
New Advisor

"He will be the Occult Research Club's Advisor from now on." Sona pointed at Azazel who smirked at them. Issei groaned and palmed his face.

'This is the worst idea ever! They couldn't send someone like Grayfia here?!' Issei complained in his mind. Then he remembered how much work she has and immediately scratched his thoughts.

Azazel quickly made himself comfortable in the club room by sitting where Rias' desk was. Rias' twitched her left eye in annoyance.

"Listen up, you guys are gonna help me deal with these Khaos Brigade idiots. They have some big players in there, so I expect all of you to work yourselves to the ground." Azazel ordered them.

" What did you learn about them?" Rias asked him.

"Vali is working with some of their teams. They won't attack here again though because they'll have a hard time trying with me and you guys always here. You could say both sides are in the preparatory phase at the moment." Azazel replied.

" Vali would definitely not want to, you gave her PTSD when you decided to become the rage monster. " Azazel smirked at Issei. Issei chuckled and shook his head.

" Hey, I almost forgot. Have you been able to use the White Dragon Emperor's power since you absorbed it? " Azazel asked him. Issei raised his right hand and a white gauntlet with blue jewels covered it.

"Heh. Nice." Azazel whispered to himself while grinning. He then looked at Rias and her peerage.

"I've got a lot of things to drill into you guys. You guys compete in Rating Games right? They're anything but simple. Depending how you guys fight, even a pawn could take on a King." Azazel explained. Rias nodded, understanding his point.

" You, how proficient are you with Forbidden Balor View? " Azazel asked Gasper who gulped a little.

" I-I can freeze f-five objects ten meters away from me now." Gasper stuttered out her reply.

"Not good enough, make it twenty objects fifty meters away from you next time. " Azazel replied seriously. Gasper squeaked but she nodded.

"Kid with the Holy Devil Sword. How long can you maintain your Balance Breaker?" Azazel asked Kiba.

" About 23 hours sir. Training with Issei helped a lot with that. " Kiba replied.

" Good but not good enough. Let's work on

getting that up to three days minimum. Alright? " Azazel asked him. Kiba nodded. He then looked at Akeno.

"Hey, do you still have a grudge against your dad Baraqiel? " Azazel asked. Akeno's expression hardened.

" He is not my father and I have no intention of forgiving him. He let my mother die." Akeno replied stoically. Azazel sighed.

" Well, let me just tell you this. You don't know his side of the story. And you should really grow up. Learn how to forgive, Akeno." Azazel advised her. Akeno looked down and stayed silent. Azazel chuckled and looked at Koneko who stood up straight.

"You with the cute kitty ears. How's your Senjutsu and Youjutsu training coming along?" He asked her.

" I haven't started training in Youjutsu yet, but in Senjutsu I'm coming along nicely. " Koneko explained. Azazel nodded.

" Start on that please. I also have a list of ideas that I want you to try out with your Senjutsu and Youjutsu. Also, what will you do when you meet your sister?" Azazel asked her another question.

" I want answers from her. I have my suspicions but I want to ask her to see if it's true or not." Koneko answered. Azazel nodded.

"At least one of you is mature with their family problems." Azazel whispered to himself. Koneko heard it but kept silent. He looked at Asia and smiled gently at her.

"Nun girl, how far have you come with Twilight Healing, hmm?" Azazel asked her.

" It's coming along nicely. I can do this now. " Asia held out her hand and formed a bow with her aura.

"It can shoot out healing arrows. I haven't tried it out on the enemy though." Asia muttered.

"Please don't. But nevertheless well done. But I believe that you can do better. Maybe one day you'll be able to heal amputated limbs with Twilight Healing. That should give you something to work with." Azazel complimented her. Asia blushed happily and smiled warmly.

"And now, Sirzechs' darling little sister. Rias Gremory. How proficient are you with your Power Of Destruction?" Azazel asked her. Rias summoned multiple swords that floated behind her back, all pointing to him.

"With one swipe of my finger, I can send out projectiles from these blades that can destroy my enemies. I've also created this. " Rias held out her hand and opened her palm.

A black fireball appeared floating on her palm.

"I call it the Flames Of Destruction. It burned for 7 days and 7 nights before it extinguished itself. It's pretty taxing on my reserves though, I had to spend three weeks figuring all of this out." Rias quickly made it disappear. Even that made her tired a little. Azazel hummed.

" Work on that. I have a few training exercises that would help you out with your problem with the technique. " Azazel grunted and stood up.

" Well, you guys have a lot of work to do. Don't worry, I'm here to help. So let's get on with it! Let's go to the training grounds now!!"



" I'm gonna need an even bigger bed now. King size ain't doing shit with how many want to sleep with me at the same time. " Issei chuckled while looking at the girls talking and having fun with each other.

He then went down to the basement.He switched on the lights and looked at the person tied up in front of him.

It was Katerea and she was still unconscious. It has only been a day since the terrorist attack on Kuoh Academy after all.

Issei slapped Katerea, she groaned and opened her eyes. She looked around immediately.

She looked at her predicament and immediately tried to escape. "It's no use, Katerea. You can't escape, not with me here." Issei took out a black foldable chair and unfolded it. He sat down on it and looked at her with an amused smile.

"You bastard! Let me go!!" Katerea shouted angrily at him. Issei chuckled and looked into her eyes.

" Katerea, I have an offer for you. Be my servant and I'll let you go right now... "



" Everyone! Meet the new addition to the Hyoudou Residence! Katerea Leviathan!" Issei introduced her to the girls while looking at Katerea dressed in casual clothing.

Katerea huffed childishly and looked away. 'When I get the chance, I'm running out of this place immediately! ' Katerea decided in her mind. That will never happen because of how good Issei's cooking is and how good the living conditions are in his house.

"Everyone, please take care of her and treat her as your new sister of sorts. I know you may be reluctant with what she previously did, but you guys have no choice in this matter. She's staying here forever, right Katerea? " Issei looked at her with a small smile on his face. Katerea gulped.

" R-right...

To be continued.....

(Jjk or Naruto?)

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