
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Dio's Little Sister

"Eek! No, I'm scared of the sun!" Gasper hid behind Issei as soon as they exited the Occult Research Club building. Issei had slowly guided Gasper from the basement to the living room of the ORC building with his friends following him with a smile on their faces.

"Why are you scared, Gasper? It has and will not do anything to harm you. You are a Dhampir, right? So you should be totally fine walking under the sun." Issei replied calmly with facts.

" B-but it looks so menacing. It looks like it wants to kill everything. " Gasper stuttered out shakily. Issei hummed softly and looked at the tall trees and beautiful flowers surrounding the building.

"If the big bright sun wants to kill everything, then why are all these plants flourishing and standing tall, hmm? And why are we not burned to a crisp?" Issei asked her. Gasper didn't know what to say.

"The sun does kill, but it gives life too. So don't be scared. You'll be fine. We're here to protect you. Right guys? " Issei looked at his friends who smiled and nodded.

"See? So chin up, Gasper. You have nothing to fear. Let's go out together, okay?" Issei asked and gently grabbed her tiny hand. Gasper nodded.

"R-right!" Gasper replied determinedly. Issei smirked and they started walking out. Gasper looked at herself, the sun was shining onto her pale white skin and it was doing nothing to her.

"See? You're perfectly fine. And now, let's learn how to control your powers. " Issei muttered. Asia ran towards him with two volleyballs in her hands.

"Here!" Asia handed him one of the volleyballs. Issei thanked her and then looked at Akeno and Rias.

"Akeno, Rias. Can you guys create a seal that limits Gasper's power? I think what's causing her power to go out of control is that she has too much magical energy in her. Create a seal that will cut her power in half and stop it from increasing so fast. " Issei requested. Akeno and Rias nodded.

" We'll be done in no time, Issei. " Rias replied and started discussing it with Akeno.

" Alright. While they're preparing the seal, let's practice with your Sacred Gear a little. We'll throw these volleyballs up and you'll have to freeze them in place, sound good? " Issei asked her.

" I'll try my best! " Gasper squeaked out with a determined expression. Issei smirked and looked at Asia who was standing a few steps further away from him. She was already prepared to throw the ball on Issei's command.

"Here goes!" Issei warned and threw the volleyballs up in the air. Gasper looked at them intensely. Her eyes glowed uniquely and the balls froze in midair.

The ball Asia threw fell to the ground first, then a few seconds later, the remaining volleyball fell down. Issei and Asia caught them.

"Alright. Now we know that objects that are further away are harder to freeze with your Sacred Gear. We'll have to practice with it so that you don't have difficulty with that any more. " Issei commented. Gasper nodded, listening to him intently.

"Alright, we'll try again—


Issei suddenly fell face first onto the ground, cracking it. He groaned and stood up. Issei looked at Gasper who was shaking in fear. She had stared at his right leg too long and accidentally froze it, that's why he tripped on the spot.

"I'm sorry!!! " Gasper squeaked and bowed repeatedly. Issei waved at her.

" I'm fine. It did nothing. You'll also have to train in choosing what objects to freeze too. You have a lot to work on, Gasper. But don't get sad about it. " Issei quickly added seeing the Dhampir's sad expression.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Gasper. Don't be ashamed of your shortcomings. You're improving and trying to be better, that's the thing you should be proud about. Now stop being sad and smile for me, think about the things that make you happy." Issei smiled a little at her. Gasper nodded and smiled a little.

" I'm ready to continue. " Gasper whispered.

"Alright, but let Rias and Akeno put that seal on you first. " Issei looked at Rias and Akeno who was walking over to them.

"We're done, Issei." Rias reported. Issei nodded and looked at Gasper who was nervous.

"It's alright, Gasper. It'll only take a while. After that you're can come back here and we can continue practicing. Or do you want ke to come with you?" Issei offered. Gasper shook her head.

" N-no! I wanna go by myself! I need to be b-brave!" Gasper stuttered out her reply. Issei smiled.

"Alright then. Don't take too long." Issei waved at her. Gasper slowly walked towards Rias and Akeno who all smiled at her.

"You're going to be fine, Gasper. It'll only take a few minutes."



" I-I'm back. " Gasper whispered as she slowly walked towards Issei and Asia who were conversing with each other.

" Ah! Welcome back, Gasper! How did it go?" Issei asked.

" M-my power is suppressed now. R-rias and Akeno-san said that I'm able to control the seal they put on me." Gasper explained. Issei nodded.

" Alright, do you want to continue practicing or do you want to rest after all that's happened? " Issei asked her.

" I wanna practice with you! It's f-fun. " Gasper answered while blushing a little. Issei smiled.

" Let's continue then!"



"I told you I can handle it." Issei told Rias proudly while lying on her lap. Rias giggled.

"Thank you for that, Issei. That was probably going to be very difficult if you weren't there. I'm glad I met you. " Rias muttered. Issei smiled.

" I'm sure they're all glad to meet you. You and my peerage have changed the trajectory of where my life was going. You've helped them have a different outlook on life. Kiba's, Koneko's, Akeno's, and now even Gasper. You're really something, Issei. " Rias complimented.

" You're making me blush, Rias. " Issei replied while actually blushing. They heard someone approaching them, it was Akeno and Asia.

" My~ What a cute scene we have here~. Sorry for intruding, not." Akeno giggled and she and Asia sat on both sides of Rias.

"So, tomorrow's the conference huh?" Akeno whispered. Rias nodded.

"Mhm. We have to be on our best behavior. You're also going to be there too, right Issei?" Rias asked him. Issei nodded.

"Yes. Your brother wanted me to be there since Vali, the White Dragon Emperor is also going to be there. I'm there because Sirzechs wanted me to 'remind her of her place'." Issei explained.

" Well, considering what you are and what you did to your enemies. You need to be on your best behavior too, you know. " Akeno teased. Issei groaned.

"I know, Akeno. First Rias kept teasing me about being violent like a dragon, and now you want to join in as well. Hmmm.... " Issei pouted a little. The girls giggled.

"Wait. The White Dragon Emperor is a girl?" Rias realized. Issei nodded.

"Mhm. I even met her outside of school too. She's a Chūnibyō. " Issei chuckled at that.

" If she was there, we would've sensed her. But why didn't we? " Asia wondered.

" She probably hid her energy signature so that this meeting could be private. What did she talk about? " Akeno asked Issei.

" She wanted to fight me. But I declined because I have lessons with Master Gyatsu. " Issei answered.

" That can't be the only thing you guys did, right Issei~?" Akeno giggled at him. Issei rolled his eyes.

"Stop it, Akeno. She was purely focused on wanting to fight me, that's it." Issei replied.

" Aw....How disappointing." Akeno poured. Issei snickered and shook his head. It then became silent for a while. It was actually comfortable and relaxing for all of them.

" Hey, Issei." Akeno called him.


"Wanna fuck?"

" Wait what—

"Come here, big boy~"

To be continued....