
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs


"Irina? How did you get here?" Rias asked while giving Irina a surprised face.

"The one who teleported me here is Odin-sama! He sure is amazing! He has a cool beard too!" Irina replied excitedly. She looked at Issei and shivered.

"Wow....I can practically sense the evil coming out of him. I just hope this would work." She whispered before shaking her head and smiling energetically at everybody.

Everybody saw that she was holding a large speaker. "What's that for?" Asia asked curiously.

"Lucifer-sama explained to me that to turn grumpy Issei back to normal Issei, we need some music! And I just have the perfect song for this occasion. It's his favorite song! " Irina declared with a smile on her face, shocking all.

" You know it! But how? We don't even know it." Rias asked her with a surprised expression on her face. Irina giggled.

"He told me when we were children. It's a love song too." Irina revealed, shocking them again.

" I remember we would dance to it everyday. You remember it right?" Irina asked Issei who nodded.

"I do. It feels like yesterday when we were playing the 'hero saves princess' game when you suggested that we dance to this song. And that became an everyday thing until well, you know, left to become an exorcist." Issei replied. Irina sighed and set down the speaker.

"Funny thing is that we don't even know what the lyrics mean at that time because we didn't understand English. We just thought it sounded good and played it. " Issei added. Irina giggled.

" Yeah, we did. But now that we're older and a lot smarter, it's gonna feel very different. " Irina muttered and took out a phone. She pressed some buttons and gave the phone to Gasper.

"I'll signal you." Irina whispered before running towards Issei.

"You know you really don't need to do this, Irina. I feel fine. I don't even feel angry anymore." Issei whispered.

" No baka, you can't exit the form forever unless we do this. That's not fine. " Irina replied. Issei sighed.

" Fine fine." Issei grumbled and grabbed her right hand and kissed it. He bowed gentlemanly at her.

" M'lady. Shall we dance? " Issei asked her. Irina giggled and nodded.

" Yes we shall. " Irina replied while they intertwined their hands. She looked at Gasper who quickly pressed play.

[Now playing: Until I Found You (Em Beihold Version)]

The music started playing. Issei smiled as he heard the familiar sounds of the guitar. He wrapped his left arm around Irina's wait and they started dancing slowly.

"Georgia, wrap me up in your–

I want you in my arms

Oh, let me hold you

I'll never let you go again like I did

Oh, I used to say"

Issei didn't even focus on the lyrics. He was looking at Irina who was blushing shyly while they were dancing in each other's arms.

Issei twirled her around, surprising her. He brought her back again and they continued to dance. Irina giggled and they stared into each other's eyes.

"I would never fall in love again until I found her

I said, I would never fall in love unless it's you I fall into

I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her

I found you"

" Ya know, Issei. I wish we could turn back time so that we could be kids again. " Irina whispered as Issei spun her around again.

" And make me go through all that loneliness again?" Issei asked her. Irina hummed as they wrapped their arms in each other's waist.

" Yeah, I'm not doing that again. But I'm glad that we're in each other's arms, doing this again." Irina whispered.

"Me too. I miss you and the fun we had. But I missed you the most." Issei replied with a sheepish grin on his face. Irina giggled as they touched their foreheads together and continued to gaze into each other's eyes.

"Heaven, when I held you again

How could we ever just be friends?

I would rather die than let you go

Juliet to your Romeo, how I heard you say"

Their audience which the two ignored completely was recording them. Bikou was trying not to shed his manly tears.

" His favorite song is 'Until I Found You?' So cheesy and so romantic. He's just like me fr fr." Bikou tried not to sob out loud. Vali who already exited her transformation, was recording this with her own phone too with a big sly smile on her face.

Far away, Azazel, Sirzechs, Michael and Odin were witnessing this scene. Sirzechs looked at Michael who was smiling happily at the dancing duo.

"A devil dancing with an angel. Never thought this day would ever happen. That kid never fails to exceed expectations." Odin chuckled.

" I'm glad Irina found someone in her life. Even though it breaks literally every rule in the Bible." Michael muttered that last sentence to himself. Azazel was grinned widely as he recorded the whole thing with his video recorder.

"They dance like they've been doing this for decades." Sirzechs commented. Even he and Grayfia couldn't dance this well, and they've been doing this for centuries.

" Irina did tell me they knew each other since they were kids. Maybe this was once a daily thing for them." Michael guessed correctly, even though he didn't know he did.

"I would never fall in love again until I found her

I said, I would never fall unless it's you I fall into

I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her

I found you"

" Here it comes. " Issei whispered as the guitar solo of the song came. He and Irina intensified the dance, making it look even more beautiful than it already was.

All of it was memories being sealed away but they were regaining it and reliving it again. Irina returned to Issei's arms once more as the lyrics continued.

"I would never fall in love again until I found her

I said, I would never fall unless it's you I fall into

I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her

I found you"

Issei wrapped his arms around her waist and threw her up a little. Irina squealed before being caught by him again.

They looked into each other's eyes as the song slowly started to end. Issei remembered that when they were children, Irina would always kiss him on the nose or forehead each time when they were in this position, which was literally every time.

As a child he didn't understand why she would be doing that, he thought she was really into playing 'princess'. But now he knows why, she was deeply in love with him before she went to England.

The song ended as Irina slowly puckered up her lips. Issei did the same thing and they leaned in.


They kissed each other. Bikou sent some whistles their way. Arthur chuckled and crossed his arms. Rias and the girls watched with smiles on their faces. Vali didn't know why, but she wanted to punch Irina for doing that.

Azazel whistled loudly as Odin and Sirzechs clapped loudly at the scene. Michael's gentle smile only got wider and wider.

The two released the kiss and looked at each other. Irina's face turned deep red and she looked away shyly. Issei smiled at her sheepishly.

[Juggernaut Drive deactivated!!]

Issei felt that the rage in his veins disappeared. He felt 100% himself again. The immeasurable amount of power in him disappeared too as he returned to the power he originally had, which was also extremely powerful due to absorbing all those snakes a few minutes ago.

Irina decided to hug him to escape the embarrassment she felt when she saw everyone recording the special moment they're having.

Issei thought they deserved it, they literally did this in front of everyone, they would just have to face the consequences together.

The four faction leaders landed on the ground. Azazel ended the recording and laughed as he rewatched it.

"The old heads back at Grigori are gonna love this!" Azazel shouted happily. Sirzechs chuckled.

"I'm not exactly sure Heaven will like this development very much when they see this in the front page of DevilTube." Sirzechs commented.

" Then they would have to tolerate it like they did with this triple alliance we have." Michael replied.

" I wonder if Frigg and I can renact this....

To be continued...