
Issei - [Dark Dragon Emperor] (English)

I don't know what you are complaining about, you caused this and now you are not able to resist the consequences of your actions. I fight for what I need and what gets in my way I will kill. . . . . After completing the missions with the DxD group, Issei is finally free to make up for lost time but not knowing that time was running out. . . . . A sin, a mistake, a betrayal, which will result in an awakening of fear and overwhelming power. He will bring with him the person who will crush his enemies and the one who got the title of Dark Dragon Emperor

_DemonLight_ · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

P.4: Fire

[Before starting, you must remember that this is a fanfic/theory, the characters, images, music used, credits to their creators, the story, their order and personalities of the characters will be changed]


The huge fox walked calmly towards the chestnut tree.

"Damn, he's strong, so strong that I couldn't keep up with him after he transformed, almost twice my power"

The brown-haired thought with regret at his situation.

"Do not get up"

The imposing voice of the fox warned when he saw how the chestnut began to rise.

"What, are you going to kill me?"



"...No, I don't want to, I don't want to do it...but you're making me do it"

"And you will? If he pushed you to do it, will you?"

"Ise, I'd rather hurt myself than you, I just want to be with you again, no, I'm not capable of killing you, but even if I have to leave you bedridden for the rest of your life for you to come back, I will, so please stop, just stay there and listen to me please" that was what she wanted to say, she wanted to yell at him, but she only remained silent before speaking firmly, before telling the lie that she never wants to come true.

"I will... if you get up I'm going to kill you"

"Ha ha." Issei fell to his knees on the ground "even if I wanted to, I can't"

Yasaka sighed with relief inside him, he didn't want to continue hurting his beloved, now he would only knock him unconscious and try to seal his powers.

She started getting closer once more.

"I can't get up anymore... but he can"


A large fireball approached her at high speed.

She only flicked one of her tails and effortlessly deflected it.

Directing her gaze towards the place where the attack came from, she saw the subject who was previously fighting before the chestnut appeared.

"How strange, you were stronger a few minutes ago"

"And you less arrogant"

They both stared at each other despite the difference in size.

"What is this? This energy is familiar to me... wait! I can't be wrong, he is"

"You!.. how is it possible, you are only"

"A distraction" the subject just smiled, and despite wearing a mask, Yasaka could see him clearly.

The brunette appeared at Yasaka's side, she used her nine tails to block her blow.

Despite being distracted to attack her, she is still more powerful than Issei.


She blocked the blow, but the force behind him sent her shuffling to a stop using all four of her legs.

She hurt him, the tails that had stopped the chestnut's devastating blows and attacks earlier with ease, she hurt and it was only one blow, and he also sent her crawling, with one blow!.

Yasaka was carefully observing the place where the chestnut was and the previous subject.

She frowned, she had been fooled with a trick that she had done hundreds of times herself, although it was only good for limited uses, telling the difference was very difficult if you don't concentrate well or have a certain level, and still she was fooled.

The previous subject took off his mask and the chestnut could be seen.

He smirked, his finger under his eye sticking out the huge fox's tongue before turning into a doll-shaped piece of paper.

The frown deepened, he was making fun of her, the yokai leader!, and yet it gave her a strange feeling of warmth.

A chill ran down his entire spine, cold sweat fell from his forehead, his fur stood on end, he gritted his teeth, got into an attack position, like an animal about to attack someone dangerous, their tails wagging, their gaze full of worry and fear saw something that was unheard of to her.

In the sky, she extended from her two large red dragon wings, so red that it seemed black with purple touches, full of blood and wounds from her, he looked at her with a serious look and a small smile of arrogance .

She doesn't fear him for what she did, but for what she could now do.

On his left arm was a dark red gauntlet, the Boosted Gear, the power of the red dragon emperor, and as if it were a bad joke, on the other arm was another white gauntlet with dark touches, the power of the red dragon. white dragon emperor

"You were late in showing up, did you stop by for burgers before you came?"

"I also ate pizza"

"Haha damn"

Issei spoke to her Dragon partner regardless of Yasaka.

"Impossible, how come, hadn't they taken it away?... no, I don't have time to think about that right now, I need to finish this once and for all before"

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The blue energy coming out of the ground began to slow down at high speed.


At a speed greater than before, it charged at him, the ground breaking instantly, the air exploding around him as soon as he moved, with such force that a single charge would topple mountains with ease, in a second she appeared in front of him with her jaw open ready to catch him between her teeth.

"I'm sorry"


The place was devastated again by a huge air explosion.

She moved with such speed and force that she would be able to remove mountains and almost impossible to stop.

She was arrested.

As if she had collided with an immovable force, she was stopped effortlessly, the sudden braking causing her body to end up being crushed.


She didn't move an inch.

Her gaze went to her mouth, she had closed it with all her might to trap the brunette.

Yet he held her, her left arm holding her upper jaw and her right arm holding her lower jaw.

The strength of her grip was such that he created cracks in her teeth.

Applying force she tried to close her mouth but her grip also tightened creating more pain in her teeth.


Her instincts screamed, even if her teeth were knocked out, she needed to get out and fast.

She jerked her head back just a few inches as the pain in her jaw worsened, a roar of pain coming from her as she realized something.


She was lifted barely two meters off the ground, which for her size would be nothing.

But her opponent is not someone whose moves are considered nothing.

The pain worsened and her view of her world was blurred.

The brown-haired man began to spin on her axis, still holding the yokai leader by the jaw, each turn gaining more speed.

Three meters.

Five meters.

eight meters.

twelve meters.

Within seconds the huge fox that was lifted two meters was spinning more than ten meters above the ground.

With one last twist, Issei released the huge fox.

The disoriented Yasaka did not react and she ended up crashing into the ground, as if it were a ball of hers, she bounced off the ground and crashed again, and again and again, before ending up making a path with her body. of destruction.

Blood dripped from her mouth, a couple of teeth were knocked out, wounds on her body were staining all her golden fur with blood.

Making an effort on her legs, she began to get up, or deal, a blow with her left arm on her back crashed her to the ground, making the place tremble, creating cracks in the form of a spider web.

A cry of pain tore from her just as she spat out blood.

The chestnut wasted no time and returned to the air and like a meteorite descended towards her again.

Both legs together were smashed into her head, the blow breaking the ground beneath her creating a crater.

Blood began to flow from her head, her gaze turned red, her teeth finished breaking.

A hand landed on her head.


She felt weak, even more so than before.

"I'll give you back the ride you gave me"

Her two wings spread out and with tremendous force held yasaka by the fur on her head, making her scream in pain.

With surprising speed he began to drag Yasaka along the ground, she could only scream in pain.

She wanted to get out of there, she was trying to gather the power to escape but.


Every time she put it together, that damned voice would appear to take it from her.

Her body being dragged created a path that devastated the place and stained the ground with her blood.

She was lifted up to the sky, her body weakened by the [Divide] was unable to resist.

He dropped it, expecting to fall and try to recover, however a blow came from his right side with a grunt of pain, then another from his left side, then another from his back and then another and another and another and another.

She knew it, he was repeating what she did to him.

She didn't manage to fall, she didn't let him fall.

The chestnut tree appeared above her, a magic circle appeared in front of it and released a powerful roar that consumed her and took her engulfed in flames straight to the ground.

The place trembled and lit up for seconds upon impact.

The smoke began to clear and the huge injured fox could be seen lying on the ground, the fox lit up in a golden color and began to shrink little by little until it was the size of a human again.

Yasaka appeared reclining where the huge fox used to be, her kimono almost destroyed, stained with blood, her skin full of burns and wounds from which blood came out, three of her nine tails had disappeared, two almost completely burned, the others full of blood. , and had a deep wound in his abdomen.

The brunette observed from the sky the state of the yokai leader, what before would be considered a beauty was now full of injuries and even so.

"Still Beautiful"

"It seems that you failed to fulfill something again, to protect something..." Yasaka slightly opened her eyes to see the brunette, "you couldn't protect your people, you didn't fulfill the duty of a leader... to fulfill our promise, protect the love you told me to have" Yasaka's heart ached with every word he said to her, it was true, everything was true, it hurt to see how the chestnut seemed to hurt that last sentence, and it hurt her even more. "Taking care of your daughter" Yasaka's body trembled at the mention of her daughter, even if her bones are broken she must rise up to protect her.

But her bones were already broken, she couldn't get up, tears of impotence, sadness and frustration began to come out, she wished at least that her daughter would not follow in her footsteps, that she would be saved, save something, at least try to even a little correct your mistake.

The sky lit up and she looked at her and she saw how the chestnut tree formed a great ball of fire, but that fire was different, it was darker and hotter, just seeing it made it clear how dangerous it was.

However, she could no longer do anything.

"Bye... Yasaka-chan"

He launched the fireball at her.

The barrier was broken and a golden colored fire arrow the size of a building hit the fireball, both repelled and shot towards different places, both attacks exploded and the place was filled with sweltering heat, both attacks had the same power, both gave off the same heat, there was no difference between the fires, except that one was dark in color and the other was more golden in color, almost like the sun.

With a serious look, Issei looked from her to the cause.

A beautiful woman in a pink kimono with hints of gold, pink hair with fox ears and tails of the same color, eyes the color of sakura leaves surrounded by a slight golden hue, stood in front of Yasaka, both surrounded by a circle. of flames that moved as if they were alive.

The chestnut looked at the hole in the barrier and saw how she is, she was replaced by another.

The chestnut frowned, he didn't do that, he planned to try to go out there, but he was denied.

"There went the chance to escape"

"And that barrier is better than yours" Ddraig spoke.

"Where do you think you're looking? You're not leaving here until I say so, and I'll never leave you" a melodious voice called him, but he could feel the hostility in every word.

Yasaka was surrounded by fire, however she did not hurt her, on the contrary, she lifted her up and took her to a secluded place.

They both looked at each other seriously for a few moments before they both expelled their magical power in the form of flames, the place was flooded with flames that melted the ground, the oxygen was vaporized, fire goddess and dragon collided seeking to dominate the other, both demonstrated in that small moment that its flames were capable of burning the world itself.

No difference, no weakness, both were ready to give it their all.

And even so, the goddess was so calm and she kept expelling power without effort, on the contrary, Issei made more and more effort to match.


"I know…ready?"

"I am the Heavenly Dragon of Domination! The Red Dragon Emperor! And you the most powerful Sekiryuutei ever, something like this is not going to stop us!"

"Heh, I don't need to hear anymore"


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"New Dragon"

"flaming sun"

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