
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Gremory vs Bael Pt. 2

"Who's going to face him?" Kiba whispered. Xenovia patted her chest.

"I'll do it. You have some rest and gather yourself." Xenovia patted his shoulder and walked towards her opponent. She studied her opponents features.

Sairaorg's Knight has the appearance of a handsome young man with brown hair and green eyes. In battle, he wears medieval armor whilst riding upon Altobrau, his horse who emits blue-white flames, which gives him the appearance of a medieval Knight.

His name is Beluga Furcas and he is Sairaorg's Knight from the House of Furcas, a family that tames horses and one of the remaining families of the 72 Pillars.

Altobrau is a pale horse, a high ranking horse monster that lives in the deepest part of the Underworld, Cocytus. The horse is wrapped in blue-white flames. Legend has it that famous devils and grim reapers ride it.

It is said to be a horse that brings death and destruction, having a violent nature that makes it difficult to ride and it will kick and kill any of those it doesn't like, including its master.

"I am Rias Buchou's Knight, Xenovia Quarta. Nice to meet you. "

" I am one of the Knights that serve our master Sairaorg-sama, Beluga Furcas!" Furcas pointed his circular shaped lance up high.

"I have luck being a swordsman because I was given the opportunity to exchange swords with the infamous Wielder of Durandal, by my master. "

" I too look forward to this duel. " Xenovia responded seriously. She respected her opponent's honor very much. Furcas was already in a battle stance.

"My favorite horse, Altobrau's legs are godspeed, Xenovia-dono. I wish for a serious fight with you. " He requested.

" Then you will get one. " Xenovia unsheathed Durandal. She hasn't revealed her Ex-Durandal just yet. This was just a layer covering Ex-Durandal beneath it.

They both charged at each other. Xenovia was surprised at Altobrau's speed, it was like a blur approaching her.

She narrowed her eyes and increased her own speed. They met in the middle of the arena and started clashing with each other.

Furcas and Altobrau were going toe to toe with Xenovia who was deflecting and counter attacking them. But they would always dodge it.

Kiba was observing the fight carefully. He was thankful that no one knew anything about Xenovia's Ex-Durandal or else this would be a whole different battle.

Furcas was suspicious, from the reports, his opponent should be miles faster than her current speed.

'Is she looking down on me? ' He thought and narrowed his eyes. He charged towards Xenovia again while doing a battle cry. Xenovia widened her eyes a little as she felt him using more of his power.

She went faster and faster as she started counter attacking him. She managed to land some small hits on Furcas's and Altobrau's armor, it did nothing but nick.

Furcas was even more suspicious now. Her Durandal should be able to destroy his armor so why isn't she using it? Furcas became angrier as he thought she was looking down on him.

'I'll show you that I'm a worthy opponent for you!! ' He screamed in his mind. Xenovia hummed as Furcas started attacking her from all sides.

Xenovia was on the defensive. She looked at Kiba who nodded his head. Xenovia smirked as her plan had worked.

For such an honorable man like Furcas, her holding back against him is severely disrespecting it which got him angry and careless.

Xenovia deflected a strike from his lance amd jumped back. "You're pretty good, Beluga Furcas. But unfortunately for you, this is as far as you will go in this duel. " Xenovia declared before stabbed Durandal to the ground.

She grabbed the weights on her elbows and shins. She raised it up high and threw it away effortlessly.


The weights created a giant explosion and a humongous crater. Furcas widened his eyes in horror and the crowd watching gasped.

"Woah....." Gabriel muttered while watching from the VIP booth. Michael who was beside her hummed.

"It seems that Xenovia-san is wearing these weights to limit her speed greatly and improve it. I wonder how fast she is now? "

Xenovia grabbed Durandal and a violent orange aura covered her body. She disappeared in a blur. It's like she teleported for the spectators.

Xenovia appeared behind Furcas. She spun Durandal around for a few seconds before looking back at him.


Everyone gasped as Altobrau's armor was completely shattered into millions of pieces. Xenovia wasted no time and slashed her blade horizontally twice, sending to bright orange blades at Furcas.

Furcas barely managed to dodge them both. One of the blades managed to cut him in his side, destroying the armor in that part and creating a large slash wound.

Furcas growled as he created many duplicates of himself and his horse which had the same abilities as he does.

"Tch..." Xenovia snorted in annoyance. She disappeared and suddenly, all of his duplicates were cut in half. Furcas saw a blur approaching him.

He barely even registered what was happening before multiple large cut wounds suddenly appeared on him and Altobrau.

Altobrau neighed painfully and dropped to the ground and so did Furcas. Both of them were slowly engulfed by a light and disappeared.

"One of Sairaorg's Knights has been retired!!!"

The crowd cheered loudly at the announcer's declaration, they started chanting Xenovia's name over and over.

Kiba and Xenovia fist bumped each other and smirked. They were clearly in the lead. But they still have to keep going to truly succeed.

Eventually the timer only had ten seconds left. The crowd started counting down loudly again.

"10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!!!!!!"

" Time's up again!!! Will the next additional fighters of each group come out please!! "

The crowd cheered as a magic circle appeared in front of Kiba and Xenovia. Asia emerged from it.

Kiba and Xenovia smiled at her. Asia smiled back. On Sairaorg's side, a woman emerged from it.

An attractive and curvy young woman with long, wavy blonde hair and red eyes. She wears a red business suit with purple accents, and purple underwear underneath it.

Her name is Coriana Andrealphus and she is Sairaorg's Bishop from the House of Andrealphus, one of the active families from the 72 Pillars, which held the rank of Marquis.

"Don't worry guys, please rest, I'll deal with her." Asia told them confidently. Kiba and Xenovia nodded.

Asia went up to Coriana. They stared at each other silently. Coriana started the battle by creating multiple ice spears and sending them flying towards Asia.

Asia stretched out her hands and created a wave of flames that melted the ice spears. She continued her attack by creating two fireballs in each of her hands and throwing it towards Coriana.

Coriana created an ice wall to blocked it. The four fireballs broke and melted the wall. But it bought enough time for Coriana to jump away.

Asia chased her by firing more fireballs. This was a fight of pure magic. But Asia was about to break it.

She removed her own weights put on jer elbows and shins. She gently put them down on the ground.

She looked at Coriana as a fiery aura gently covered her. Suddenly, fire completely engulfed Asia's body. Asia called this 'Fire Mode'. It's like Yamamoto's Bankai where he has those flames covering him.

She blasted towards Coriana who was baffled at her newfound speed. She choked and spat out saliva as she was clotheslined by Asia.

Coriana blasted back as Asia zoomed towards her. Asia was flying using the flames that we engulfing her body.

Coriana fought back by creating multiple giant ice dragons and sending them towards Asia.Asia narrowed her eyes and pulled back her right fist. Her hand started glowing orange.

"Haaaaa!!!!!" Asia shouted out as she punched the dragon. Sending a massive wave of flames towards the ice dragons. The dragons were completely engulfed by the intense wave of flames.

'What?! But Sairaorg-sama said she only specializes in healing—


Coriana widened her eyes as she was punched in the solar plexus by Asia's flaming fist.

The Bishop of Sairaorg's peerage dropped down on the ground and laid on it seconds later. She slowly disappeared into a bright light, retiring from the Rating Game.

"One of Sairaorg's Bishops has been retired!!!"

The crowd cheered and squealed as Asia happily waved at them. She was embarrassed by the attention she was getting but she was happy about it too.

Shs looked at Issei who was standing in the VIP booth. She saw that he was smirking proudly at her.

Asia smiled warmly at him. "Thank you for helping me get stronger Issei. I love you so much.....

To be continued.....