice that surprised himself.