
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs


"So, Shirone nya~. I heard from Azazel that Issei-kun knocked you up in your mating season and got you pregnant~. Is that true nya~?" Kuroka asked her darling sister. They were sitting together on the couches. Koneko looked down. Kuroka frowned, sensing sadness overcoming her sister.

" What's wrong Shirone? Does he not want it? Don't worry nya~! Your cool onee-san will crush his balls into dust!" Kuroka raised her right fist and clenched it tightly in front of Koneko. Koneko shook her head.

"No, it's not that. Azazel extracted the semen out of me. He said that if I get pregnant at this age, I have a high chance of dying while giving birth. The child would have a high risk of dying too. " Koneko explained.

" Oh~. I understand now. Then It's probably for the best. You have thousands of chances when you age up and your body matures." Kuroka patted her sister's back.

"I really wanted it. But if I had to die and the child would grow up without a mother, as you said, it's probably for the best that I don't get pregnant at this moment of my life. " Koneko muttered. Kuroka nodded.

"Right right nya~. Your body is still not fully matured yet. To minimize chances of the child of you dying. You need someone who's a mature Nekoshou, someone like me nya~." Kuroka smiled slyly at her. Koneko widened her eyes at her.

" I'm in my mating season too you know. But I have greater control over the lust that comes with it nya~. If you can't get pregnant yet, then I would do it in your place—Mhmp!"

Kuroka's mouth was shut by Koneko's palm in order to prevent her from saying anything else.

Koneko deadpanned her. "I knew something like that would come. What's with you wanting to mate with him huh?" Koneko asked her.

" Oh Shirone~ You won't understand nya~. To ensure that the Nekoshou species live on, I have to mate with someone~. And Issei is a pretty good mate~ He's strong, he's kind and he's extremely handsome~" Kuroka answered dreamily. She had drool flowing down her mouth just from thinking about him. Koneko sighed and shook her head in disappointment.

" I don't need to know about facts that I already know, sister." She grumbled. Kuroka giggled and hugged her.

" You're so cute, Shirone nya~. I'm glad I get to talk to you again~" Kuroka kissed her on the forehead lovingly. Koneko blushed and huffed.

" Stop doing that, onee-san. I'm too old for kisses on my forehead." She muttered. Kuroka laughed.

" No one's too old for kisses on the forehead. C'mon, just say it. You missed me a lot. " Kuroka smiled at her. Koneko rolled her eyes.

" Why would I miss your crazy ass huh?"

"Because you like my crazy ass nya~!"

"I hate you sometimes."

"And I love you forever, Shirone nya~!"


Suddenly,a giant explosion shook the house and everyone in it. Kuroka and Koneko's senses were tingling.

" It came from the underground training facility!" Koneko shouted and they started running towards the place. When they arrived, Koneko saw that everyone was looking at something.

She looked at what they were looking at and was baffled immediately.

Everyone was witnessing Issei having a fight with Ophis. Issei clutched his gut as he was bleeding at that spot. Kiba wasn't surprised.

"He's fighting against the Ouroboros Dragon, it's impossible to not have injuries. " He muttered.

Issei looked at Ophis who had a blank look on her face. "Is that all, Issei? I thought that being The Hybrid would bring some challenge to me. I guess what I saw when you fought Baka Red and Satan Red was false then. " Ophis taunted while maintaining her blank expression. Issei snorted.

"How cruel. I'm shivering and shitting my pants." Issei replied sarcastically. He suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of her.


[Black Flash: Lvl Max

Temporarily allows the user to operate at 260% of their maximum potential. When using it, the destructive power of the user's strike is equal to a normal hit to the power of 5.]

Ophis widened her eyes as she was sent back flying towards the training Facility's wall. She crashed into it, creating a giant explosion.

Issei quickly wiped away the drool flowing down his face. A bright fiery crimson aura was flowing calmly around him. He still can't get used to the fact that that's the true power of his magic.

He still loved the high he was getting after he used the move once in a fight. He felt omnipotent, like everything was revolving around him.

"Do you think that did anything to me?"

Issei looked at the dust that cleared away, revealing Ophis who was unscathed from his attack.

"What?" Issei whispered in disbelief. Ophis smiled a little.

"Infinity exists everywhere, Issei. I happen to be the one who controls every aspect of it." Ophis explained cryptically. Issei didn't understand and charged forward again.

A crimson aura surrounded his fists. He gritted his teeth tightly and glared at her.



The punches Issei sent out were all blurred to an outsiders eyes. Foe Ophis, she could see it as clear as day. Reminder that Issei hasn't used his Sacred Gears yet.

The punches were hitting a barrier like space in between Ophis. The ground behind her was feeling the effects of his punches. It was getting obliterated the more he punched the space that was protecting Ophis.

Issei stopped and looked down at her. "How are you doing this?" He asked her. Ophis' smile widened a little.

" Simple. I possess the ability called Limitless. This technique brings the concept of 'Infinity' into reality, allowing ne to manipulate and distort space at will. The Infinity is the convergence of an immeasurable series, anything that approaches the infinity slows down and never reaches me. This is because the technique takes the finite amount of space between the two subjects and divides it an infinite amount of times. " Ophis explained while looking at him menacingly.

"In mathematics, no matter how many times someone divides a number it will never be reduced to zero. Instead, they will be left with fractional units so infinitesimal it would become immeasurable to their eye.

The Limitless brings this concept into reality, so anything that attempts to penetrate this infinitely divided space will slow down to the point of appearing to stop completely. " Ophis stretched out her arms.

" It's a fitting ability for a God like me." Ophis declared with a blank face. Issei snorted.

" No it doesn't, it just makes you more of a coward. Hiding behind a space that stops anything from hitting you. That's a coward's technique. " Issei mocked. Ophis narrowed her eyes at his taunting.

" You may be right. But this isn't all Limitless can do." Ophis pulled her fist back and tried to punch him in the gut. Issei raised his hand up and blocked it. He skidded back. He was now ten or so meters away from her.

Ophis pointed her right index and middle finger at him. She had a concentrated expression on.

"Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue....