
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs


Issei slowly raised his hands up. He slowly walked away. "Who are you?" Issei asked the woman.

"I'm the one you're trying to overcome." The woman replied sternly.

"God?" Issei guessed.

" Precisely. "

Issei breathed out calmly. "Alright, I'm gonna turn around now." Issei warned her and slowly turned around.

"Alright, so mind telling me—The fuck..." Issei stopped his sentence immediately as he saw the woman standing in front of him. She was the prettiest looking girl he had ever seen in his life. [Pic]

"Hey Devil, stop ogling at me or I'll destroy your soul this instant." God threatened him with a stern glare. Issei wiped away the drool off his face.

"Sorry about that. Um.... Can I get your name?" Issei asked her. God huffed a bit.

"I'm God. But if you want the name Michael, Gabriel and the others call me, it's Elohim. " Elohim introduced herself. Issei nodded.

" Hello Elohim. I'm Issei Hyoudou, a devil-dragon-hybrid. A pleasure to meet you." Issei held out his right hand at her. Elohim shook his hand hesitantly.

" Where am I exactly?" Issei asked her.

"You're seeing a replica of the Garden Of Eden. You're in your inner world, the True Longinus' inner world to be exact." She explained.

" Cool, cool. " Issei whispered. He could not take his eyes off of her. She was the perfect girl. Her curves, her bosom, her face, everything was perfect about her.

"Ahem. Do you have anything else to say, Issei Hyoudou?" Elohim crossed her arms and asked him. Issei gulped nervously. This was the first time he truly felt nervous talking to a girl in a long time.

"Um.... You look very beautiful?" Issei grinned sheepishly at her. Elohim rolled her eyes and smiled a little.

"Thank you. But I really shouldn't be taking compliments, especially from a devil. It does unexplainable things to my heart. " Iris clutched her chest gently.

" Hm..... Hey Elohim. " Issei called her.

" Hmm??" She looked at him curiously. Issei stretched out his hand again.

" Do you wanna escape this place and see the outside world?"



A few hours later....

" Um, Issei. Why did you have me create an artificial body again? " Azazel asked Issei as they were standing in front of a body that had no face, no genitals, no nothing. But it was clothed in an elegant white tunic dress.

"Just trust me in this one, Azazel." Issei replied and summoned True Longinus. Azazel winced a little as he felt the light being emanated from it.

'How does Issei even tolerate that shit?' Azazel grumbled in his mind. Issei tapped the tip of the holy spear's blade at the solar plexus of the artificial body.

The body suddenly had golden veins appearing on it and started glowing brightly. Azazel looked away as he didn't want to be blinded by the pure golden glow. Issei was doing just fine as the glow brightened up.

The glow then slowly died down. Azazel rubbed his eyes and he suddenly froze in his place.

"No fucking way....." Azazel muttered in disbelief as he sensed an extremely familiar presence coming from the artificial body. He hasn't felt this presence in a minute.

"No you did not...." Azazel looked at Issei in disbelief who only smirked back and didn't say anything else.

"Believe it, motherfucker. This is for selling me out." Issei replied. Azazel felt suffocated as the presence intensified. Iseei felt it too but he wasn't affected in the slightest.

The artificial body which had changed drastically slowly sat up. Azazel stepped back as he got the full image of who it was.

It was Elohim and she took the stunning form she took when she was in the replica of the Garden Of Eden.

She took her first step in the outside world. Iseei held out his hand and she grabbed it. She stepped on the cold hard great and sighed as she felt the cold washing over the soles of her feet.

Elohim looked at Azazel who flinched under her stern gaze. "Aza-boy? You're still alive?" She asked him with a surprised glint in her eyes.

"Tch! Of course I am, Mother. The Fallen Angels would be nothing without me as their leader." Azazel grumbled.

"Arrogant as always. You should've fallen sooner with that attitude." Elohim looked at Issei.

"Thank you, Issei Hyoudou for giving me another chance to live again. Although you are a devil, I suppose a 'thank you ' is in order." Elohim bowed at him gratefully.

" Though I must ask, why are you two not at each other's throats?" Elohim asked as she looked back and forth between Azazel and Issei. Azazel sighed and looked at Issei.

" You need to sit down for this, Mother. There's a lot you need to catch up on. "



" A triple alliance? Rating Games? Brave Saint System? Peerage? Aza-boy, I think you need to run it back again. " Elohim scratched her head with a confused expression on her. Azazel sighed as he rubbed the words and pictures he written and drew on the whiteboard.

Issei was still staring at Elohim while leaning against his left hand. His can't seem to take his eyes off of her. Elohim knew it and she was a little embarrassed. She knew she was good looking, but to attract a devil who is a man to this extent is surprising for her.

Issei tilted his head to dodge the marker pen thrown at him by Azazel. "Oi, take your eyes off of her. It's creepy as fuck." Azazel scolded. Issei looked at him.

"If you were in my place you would be staring at her like a creep too." Issei rebutted his argument. Azazel groaned.

"Do you fall in love with every pretty girl you see?" Azazel asked him. Issei shrugged.

" Maybe. Maybe not. Just get on with your explanation, Aza-boy. " Issei grumbled. Azazel's left eye twitched in annoyance.

" What did you just call me, kid? " Azazel asked him.

" I just called you Aza-boy. You got a problem with that?" Issei asked him.

" Yes I do, Issei. And if Mother wasn't here I would've socked you in the face." Azazel grumbled.

"And you will fail." Issei taunted. Azazel seriously wanted to leap towards him and punch the shit out of him.

"Aza-boy, you mentioned that there are Sacred Gear users now. Is he one of them?" Elohim asked while pointing at Issei. Azazel nodded.

" Yes, he is the wielder of the Longinus, Boosted Gear which has Ddraig's soul sealed in it. He is the strongest one ever, and dare I say, no other future Boosted Gear user will be able to match him anytime soon. " Azazel replied.

" So that's who I sensed in him. But why do I sense Albion's signature in him?" Elohim asked another question. Azazel and Issei looked at each other.

"Oh boy..."



"You fought and survived Great Red, killed Kokabiel and Loki all by yourself? Is there something wrong with Boosted Gear users' heads or something, Aza-boy? " Elohim asked out loud. Azazel laughed.

" No Mother, he isn't insane at all. He just loves fighting. The White Dragon Emperor, Vali Lucifer is also a fighting maniac like him."

" Lucifer? So his lineage continues? "

"She's half devil half human, hence why she's able to inherit a Sacred Gear. They've taken quite a liking to each other despite being eternal rivals." Azazel smirked at Issei.

" Don't listen to him, Elohim. We've done nothing romantic just yet."

"It's the yet that counts."

"Fuck you."

"So Aza-boy, who're the leaders of the Devils now? And after you're done explaining, can you let me meet them? "

Azazel hummed and scratched his chin. He shrugged. "Sure, why not? Let's get this done quickly then...

To be continued...