
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Gremory vs Bael Pt. 1

Kiba tidied up his collar as he looked at Rias and nodded. It was decided that he would be the first to fight the opponent.

"Don't lose from the start, Kiba." Xenovia teased and they fist bumped each other. Kiba chuckled.

"I won't. No matter if he's a devil that is worth 7 pawn pieces, I would win for the team." Kiba replied with a determined expression. Xenovia smirked at his reply. Rias patted Kiba's back.

"Good luck then. Be cautious and fight smart, you hear?"

"Yes ma'am. I'll make you proud. "

Kiba smiled and nodded at her.

" The five minutes are about to be over. Would the combatants participating in the match please make their way to the transport magic-circle? "

Kiba sighed and put on an earpiece in his left ear. He stepped on the magic circle. He looked at his comrades and nodded. That instant, the magic circle glowed and he instantly disappeared.

He appeared in an arena. Instantly, the crowd cheered at him. The fan girls were screaming wildly at him. Kiba just smiled and waved at them.

His opponent appeared far away from him. He has the appearance of a young boy with spiky dark orange hair. He was wearing a mask so Kiba couldn't see more.

He was Sairaorg's secret pawn, Regulus. He is also the spirit residing in the Longinus, Regulus Nemea.

"Oooo! The combatants for the first match have appeared! The ones chosen from both sides are, the young noble man of god speed from the Gremory Group, Yuuto Kiba! And from the Bael Group... "

" I am Regulus! I am the Pawn who serve my master Sairaorg-sama!!" Regulus introduced himself. Kiba hummed softly.

'Sounds familiar. Is there a correlation between him and Sairaorg's Regulus Nemea?'

"The fight, starts now!!!!"

Instantly, the crowd cheered loudly at the declaration. Kiba and Regulus walked in circles while staring at each other intensely.

"I know everything about you, Yuuto Kiba. You're going to use your Intangible sword thingy and surprise me right?" Regulus asked him.

" Yes. " Kiba answered bluntly, too blunt for Regulus' liking. He didn't even have a sword out yet which bothered Regulus.

The 10 minute timer was slowly counting down second to second. Regulus was getting ticked off. He realized Kiba's plan was to waste time.

"Haa!!" Regulus screamed and charged towards Kiba with a battle cry. Kiba stood there calmly.

Before Regulus threw a punch at him, Kiba summoned The Intangible. Regulus' punch phased through Kiba. Regulus staggered forward a little at his accidental mistake.

Kiba appeared behind him while holding a new sword.

It was a normal looking one handed sword but it had the capital letter B as its guard. Kiba called it The Bomber, you'll know why very soon.

Kiba stabbed it into Regulus' back. Suddenly, another replica of The Bomber appeared back on his hand. Kiba stabbed it into another part of Regulus' back, eliciting a grunt from his opponent.

Two more replicas of The Bomber were used and all of that was done in a few seconds. Kiba jumped back and summoned another replica of it. He tapped the tip onto the ground.


The swords stabbed to Regulus' back glowed and blown up. The Bomber was able to create replicas of itself and explode with Kiba's command.

The cloud of grey smoke was cleared, revealing Regulus without the mask. Kiba saw that he had golden eyes and facial markings. The mask he once wore was on the ground and in pieces now.

"Damn. It stings." Regulus muttered while dusting his clothes off. He had burnt marks all over his clothes and body. The stab wounds on his back were still there.

Kiba didn't give Regulus a chance to rest. He held out his hand and summoned Gram. Gram had chosen him now and he was thankful.

After that, Kiba worked tirelessly to master it's extremely powerful abilities. Kiba found it difficult wielding Gram at first, having his stamina, demonic power, and his other departments drained from swinging it once.

But due to hard work and persistence, the drawbacks were nonexistent now.

Kiba summoned Dáinsleif, the sword that he also took from Siegfried. He stabbed it to the ground, creating multiple giant ice pillars that intended to impale Regulus.

Regulus was forced to dodge it. The emerging speed of the pillars were so fast it bought no time for him to think and counterattack.

Suddenly Regulus spat out blood as he was slashed by a red color destructive aura from behind. Regulus slammed into the ground, cratering it.

During all of the chaos, Kiba had gave Dáinsleif to a clone of himself he created using Clone Sword. Kiba had snuck up behind Regulus and the rest is history.

Regulus growled as he stood up.

"You're good, very good. But I'm not worth seven pawn pieces for nothing." Regulus commented as a royal golden aura surrounded him.

"Watch." Regulus grinned at him as he slumped down. Kiba narrowed his eyes and assumed a combat stance. He put Dáinsleif away and summoned his The Teleport.

He stabbed it to the ground, creating a massive blue dome that surrounded the battle arena. Kiba then summoned his Fragrant Olive Sword and kept it hidden by hiding it behind him.

Regulus was transforming. The transformation looked disgusting. A giant golden mane sprouted out of his back as Regulus put his hands on the ground.

He started transforming into a gold lion. But it wasn't any lion, it was the Nemean Lion. Regulus is about four to five meters tall after he finished transforming and has a jewel on his forehead.

"ROOOOAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!" Regulus in his Nemean Lion form roared majestically. The crowd cheered loudly.

Kiba teleported and appeared above Regulus. His revealed his Fragrant Olive Sword and it split into thousands of golden flakes of flower petals, each measuring less than a centimeter long.

At high speeds, the petals slammed Regulus into the ground and started cutting him up. Hundreds of cut wounds started appearing on his golden body and it was getting bigger and bigger.

Kiba stared at Regulus who was struggling to get up from all of the pain he was feeling. He felt kinda bad for doing this to a kid, but he quickly closed that feeling off. He had a dream to fight for, hesitation in situations like this would only bring consequences.

Using the Clone Sword on his left hand, Kiba summoned a clone that had a normal looking double handed sword in his hands.

Kiba called this The Immovable. When stabbed to the ground, it would create a large square field which would bind the enemy.

Clone Kiba stabbed the sword in front of Regulus. Instantly, Regulus froze in pace. The Nemean Lion could still feel everything, but he couldn't move an inch. Kiba pointed the grip of the Fragrant Olive Sword at the frozen Regulus.

"Bloom, my flowers.... "

All of the sudden, all of the golden flakes of flower petals flew up to the air. It created a beautiful giant four petaled flower with a golden stigma in the middle.

"Burst Element."

Suddenly, the stigma of the four-petaled flower turned red and a large dark red line spread throughout each of the petals. It starts charging up a large yellow ball.


The ball fired a beam that completely engulfed the helpless Regulus. Regulus closed his eyes as he was about to be decimated by the beam.

There was a bright light that hung around for approximately ten seconds afterwards. After the light disappeared, everyone saw a giant crater where Regulus was on the ground.

Kiba landed on the ground and smiled a little. The crowd slowly started cheering and clapping their hands at him. The fan girls cheered the loudest which made Kiba blush a little.

"Sairaorg's Pawn has been retired!!!"

Kiba sighed. Now he just has to wait until the timer ends. And he didn't had to wait for long. The crowd started counting down loudly as the timer only had ten seconds left on it.

"10!!! 9!!! 8!!! 7!!! 6!!! 5!!! 4!!! 3!!! 2!!! 1!!!!!!!"

" Time is up!!! One more additional fighter will be added for each team!! "

The crowd cheered as two more magic circles appeared on the right and left side of the arena.

Xenovia arrived beside Kiba from her magic circle. They fist bumped each other.

"Nice job, Kiba. Now let's deal with this guy together.....

To be continued...