
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Try Not To NTR

"Hello? Hello..... Wake up sweetie..."

Issei squinted his eyes as he was being shook gently by someone. He groaned and opened his eyes and looked up at the bright chandelier.

He sat up and looked at the person who woke him up. It wasn't just one person, it was two people. And they are Venelana and Grayfia who were smiling at him.

Issei grunted and stood up. Venelana and Grayfia gulped as he towered them. Issei grabbed his clothes that were on the ground and put them on.

"Good morning, you two." Issei whispered out, making them smile.

"I'm sorry for the scene I caused last night. I wasn't right in the head and—

" No! It should be me who apologizes. I shouldn't have treated you or Rias the way I did. I have no right to tell you both what and what not to do. For that, I'm deeply sorry! Please accept my apology, Issei-san! " Venelana bowed deeply at him. Issei blinked repeatedly.

"Okay." Issei replied. Venelana looked at him in surprise.

"What?" She whispered out.

"I forgive you. Now please stop bowing down at me. " Issei repeated. Venelana stood up straight and looked at him weirdly.

" What? Is my forgiveness not enough for you? " Issei asked getting a little irritated by her weird looks.

"Y-yes! Yes it is. Thank you!" Venelana bowed again. Issei groaned. Grayfia giggled at her mother-in-law's actions.

"Where are the others?" Issei asked Grayfia.

"They're still asleep." Grayfia replied and started sniffing the air. She pinched her nose.

"Eugh.... What's that smell? It's disgusting." Grayfia grumbled. Venelana stood up straight again.

" Now that you mention it. The smell's very close by." Venelana looked around while sniffing the air. They then laid their eyes at Issei.

"What?" Issei looked at them, feeling confused.

"You stink." Grayfia answered bluntly, making Issei slump down, feeling embarrassed.

"Grayfia. Will you help me guide Issei-san to the bathhouse?" Venelana asked her. Grayfia nodded.

" It shall be done." Grayfia grabbed Issei by the arm and started pulling him along.

"Hey!" Issei glared at Grayfia as she dragged him along roughly. Venelana walked beside Grayfia.

"In order to prevent you from running off and getting lost again, Zeoticus-sama has ordered me and Venelana-sama to guide you wherever you want to go. " Grayfia explained while they turned a corner.

" And he has assigned Venelana to be your assistant during you and Rias-sama's stay here in Gremory Castle. It is her eternal punishment for treating you like she did last night." Grayfia added. Venelana blushed in embarrassment.

"Wait. Eternal?" Issei asked her. Grayfia nodded.

"Yes. She will remain your assistant forever. Zeoticus-sama also wanted to give you this." Grayfia handed him a paper that had a magical circle drawn on it.

"It's a summoning paper that can summon Venelana-sama to the human world or wherever you are. You can use it as much as you like. You summon her by placing the paper on the ground and insert some of your magic into it. " Grayfia explained. Issei smirked and grabbed it.

He then stored it in his Boosted Gear. Ddraig had told him that his Boosted Gear is like an infinite inventory of sorts and can store anything.

They arrived in front of the wooden door. Venelana opened it and they entered the room one by one.

It was a giant bathhouse that was a lot bigger than the one back in the Occult Research Club building. Grayfia pointed at a door that had a blue colored stickman drawn on it.

"The men's changing room is over there. There are towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and daily necessities needed for a man." Grayfia explained and let go of Issei's arm.

"Geez. So rough." Issei grumbled and entered the men's changing room.



Issei exited the room while having a towel wrapped around his private parts. He saw that no one else was in the big luxurious sauna.

"Cannonball!!" Issei shouted and cannonballed into the sauna, splashing the hot steamy water outwards.

"Ahahaha!!!" Issei laughed happily and sighed in satisfaction. He leaned against the edge of the sauna and smiled.

"I wonder if my house has this. Imagine the hot sex scenes me and the girls could do." Issei whispered to himself.

" You know there's women in this room right?" Grayfia reminded him. Issei looked up and immediately had a nosebleed.

Venelana and Grayfia had towels wrapped around their bodies, showing off their big busts and hourglass bodies.

'Shit just turned from 0 to 100 real quick!' Issei thought in his mind while grinning a little.

"I hope you're not thinking about what I think you're thinking about, Issei-san. We're married women you know." Grayfia scolded while she and Venelana were getting in the sauna. Grayfia was sitting on his left while Venelana was sitting on his right.

"Sorry. It's just that you guys are so pretty, I couldn't help it." Issei apologized. Grayfia smiled a little.

"Thank you. But you should keep in mind that we're married women, not a free prize. " Grayfia reminded.

" Yeah, yeah. You don't need to remind me, Grayfia. Your husbands are lucky bastards that's for sure." Issei grumbled while cursing Zeoticus and Sirzechs in his mind.

"Issei-san. How about we wash each other's backs?" Venelana offered while holding up two sponges and a bottle of body wash. Issei froze.

"Y-yeah. S-sure, why not? Sounds fun. Heh." Issei stuttered out and laughed nervously. He grabbed a sponge and looked at Venelana.

"Uh, Venelana. You still have a towel on you. How am I going to wash your back if you have a towel on— Mmh!!" Issei grunted as a towel was thrown to his face. He grabbed it and put it aside. What he saw afterwards made him want to faint.

Venelana was standing in front of him, naked. Her boobs jiggled cutely. Issei gulped.

'It's the same size as Rias' !' Issei thought in his mind. He was getting an erection and he didn't like it.

"There we go." Venelana giggled and sat down again, facing her back towards him. Issei sighed and started washing her back with his sponge, he squeezed out some body wash from the bottle and rubbed it on her back.

Venelana cooed at the satisfaction she was currently feeling. His touch was soothing that's for sure.

Grayfia was narrowing her eyes at the ongoing interaction. Venelana wasn't forgetting that she had a husband while Issei was nervous but still went on with it.

She sighed. 'Maybe it's nothing.' She reassured herself and kept observing them just in case.

"Oh yes!~ Just right there!~ Rub harder please!~" Venelana ordered while moaning in pleasure from his touch. Issei breathed out smoke from his nose.

'Partner. You're treading on a tightrope.' Ddraig commented.

'Duh. ' Issei replied to his obvious comment. He had to satisfy her or else she'll get disappointed and who knows what'll happen if she does.

'Ask her if she wants a massage from you.' Albion requested.

'Are you insane?! That'll make her cum! You know it since you saw my memories!' Issei scolded him.

'C'mon! There's no harm in trying. The worst thing she can say is no. ' Albion assured him.

'The worst thing she can say here is yes. ' Issei argued and sighed. Don't give into peer pressure guys.

"Hey uh.... Do you want me to massage you?" Issei asked Venelana. Venelana brightened up.

" Yes, please! But before that, can you let me wash your back and you go wash Grayfia's?" Venelana asked him.

" M'lady, I don't think this is—

" No worries, Grayfia. It's just a backwash. Relax a bit. He's very good at this. " Venelana assured her. Grayfia didn't answer. She then sighed and rubbed her forehead. She stood up and threw away her towel.

Issei widened his eyes once more. Grayfia had a perfect hourglass figure and bust that was bigger than Rias'.

Issei got even harder down there. Grayfia sat down and faced her snow white back towards him.

"What are you waiting for, Issei?

To be continued....