
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

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"Issei-san, everyone! Good luck!" Asia wished them through the earpiece. Issei smiled.

"Good luck to you too, angel." Issei muttered. He, Koneko and Kiba rushed towards the gym. They arrived within 15 seconds. Their respective enhancement magic and Senjutsu does wonders to their speed. For Issei it was just pure speed.

"I'll wait up ahead!" Kiba told Issei. Issei nodded and Kiba ran off on his own. Issei and Koneko then entered the gym silently through the back door.

"Four enemies." Koneko whispered as they headed up the stage that was in the gym. Issei used Sensory and nodded.

There were indeed four enemies. Two of them he recognized. They were Ile and Nel's energy signatures.

"We know you're there! Servants of Gremory!"

Issei heard a girl shout out. They were revealed. Issei stepped out. "They're good at this aren't they Koneko-chan. A shame we didn't hide our presence with Senjutsu! " Issei told Koneko.

The girls from Riser's peerage widened their eyes in fear. "It's the guy who threatened Riser-sama!"

Issei looked at a young girl with blue hair and light brown eyes. Her hair is styled with six short ponytails, with four of the six. The front of her hair features split bangs going across her forehead, with side bangs framing her face.

Her outfit consists of a white haori with a red obi, which is worn under a red happi coat. She wears bandages on her forearms and shins, and wears black guards over her hands. For footwear, she wears a pair of zōri.

Her name is Mira and she's one of Riser's Pawns.

"We'll make quick work out of all of you." Issei declared and looked at Koneko.

"You deal with Chun LI and the staff girl over there. I'll deal with the chainsaw girls." Issei told her. Koneko nodded. She rushed towards Mira who raised her staff to defend herself.

Mira swung her staff at Koneko.

Koneko grabbed the wooden staff and broke it in half easily. Koneko threw the broken half away and continued her assault.

She punched Mira in the gut and the solar plexus. Mira staggered back for a few steps. Her punches were so fast, Mira didn't even feel the pain until a few seconds later.

Suddenly, her eyes rolled back. She dropped onto her knees and landed on the ground face first. She immediately disappeared into thin air.

"Riser-sama's pawn has been retired!!!" Everyone heard Grayfia's declaration all over the battlefield.

"Mira!!" A well-endowed young woman shouted in horror.

She is of Chinese descent with shoulder-length black hair and blue-green eyes. Her hair has two Chinese-style buns on both sides of her head, while the front features bangs that form a slight V-shape across her forehead.

Her outfit consists of a navy blue qipao with gold accents, a white sash around her stomach, and black, low-heeled shoes. The qipao is open at the chest area, giving view to Xuelan's breasts and cleavage.

She also wears black arm guards over her forearms. She does not wear any undergarments. Her name is Xuelan and she is one of Riser's Rooks.

"What did you do to her!" Xuelan shouted at Koneko. Koneko looked at her.

" I just gave her a taste of what Senjutsu feels like. And now it's your turn. " Koneko answered bluntly. Xuelan gritted her teeth and raised her fists.

She dashed towards Koneko. Fire appeared on her feet. Xuelan started kicking Koneko. Her fighting style is pure kicking based with some fire punches added in it.

Koneko had her figured out. She dodged Xuelan's attempt to kick her jaw and rushed forward.

Xuelan attempt to kick her on the side. Koneko grabbed the foot, ignoring the burning sensation when she held her foot tightly.


Xuelan gasped for air as Koneko punched her solar plexus.


She was then punched in the face by her. She staggered back and stood there for a while. She then dropped to the ground and then disappeared into thin air.

"Riser-sama's Rook has been retired!!"

Issei smirked as he looked at Ile and Nel who were gritting their teeth.

"You may be defeating us! But you will never be a match for Riser-sama!" Ile shouted. Nel nodded.

" Yeah! With his immortality! You can't even hurt him! " Nel added. They took out their respective chainsaws from the duffel bag they were each carrying.

They turned it on and charged towards Issei. Issei just stood there, smiling at them. The twins swung down their chainsaws.

Issei grabbed it and squeezed it, breaking it into pieces. The broken chainsaws dropped to the ground.

Ile and Nel backed up while looking at him with a horrified face. Issei appeared behind them and knocked them out by hitting their necks with the side of his hands.

He grabbed them as they were falling and laid them on the ground gently. He then noticed something on their hands.

'Are those scars?' Issei thought while narrowing his eyes at the scars, suspicion was clear in his gaze. He couldn't examine them even more though as the twins disappeared to thin air.

"Riser-sama's 2 pawns have been retired!!!"

" Koneko, let's get out of here. Akeno is gonna destroy it." Issei called the Nekoshou. Koneko nodded and they ran out of the gym quickly.

'The gym is an important capture point. In chess, they'd call it the center. So the enemy should be aiming for this place too. So that's why we told Akeno to destroy it.' Issei thought as they stood far away from the perimeter of the gym.

"Take this, stupid gym building." Akeno muttered menacingly as she floated in the air with her Fallen Angel wings sprouted from her back. Three lightning bolts descended from the skies and crashed through the gym building.


The building was absolutely decimated. Rubble flew everywhere. Issei stood in front of Koneko just in case some of the debris flew towards him.

After the destruction was over, Koneko looked at Issei. "I assign you to human shield duty from now on, Issei." Koneko teased. Issei looked at her and smiled.

"If you keep saying my name, then maybe I would." Issei teased back. Koneko huffed and blushed a little.

"Phase one complete, Rias. No losses on our side so far." Issei tapped his earpiece and reported to the crimson haired beauty.

" Good job everyone, just follow the plan we talked about and everything will be fine. " Rias replied. Issei nodded.

" Let's go Koneko—" Issei widened his eyes as he sensed an attack heading towards her way. He kicked Koneko away immediately and took the brunt of the attack.


Koneko tumbled on the ground and grunted. She looked at the explosion occuring in front of her and widened his eyes in horror.

"Issei!!" Koneko screamed, fearing for the worst. Grayfia's announcement never came. The smoke cleared, revealing Issei who was coughing a little.

"This attack won't do shit but this smoke is gonna kill me if I breathe it in. " Issei grumbled. He had used Tekkai to block the attack. He then looked at Koneko who had a surprised look on her face.

" Issei! Are you alright?!" Koneko asked as she checked over him. Issei smiled.

"I'm fine, Koneko-chan. Don't worry about me." Issei whispered back and looked at the person who attacked him.

He was looking at a voluptuous woman with long, wavy purple hair that falls all the way down her back and matching eyes.

At the front, the right side of her hair falls over her breast and covers her right eye, while the left side falls near the top of her skirt.

Her attire is a dress consisting of a navy blue tunic top with gold accents and a pale blue skirt with open sides, black shoes and over matching thigh-high stockings with garter belts.

The top reveals much of her cleavage, and is held with a gold choker with blue and red jewels. Over this, she wears a white overcoat with black and gold accents and matching pauldrons.

For accessories, she wears a black headband with a red-orange jewel over her forehead to keep her long hair in place, and wields a staff-like scepter in battle. For cosmetics, she wears purple lipstick and nail polish, matching her eyes and hair.

Her name is Yubelluna and she is Riser's Queen and the strongest member of his peerage. She is also known as the Bomb Queen.

Issei and Yubelluna stared down each other. No one else was moving. Koneko appeared beside Yubelluna who was floating in the air with her Devil wings.

She tried to punch Yubelluna who dodged her attempt. Yubelluna then looked at Issei and smirked.

Issei widened his eyes as he felt like his movements were restricted. He looked down to see that Yubelluna had casted sealing magic on him to restrict his movements.

Yubelluna smirked at him.

"Let's see how you win this game now, Rias Gremory. Just accept that you will be Riser-sama's wife soon....

To be continued.....