
Issei - [Dark Dragon Emperor] (English)

I don't know what you are complaining about, you caused this and now you are not able to resist the consequences of your actions. I fight for what I need and what gets in my way I will kill. . . . . After completing the missions with the DxD group, Issei is finally free to make up for lost time but not knowing that time was running out. . . . . A sin, a mistake, a betrayal, which will result in an awakening of fear and overwhelming power. He will bring with him the person who will crush his enemies and the one who got the title of Dark Dragon Emperor

_DemonLight_ · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Interlude I

Nothing, what was once known as Kyoto, was gone, not just Kyoto, the cities all around were affected as well.

Even though they weren't sensory or magic sensitive, anyone could sense the remnants of magic in the area.

On top of all the destruction were two individuals flying, carefully observing the entire place.

"It's strange"

"Strange? In what way?"

"I feel magic similar to that of a fallen angel, but it's not, it's like it's more seraphic and even so it doesn't look like it either, the same with the other magical energies, it feels like the aura given off by the gods but more... .concentrated?, it's hard to explain, the other remains make it hard to tell who they belong to, and the corrupted and broken ley lines that keep distorting the place don't help."

"So we're still at zero huh, but, you said it looks like divine energy, the only ones that come to mind are those of the Shinto pantheon... could they have been involved?"

"I don't know, I don't remember having felt any similar energy between the Shinto gods, what is certain is that there was a fight here, a very powerful one"

"Haa... this is troublesome, someone who causes this level of destruction must be at the level of Dragon King, although it's no surprise that beings of that power or higher exist, what worries me is that no one noticed that he got away." a fight in Yokai territory"

"Yes, that's strange, Yasaka alone possesses the power comparable to the strongest Dragon King Tiamat, so she could handle someone just as strong, adding her experience and senjutsu skills she might even be stronger than her, but taking into account count the remaining types of magical energy, although they are not similar, they are the closest, there are not many fallen angels that can match it, what's more, I think that Azazel would be the only one who could face off one on one with Yasaka"

"Then what do you propose?"

"Nothing, without any indication or something that really leads us to something, we continue with nothing"

"Fuck, this is not going to like this at all-" *startle* "What the fuck!"

"That's... Damn it!"

"Get ready!!"




The room trembled as a loud bang was heard all over the place as the Demon King Leviathan's fist hit the table top shattering not only the thick marble but also the floor below cracking the windows "repeat again".

The demon in charge of transmitting the news swallowed hard feeling suffocated by the dark pressure emitted from the Leviathan, his somber tone and look only worsened his situation.

*Glup* "T-la the yokai faction despa-"

The demon fell to his knees and hands to the floor, the pressure suddenly increased, the glass flew, floor, ceiling and walls cracked, the temperature dropped, ice spikes were created around Serafall quickly covering the room, around the place, the nearby demons suffered the same fate falling to the ground, the demon king's office that was a whole mansion was enveloped by a bluish energy that looked like a pillar around the mansion reaching up to the artificial sky of the Underworld.

It seems that the gravity increased at the same time as the temperature dropped, Serafall regained control quickly, as if it never happened, the pressure disappeared instantly, the ice chunks disappeared as well, her gaze focused on the unconscious demon in the center of her face. office with foam at the mouth, he looked out the window to see how in the same way several demons lay on the floor totally unconscious, some were barely staying awake clinging with all their might to keep from falling asleep, and very few were on their knees, trembling like jelly breathing heavily as if they hadn't breathed in a while which was what happened as soon as the pressure kicked in they all stopped breathing and only breathed again until it was gone albeit not for more than five seconds to them it was as if it had been hours.

Serafall breathed heavily, Yasaka was one of her best friends, knowing that she was now dead caused her feelings that took her out of her mind.


She was the only thing she thought, she couldn't help her friend when she needed it most, again, but maybe she could avenge her.

Make the person responsible for her death pay, and that would, whoever it was, make him fall to her.

As if someone will hear her thoughts, a small crack formed on top of her desk, a letter fell from it.

She cautiously picked up the letter, she opened it only to find a sheet with something written on it.

Her anger increased.

The Underworld trembled for a moment.

She knew that power, it had been a long time since she felt it, the last time she felt it seemed a girl before a giant.

That feeling did not change now.


It was less than a second, but there was no place in the Underworld that didn't feel the pressure, hundreds of demons in hundreds of places were on the ground.


"Half... the damn half"

Hyōdō Issei was sitting on the edge of the bed, his body full of bandages that covered wounds that were still bleeding, despite having spent almost a week after the fight in Kyoto, he was still recovering.

During that week he found out several things, the first, one of the causes of everything that happened before he was 'killed' by the factions, fell, or rather was burned.

He felt happy, he wasn't there to see how he suffered while everything fell before his eyes but just imagining it was enough.

The second thing, apparently being on the verge of death, being pushed to the limit during the fight, brought it to a new level, now he could sweep the ground with Yasaka easily, if not also, his body got used to it faster. ' which he was doing normally.

'It' gave a breakthrough, that was the reason for his increased power; Being a dragon he added a plus, however he was still far from complete.

Both were good news, the last two was what changed his mood.

Ddraig mentioned things to him that it was better not to tell him, but thanks to that he realized that he was lucky.

Yasaka, the yokai leader, despite having fought her, apparently refused to use her more dangerous senjutsu techniques against him, it was frustrating but that was her mistake, not his.

The goddess Amaterasu was another matter entirely, a game, there was no other word to describe what she considered, seeing her transformation made her see that it was just a game.

Ddraig mentioned that she was holding back because of yasaka, she wasn't the Shinto leader for nothing.

The former seraph Gabriel was also like her, despite the fact that during the fight Amaterasu maintained the advantage before using her transformation, the truth was that both of her were 100% equal.

Yes, he was surprised too, he said he was lucky for something, thanks to the fact that the goddess didn't take him seriously he had time to decrease his strength, thanks to [Divine] working like crazy from the moment she appeared, it seems she didn't stop him to try to drive him into despair.

When Gabriel appeared, the goddess was a little above her half of power, Gabriel however slightly below her half, the reason, at the moment an angel falls the pain caused by losing God's grace not only causes pain, the magic, aura and presence change drastically, which leaves an angel weakened after just falling, thanks to the fact that it was a seraph I endured that, but because it was a seraph it doesn't mean that it was an even worse process.

That was the reason for Issei's curse, he thought they were fighting with the maximum of her, how wrong he was.

"I still have a long way to go"

"Look at it this way, you can still get stronger, and that fight made you move faster than we expected, literally 'it' tripled in adapting"

"Yeah, I was surprised too, what would take a couple of months to progress, progressed three times faster in a week"

"Although that is good, you should not trust yourself, there is still a lot that we must do"

"Yes, you're right, I hadn't planned to touch the Shinto faction yet, for their leader to fall is something really very good and beneficial"

He got up from the bed and headed for a door on the other side of the room he was in.

She opened the door and some stairs received him, he went down them, the light of the lamps illuminated the place, a small but comfortable room was occupied by a body bound with chains that emitted a purple glow.

"Are you really going to?"

"Now you worry?"

"Not at all, just damn, it really is tough"

"Well, the recent has opened my eyes, I'm still weak and if I need to achieve my mission, I don't care what I have to do, I will do it, I will crush everyone with maximum force"

"I feel proud"

"Thank you, now I hope she can..."

"She will do it"

"How are you so sure"

"She'll do anything for you"

"...I know, and that's what worries me"

"It's nice that someone besides your parents and friends care about you"

"I know who deserves my trust and who simply must die"

"And her?"

"...None of this shit for sure"

"Yeah... I remember she cried for hours when she saw you again and you wanted to throw a nova dragon at her as soon as you saw her run towards you hahaha"

"Shut up, I got nervous and that was the first thing I thought"

"Hahaha, but after that, it's the first time after everything that happened, that I saw you be happy to see someone without wanting to kill her"

"It's not her fault, I know, like many, but if she got in my way, she wasn't going to leave me any other option"

"And now you don't want anything bad to happen to her, how ironic, no"

"I'm selfish aren't I?"

"You are a dragon, so she acts like one and accepts your facts"

"Haha, you're right"

In that case, it's time to be more selfish."

"Every time I feel more proud, little by little you make a harem again now of yanderes hahaha"

"Ugh, now that you mention it..."

"...mmm, it's here"

"I don't want my... mm, right, but I smell two more"

"Ise~, I've arrived, look what I brought" a melodious voice announced itself, it sounded young and that of a woman.

"And those who are"

"I found them while I was going through some things"

"Wait, those aren't"

"Yep, what am I amazing"

"Well yes, that clears up a minor problem for me"

"Now ~ we're having fun" he approached Issei letting people fall and some chains appeared binding them, with his fingers he made circles on the brunette's chest.

"And they said that before I was the pervert"

"Fag, what's the use of being a man if you don't act like one"

"Shut up, you haven't had female interaction for centuries stupid asexual dragon, it's more than not even a female dragon reminds you except for following Albion's tail"

"... Die"

"Come on ise~ you're not going to leave me like this"

"To think that you would end up like this"

"Exactly, you have a beautiful woman at your feet and you don't come and please her"

"Fuck with you" Issei held her waist to bring her closer to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck, they both kissed, the difference in height made Issei catch up with her, until she gave a little jump and wrapped her legs on Issei's waist.

They both parted ways after a minute.

"Who are you?"

"I am the primordial goddess of darkness the great Nyx, the lover and subordinate of my Ise, no, my lord~" she mentioned with joy, the happiness on her face showing, her vacant gaze more like a fan meeting a man. idol, a terrifying fanaticism, reaching obsession.

The chestnut smiled at his response and kissed the goddess again, caring little or nothing about the three unconscious people in the place, they both let themselves go.

A little stress relief from Issei and she was happy that he vented to her.

... how was your day?

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