
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

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Issei gritted his teeth. Koneko and Akeno started dealing with Yubelluna. Issei concentrated.

"Shit I might have to use a Dress Break on myself." Issei cursed. He didn't want to fight naked at all.

'Oh wait I forgot, there are two versions of the technique. Version A is for destroying seals and spell effects and Version B is for the body.' Issei realized.

"Dress Break!!" Issei declared. Instantly, he felt the seals put on him disappear. He smirked and looked at Yubelluna who was surprised.


Yubelluna grunted as Koneko punched her chest, making it numb and dealing internal damage to it. Akeno giggled and performed the process of summoning her Holy Lightning.

"Issei! Go catch up with Kiba! We'll deal with her!" Koneko shouted.

" Three more of Riser-sama's pawns have been retired!!!"

Hearing Grayfia's declaration, Issei smirked and nodded at Koneko.

"Remember you guys' training! Don't rush it!" Issei shouted and disappeared using Soru. He appeared beside Kiba, scaring the Knight.

"Woah!" Kiba pointed the sword at him. Issei raised his hands defensively.

"Hey now. I'm on your side." Issei replied to his reaction. Kiba chuckled and lowered his sword.

"Sorry about that. I just defeated three of Riser's pawns, guess I'm still on edge after that." Kiba apologized.

"It's fine."

"They were sent to me because Riser wanted to gauge my strength. What a bastard." Kiba clenched his fists.

" He's scum. He may be a potential abuser as well. I found scars on the twin green haired girl's hands. Looks like something from a knife or a whip. " Issei replied. Kiba was surprised.

"Riser could get sent to Malebolge. A King abusing members of his own peerage is a major crime in the Underworld. Malebolge is the floor which is one floor above the deepest floor in Hell.

It's said to be the place where those who have evil minds, wicked souls, evil spirits who have committed sins get sent to and punished." Kiba explained. Issei nodded.

"I am Riser-sama's Knight, Karlamine! Attention Rias Gremory's Knights and boyfriend that keep poking each other's stomach behind that door! How about you come out for a fight like normal people! "

Kiba opened the door, revealing their position. "Hmph... We can't run away from a challenge now can we? I am a knight after! " Kiba replied and walked towards her, holding his sword in his left hand. Issei looked at Kalarmine(pronounce: Car-la-mean for those who were confused)

Karlamine is a young woman with light brown hair and green eyes. Her outfit consists of a full set of silver armor with black accents that appears to be a cross between a European Knight (chest plate, gauntlets and greaves) and a Japanese Samurai (hip plates and shoulder guards), and wears a headband that goes across her hair and forehead.

She is equipped with a broadsword and a dagger, both of which are held with brown belts slung across her hip. The broadsword is slung on her left hip, and features a red jewel on the pommel and has bandages across the handle for grip.

The dagger, which is located behind her hip, features a gold hilt with bandages on the handle.

"I am the Knight, Yuuto Kiba!" Kiba introduced himself.

"I am the human, Hyoudou Issei." Issei introduced himself nonchalantly.

"Heh! I like idiots like you! To come directly to the front without hesitation. I'm glad warriors like you exist. " Karlamine commented.

" Look who's talking. " Issei grumbled. Kiba chuckled.

"Even I have been waiting for a battle between Knights. It isn't normal, crossing swords is is like fate itself." Kiba unsheathed his black colored sword and pointed it at Karlamine.

" Ha! Well said, Rias Gremory's Knight!" Karlamine replied and unsheathed her own broadsword.

"Why did you say 'crossing swords'? That's so gay." Issei muttered but he was ignored unintentionally by Kiba as he rushed towards Karlamine who did the same to him.

They clashed their blades and started swordfighting.

"Good luck, I guess. Now what should I do." Issei whispered to himself.

" You seem to be free. "

" Seriously, she's too unrefined. Her head is filled with nothing but swords. "

" Well if you two don't shut up I'll fill you up with something else. " Issei replied as he turned to face two beautiful girls.

He looked at a voluptuous woman with short, light brown hair and grey eyes. Her hair has three red highlights across, and wears a plain white mask which covers the right side of her face. Her outfit consists of a black jacket and matching jeans.

The jacket has wide shoulders and a wide collar, and features three leather straps on both her arms. It is also slightly open, revealing her rather-large breasts and cleavage, and it is cut off at her midriff.

Her jeans have a section (on her right pant leg) cut off, revealing some of her thighs and rear end, and also features three leather straps on her calves, just below the ankles, and two extra straps on her right pant leg to keep it in place. She also wears black fighting gloves and boots to enhance her blows.

Her name is Isabela and she is one of Riser's Rooks. Issei then looked at the other girl that was standing behind her.

He was looking at a beautiful young girl with dark blue eyes. She has long blonde hair tied into twin tails with large, drill-like curls and blue ribbons keeping them in place.

The front of her hair has several bangs hanging over her forehead, with a V-shaped fringe hanging over the bridge of her nose.

Her body measurements are [B85-W59-H84 cm] (B33-W23-H33 in); height is 153 cm (5 feet 0 inches) and body weight is [47 kg].

Her outfit consisted of a light purple dress with dark purple accents and a blue bow at the front.

At the back, three feather-like extensions mimicking a bird's tail protrude from the dress, which, when combined with her wings of fire, give her a bird-like appearance.

Her name is Ravel Phenex. She is the only daughter and the youngest child of Lord Phenex and Lady Phenex. She is Riser's Bishop.

"The rook and the bishop huh? This'll be easy work." Issei whispered.

" Isabela. I won't be fighting. Would you mind teaching this human a lesson? " Ravel asked Isabela.

" As she said, she'll just be observing. So I'll be your opponent. " Isabela pointed to herself. Issei raised an eyebrow at this.

" Who does she think she is? " Issei asked.

" That girl is special. Ravel Phenex, she is Riser-sama's little sister. " Isabela replied. Issei blinked at her revelation.

"Your brother's an abusing manipulative bastard. You must be like him too." Issei insulted. Ravel gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly.

"I am not like that bastard! I don't even have a peerage! Deal with him quickly, Isabela!" Ravel shouted back.

" Man, what is with princesses being brats? " Issei grumbled and rubbed his forehead. He dodged a punch sent by Isabela and countered by appearing behind her and using Rankyaku.

He sent a small blade of wind and it sliced open her back. Isabela screamed in pain. Issei then used Tobu Shigan, sending a sharp compressed air shockwave from his right index finger.

The shockwave slammed into Isabela's back again and sent her flying. Isabela crashed into a wall face first, cratering it a little. She disappeared into thin air.

"Riser-sama's Rook has been retired!!"

After Grayfia's declaration, Issei looked at Ravel who took a step back when she met his gaze.

"Hey, Human-kun!"

Issei turned around and was met by 4 girls. Two of them were cat girl twins who wore short skimpy, white sailor uniforms that reveal their abdomen, shoulders, and lower breasts. They also wore short black skirts.

Their names are Ni and Li and they are two of Riser's Pawns.

The third girl was wearing an outfit modeled after a Chinese cheongsam. She also has a giant Zweihänder that is mounted on her back. It features a black blade with silver edges, and has a black hilt with a red handle.

Her name is Siris and she is one of Riser Phenex's Knights.

The last girl is a young girl who most notably is always seen wearing a Kimono with a color pattern of purple, orange and pink with her black hair tied on the opposite side. She has large brown eyes.

Her name is Mihae and is Riser's Bishop.

"Look! Riser-sama's having a one on one fight!" Ni pointed up to the school building. Issei looked to see Riser facing off against Rias.

" Kiba!" Issei shouted and appeared beside him. Kiba looked at him.

"Dragon Booster!"

After Ddraig's chant, the Boosted Gear was summoned and covered Issei's left arm.

"Let's do that thing we talked about!" Issei told the Knight. Kiba nodded. Issei put his hand on Kiba's shoulder.

" Sword Birth!!!" Kiba declared.

" Transfer!!! "

Kiba stabbed his blade through the ground. Suddenly, a field of swords emerged from the ground and stabbed through all of the girls except for Ravel because she reacted fast enough and dodged the attack with her wings.

The girls except Ravel disappeared into thin air. Issei smirked.

"Riser-sama's 2 pawns, 2 knights and 1 Bishop retired!!!!"

Kiba and Issei fist bumped each other as a celebration. "Nice work Kiba." Issei complimented. Kiba nodded.

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten this good at using my Sacred Gear." Kiba replied. Issei blushed and puffed out his chest proudly.

"Why thank you, Kiba." Issei grinned at him.

"Riser-sama's Queen has been retired!!"

Issei widened his eyes. Koneko and Akeno had done it. He smirked and tapped his earpiece.

Meanwhile with Rias, she was holding her own while Asia was standing far behind her, ready to heal her King.

'How much Destruction Bullets do I need to fire before he goes insane?' Rias thought while getting ready to use her attacks even more.

"Hey Rias, you and Asia should retreat and regroup with the others. Riser's my target remember?

To be continued...