
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Fighting Against Infinity

Ophis created a powerful blue ball and sent it to the middle of the field. Instantly, the ground started breaking and floating towards the ball.

The ball is generating a strong force of attraction, similar to a powerful magnet. The magnetic force is powerful enough to tear entire buildings apart in moments, in this case it's the ground that's suffering it's effects.

Issei narrowed his eyes as he was being attracted to the ball. He summoned the True Longinus and stabbed it to the ground, halting his movements.

"What the....." Issei cursed as his hands were slowly slipping off the pole of the spear. He looked at Ophis who was looking at him in anticipation.

"Fuck this!!!!" Issei shouted as he gave up resisting. He was instantly blasted towards the ball.


The ball suddenly exploded, everyone saw Issei being blasted back to the wall and crashing into it. Issei coughed a little as he looked at his right hand.

It was severely mauled by the blue attraction ball. Issei had charged up his Hakai attack to disrupt the concentrated attack and he succeeded but at a cost.

Issei closed his eyes as a golden light enveloped his right shoulder. It then extended and created a golden arm. The gold suddenly disappeared and revealed an entirely new arm.

Issei flexed it for a while and smirked. He did a kip up and looked at Ophis whose eyes were wide a little.

"You survived it, congrats. I thought you would be imploded by it." Ophis commented. Issei smirked.

"It's gonna take something more than that to kill me, Ophis." Issei replied and stretched out his left hand, making the True Longinus fly towards him.

He grabbed it and opened his right palm. He summoned the Sword Of Domination and swung it around a little.

He looked at Ophis who still remained idle. He appeared in front of her and slashed his flaming sword downwards. Ophis widened his eyes a little as she felt the sword coming in contact with the space that was protecting her.

Issei noticed her reaction and smirked. 'I need to try something first. ' He thought and the Boosted Gear and Dividing Gear covered his arms. He quickly stabbed the Sword of Domination and placed his right hand on the space.


Nothing happened. Issei hummed and quickly grabbed back his sword. "You can't dividie infinity, Issei. I thought you knew that?" Ophis asked him. Issei smirked broadly at her.

"I know, but I can interrupt it." Black flames burned brightly on the Sword Of Domination and the True Longinus shined brightly.


"Heaven and Hell!!! Hakai!!!!!"

He slashed both of his weapons downwards in an 'X' shaped slash.


Ophis widened her eyes as she looked down at herself. Her small body had a large 'X' shaped slash wound on it. She looked at Issei who smirked at her.

"That's the true Power Of Destruction baby. I got the Bael and Gremory Blood flowing in my veins. There is nothing I can't destroy including, space itself. " Issei boasted proudly.

" You.... wounded me.... You made me bleed... " Ophis muttered. She then had an enraged expression.

" I'll kill you Issei Hyoudou!!!!!! " She pointed at him with an crazed expression.

"Throughout the Dimensions and Earth! I alone am the honored one!! I will retake my domain!!! " Ophis shouted crazily.

'Geez! What's with almost invincible characters and their superiority complex! ' Issei thought loudly in his mind while preparing for an attack that's coming at any moment.

"I call this, Reversed Limitless!! It brings the divergence of infinity into reality, generating the power to repel!" Ophis explained. The technique manifests itself as a small, but extremely bright red orb on the tip of the user's finger, representing the very essence of convergence and divergence brought into reality.

"Cursed Technique Reversal: Red!!!!"

The red orb shined brightly before it was released.


The explosive output is massive, creating a gigantic shockwave that blows everything away without prejudice. Issei was engulfed in that attack.

The smoke quickly cleared with a swipe of Ophis' hand. It revealed Issei who was bleeding profusely. Ophis showed no sympathy and continued on her relentless attack.

"And now for the finale!!! This honored one will show you why infinity is always superior!!! "

This technique brings the concept of motion and reversal into reality. It is born from merging both infinites: Blue and Red, to produce an imaginary mass that rushes forth and erases everything in its path.

"Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue!"

"Cursed Technique Reversal: Red!"

She initiated it by a hand sign that extends the index and pinky fingers outward while leaving the rest folded.


The two orbs in front of Ophis combined, creating a large purple orb. Issei narrowed his eyes and entered Balance Breaker form.

"Now! Witness my power!!!"

She unleashed when the sign switches to a pinching motion using the pointer and thumb while also extending the middle finger.

Rather than the attraction of Blue or the repulsion of Red, Purple is an extraordinarily destructive energy wave of annihilation that rips whatever it hits from existence.

Everything around the ball was being erased. Issei kept boosting nonstop as he charged towards the attack head on.

"Haaa!!!!" Issei shouted as he clashed with the ball. However, he gasped as he was immediately engulfed by it.

The spectators screamed in pure horror as Issei was being engulfed by the all powerful attack.

Ophis stared at her work with a menacing aura around her. "And that is why, I alone am the honored one." She whispered but froze as the smoke cleared.

She stared in shock as Issei was standing up straight with the armor pieces of the scale mail were dropping off him.

The left side of his body was completely destroyed but he was just standing there, menacingly.

His eyes were starting directly into Ophis'. Ophis stepped back a little. "But how, all are erased by this attack." She whispered.

"Guess I'm not all of them. Dragons aren't normal at all, you should know that because you are one....."

Issei closed his eyes, not dropping his weapons on him. He was unconscious, while blood was dripping off his severely wounded body nonstop.

Ophis stared at him with wide eyes. "What would've happened if he came out of this completely unscathed...." She muttered, thinking about all sorts of possibilities that could've happened. She slapped herself with both hands and shouted loudly.

"That would never happen Ophis!!"



Issei opened his eyes and groaned. He was lying on the bed again. He slowly got up and looked all over him.

"Nice job healing me, Asia." He whispered.

"It wasn't her." Issei looked at Ophis who was sitting on a chair beside the bed he was lying on.

"Ophis? How did you heal me?"

"I didn't do anything. Your body healed on its own. I'm here watching over you because I was punished. I'm sorry for beating you up. " Ophis bowed her head a little.

" It's fine. I had a good fight. How are your wounds? "

" Nonexistent. "

" That's nice to hear." Issei grumbled and got out of bed. Ophis stood beside him while staring at him intently.

"They're waiting for you in the living room. I was assigned to watch over you as punishment for beating you up." Ophis explained. Issei sighed and rubbed his head.

"My ear is definitely gonna get pulled out by Rias...

To be continued....