
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs


The next day.....

"Wh-what do you mean that I'm not pregnant with Issei's baby?" Koneko asked Azazel. Everyone was gathering around him. Azazel nodded while holding a clipboard that had a lot of medical gibberish written on it.

"That's right. It took me a lot of time to extract the semen out of you while you and Issei were out cold after you two did the deed. It's dangerous for young Nekoshou like you to bear a child. There is a high chance that both you and the baby won't be able to endure it while giving birth resulting in both of you dying. Taking those facts into account, it's better to do it after your body matures a bit more. " Azazel bowed his head apologetically at her.

" I know you and Issei wanted to have a child a lot. But I do not want you and the baby dying. There are always more chances, unfortunately now's not the right time. I'm sorry. " Azazel muttered. Koneko looked at her thighs shakily. It got uncomfortably silent.

They heard Koneko sniffing and saw tears dripping down from her eyes to her thighs.

"Oh Koneko...." Rias whispered. She and the rest of her peerage went and hugged her.

"I... I thought it was a dream coming true when I woke up beside him with the both of us naked.... And now..... it's all ruined....." Koneko muttered while trying and falling to compose herself very badly.

Azazel approached her and knelt down in front of her. He hugged her before looking into her eyes.

"Koneko, you can punch me in the face all you want, but not before I say this. Would you rather get older, have a child with him and live happily ever after, or would you rather give birth to a stillborn baby and potentially die alongside with it? " Azazel asked her. Koneko didn't answer, but everyone could see it in her eyes that she chose the former choice.

" I thought so. As I said, there are a lot chances for you to create many many cute children. Now it's just not the best time." Azazel advised her. Koneko sniffed and nodded.

" F-fine.... I'll listen to you..... "



Meanwhile with Issei, he was training, not even realizing what was happening upstairs due to how focused he was on the grind. But he had a dark aura around him. He had a pretty good idea about what was happening.

"Azazel wouldn't allow her to get pregnant. I wouldn't allow it either if I were him. She's too young and so am I. And I'm not letting her die too. " Issei whispered and looked at his hands.

" But if it really happened and she lived, am I ready to become a father at all? "



" Vali, her group and a 'visitor' is going to visit us? Well, now it won't be weird holding killing intent towards them. " Kiba muttered after Rias announced to everyone during dinner time that the Vali Team and a mysterious visitor were going to visit the Hyoudou Residence.

Sona hummed, already thinking of the reasons they would visit them. "Vali is a terrorist. We cooperated once, but if they have business here again then it's obvious that we will be prepared to fight. But I have to say that I don't think we will be holding killing intent towards them immediately. "

Rias nodded at what she said.

"I heard that they helped Issei and the others in Kyoto. From my personal view they are enemies but don't hold as much of a threat as the Hero Faction. We will be on high alert " Rias looked at them seriously to which they nodded back with the same seriousness in their expressions.

Azazel scratched his cheek and sighed after hearing what Rias and Sona said.

"Regarding the Vali-team, I know that you have an unclear relation with them. It's just that....." He sighed.

" There's something I can't say right now. Please wait till tomorrow morning. You will know then. But my wish is that you guys don't attack the 'visitor'. That's all. It's enough if you guys listen to the 'visitor's' story. If it goes well, this meeting can change the balance greatly. Tomorrow morning, I will come back here again. That's why, please listen to what I say. " Azazel bowed his head down.



It was the next morning and everybody was wide awake. They were waiting for their guests silently. There was a tense aura in the atmosphere.

Issei stood directly in front of the door protectively. They were not going to be careless even though their guests were 'just visiting'.


Issei sighed and opened the door. He blinked as he saw no one standing in front of him.

"Down here."

Issei looked down at the person who called him. He froze as he was staring at Ophis. The Ouroboros Dragon pointed at him and smirked a little.

"It's been awhile, Ddraig."

"Azazel! What is the meaning of this?! She is the boss of the Khaos Brigade! Why did you bring such an enemy into this town,which is an important location for the alliance! And especially this house! Doesn't allowing Ophis into this town mean that you deceived those who secure this town!? So why did you do something like this?! " Rias fired question after question angrily.

She is right. This town is the place where the Underworld and Heaven make cooperative actions and also the place used to negotiate with other factions.

The most important place. It's also the place where few staff members from the angels, Fallen Angels and Devils besides us reside to maintain it.

Issei seeing Irina having such a shocked face means that she didn't receive any information from Heaven's side. Of course he didn't get any information about it from the devils side either. If such a person like Ophis was to come, Sirzechs would have told them, especially Issei before hand, but they weren't informed.

Then it could be thought that Azazel made Ophis visit the Hyoudou's residence without informingSirzechs-sama or Michael-san. Rias realized that and glared harder at him.

"This is breaking the rules of the alliance Azazel! It's something where the fallen angel sides can't complain even if they were to be blamed by Maou-sama and the leader of the angels, Michael! Why would you, who has been talking about an alliance, do such....." Rias who snapped stopped there, she inhaled the air.

" It is you who has been talking about alliances. So you have determined that this visit from Ophis has that much value correct?" She concluded. Issei blinked, Rias was on a roll.

She's right again. There isn't any reason for them to doubt him now. Azazel seemed fishy and seemed like an enemy when they first met him. But now he is the Governor of Fallen Angels they can trust from deep within their hearts.

They broke through disasters numerous times because of this person. The reason Rias and her peerage became this strong is also because of his help and knowledge. 'There is no way that Azazel would betray them who he is always so concerned about. ' Albion added in Issei's mind. Issei nodded, agreeing with him.

"Yeah. I'm sorry Rias. I have deceived and am still deceiving many people in order for her to come and visit here. But maybe her wish would be something that might change the existence of Khaos Brigade itself. I determined that it was necessary to stop unnecessary blood from being shed...I will apologize to you guys again and will ask you guys again. I'm sorry and I ask you. Can you at least listen to her story?" Azazel pleaded while bowing in front of her.

Issei whistled in his mind. 'A man who has that much pride doing this. It must have a magnificent meaning behind this. ' Ddraig gave his two cents in Issei's mind. Issei nodded again.

"I trust him. Ddraig and Albion do too. So you guys should relax and listen. " Issei advised. Rias sighed and ordered her friends to put their weapons away. Everyone had complicated feelings about this, but they had to listen to her.

Issei looked at Ophis who stayed silent throughout all of this.

"Come in, Ophis. And tell the Vali Team to stop hiding. Akeno, please prepare us some tea. She has a lot of explaining to do...

To be continued...