
Issei's Azur Lane

What happens when Issei disappears from his world and goes to Azur Lane. will he be able to save his friends on his old world when he returns? and will he be able to save not just Azur Lane and his Earth, but the other worlds that the Sirens have invaded.

heath_nielsen · Others
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17 Chs

The Diet: Part three, the final word.

Outside the National Diet Councilors Chambers: 30 minutes later

Shuri stood right behind Juzo as she, Baraqiel, and Juzo waited for the right moment to rain on the parade that the defense attorney was on. Shuri was nervous; which was understandable since behind the door in front of them was the family that has tried and tried to kill her. Feeling his mate's nervousness, Baraqiel placed his strong hand on Shuri's shoulder as he told her he was there and no one was going to hurt her in his presents. In fact, he had already taken care of that by releasing his aura. Everyone who had an understanding of the supernatural world could feel the utter terror that was just outside the door and it was making them nervous. Even the vaunted Hiimejima clan were scared of his presents. He could not wait to see the look on his face as he heard the Speaker of the House speak. "Thank you for your words, Mr. Toshio Nakao. Caption Harmon Rabb, You have the floor." "Thank you speaker of the house. I will keep my words short and to the point."

Rabb finished with a bow of respect to the member gathered. Raising his head, Rabb began his speech. "Member of the Councilors. I have come to realize that I am not a Japanese citizen, nor am I a political player in this house where I find myself today. To be honored to stand before you today is a testament to the long friendship the U.S. government and your predecessors had started after the end of the Occupation. But today we face a grave matter, One that could very well change the dynamics of our governments' relationship. I will not bore you with the details like Mr. Nakao has. But what I will say is that it would be foolish to allow old traditions to cloud the bigger picture. I do have a tradition in my family to fly across the Hawaiian islands to bring Santa Clause to the children during the Chrismas Holidays. However, Traditions have to change along with the times. Before I became a lawyer for the Navy, I was a fighter pilot. Graduated from TOP GUN at the top of my class and claimed some of the first Air to air kills in the Gulf War. However, I crashed my jet due to the loss of my eyesight during a nighttime mission that, unfortunately, killed a fellow serviceman. A man that I was close to during my time in the academy. I had to change before I killed myself or even destroyed the ship. Even now, I have to use special equipment to even be cleared to fly"

Taking a sip of water, Rabb handed a few copies of the two paragraphs to the orderlies. Which began to spread around as he continued to speak, "Today, honorable member of the Diet. you also face the same choice I had to make so long ago. Do you, members of the Diet, allow tradition no matter how clouded it could be to dictate your actions? Or will you break from tradition and show the world that you can be reasonable in the changing times of our world?" pausing for a few seconds to make sure everyone was close to a sheet, Rabb finished his statements, "In front of you are two pages one from your very own book of government roles that you have lived by since the field day. The second is from your very own Curent constitution. I will not go over it with you as I am sure you want to know why I have brought this to your attention."

Giving a nod to the guards, Rabb finished, "Why don't we hear from the very women that the Himejima clan disowned? Let her tell us how long it has been since the clan disowned her and has been harassing her and her husband. I yield the floor to Ms. Shuri Himejima." Hearing his words, the three made their way to the center of the room. Baraqual was now on very high alert and it showed with a masses spike in his power. This spike was even noticeable to dose who don't know about the supernatural world. They could feel the malice leaving the man behind Shuri and many thought that the only reason why he was not browsing with the few members of the Himejima clan present was that Shuri was holding his hand as they walked pasted.

Standing in front of the assembled Diet, Shuri looked to the Speaker of the House as she said, "I accept the floor from Captain Rabb." The speaker smiled at her as he said, "Shuri, it has been so long since I have seen you. You seem to be doing well. If I may, who is the man behind you?" "He is my Husband. The man that I fell in love with and the man that made my family despise me." looking down at the floor, the Speaker took a minute to pause. He needed to work on his two questions currently or her husband would start to take names.

Once he was ready, he lifted his head as he asked the first question, "Ms. Shuri, do you remember the date you were informed by the clan that you were disowned?" "Of curse, It is a day I would never forget. It was the day my heart broke." Shuri said with sadness in her voice. She would never forget it for the rest of her life. Baraquiel held her hand to support her as he remembered that day. A day when he and his wife started to face harassment from her family.

"Can you please give me the date?" the speaker asked, he could tell by the look on their faces that it was bringing up bad memories and so he wanted this to be finished. Shuri turned around and faced down her father and mother, as well as a few other members of the family, and with a tear in her eye she said, "September 20, 1983." After she said that, the room erupted into chaos. After the Speaker of the House finally managed to calm the member down, he looked to the two as he asked one last question, "Mr. Himjima, do you remember what happened on that day?" Baraqual did, as everyone felt their nervousness to full-on fear as Baraqual's power spiked the highest. While looking at the speaker, Baraqual answered, "We were attacked. Our home was burnt down by an assault of Molotov Cocktails. The Police in the city were not helpful and the next day a man tried to kill my wife. Thankfully, Juzo Hydoudou was visiting and kept my wife safe as I am sure that the police would have arrested men. Even for defending my wife."

The speaker nodded as he had heard all he needed. Looking to Harm, the speaker said, "I now know what you are talking about. It is because of this body's inaction to resolve this case that we brought in our closes ALLY and friend into an internal conflict." Bowing to the captain, the speaker continued, "It is because we have stuck to a tradition that we failed to stop an action that could have been avoided. I hope that you and your government can accept my Apology." Captain Rabb bowed saying, "It is not an apology we are looking for. What we are looking for is a resolution. I think you know where this is going." "Yes, I know." the speaker said as he raised his head. "Gathered members of this body, we will NOW correct the mistake we have made. First, the two men that survived the attack and are now under U.S. Navy curiosity are to be trialed by a Military Tribunal for the charges of terrorism in international waters, the distraction of personal property on the high seas, Sabutace, and the multitude of other charges involved with this incident. I have my trust that the Navy will give the men a fair trial. Second, Shuri Himjima is now no longer the responsibility of the Himjimas clan and is now a normal citizen of Japan. SHE IS FREE TO DO AS SHE PLEASES!!! If she wishes to talk to the Himjima clan she can do so, although I believe just like everyone assembled here today know that it is unlikely. FINALLY!!!!!" He shouted over the other vices in the room as he pointed straight to the clan "CLAN HIMJIMA, YOU ARE .. HEREBY ORDER TO STOP ALL AGRESSTIONS AGAINTS SHURI, HER HUSBAND, AND THE HYDOUDOU CLAN. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY TO ME OR TO ANYONE ELSE WITHIN OUR GOVERNMENT. YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CAUSED GREAT SHAME TO THIS NATION AND YOU SHOULD BE LUCKY THAT I CAN'T ASK FOR ALL OF YOUR HEADS LIKE IN THE OLDEN DAYS. IF YOU SOME MUCH AS EVEN APPEAR WITHIN KOUH TOWN WITHOUT ANY PERMISSION FROM JUZO OR LADY SHURI THEN THAT MEMBER WILL BE KILLED ON SITE. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR ON THIS MATTER?"

The current leader of the clan, Suou Himejima, stepped forward. He knew from all of the looks from across the room that he and his family were now fucked and that once this was over; he would have to watch his clan closely. His son, one of the four men sent on the mission to capture the son had failed, and now they were paying the price of his actions. Looking into the eyes of the Speaker, who by all accounts, was even more pissed off than Shuri's husband. "I, Suou Himejima, understand your honors words. If I may ask one question to Captain Rabb we can be finished?" "Make it quick." "Thank you, Captain Rabb, will you allow a person from the clan to be witness to the trial?"

Captian Rabb thought for a moment as he looked into the eyes of the man who had caused so much trouble. He really did not want to even consider the proposal, but he was a Captian of the United States and his country was not unreasonable to such a request. Closing the briefcase that he had been using since to start of the meeting, Rabb gather upped his hat and placed it on his head. Just before he began to walk out, he gave his answer. "It is not my position to say yes or no in this matter. Personally, If I was in command of JAG I would shoot it down without a seconds pause. However, I am not and as a gesture of good faith and to start rebuilding the friendship between the two countries I will brooch the subject to my superiors. Hell, it might even be already on the floor of the House of Representatives and the Senate as we speak." He paused as his words settled into the minds of all present in the room. As he left, he finished, "If my superiors do allow it. You will only own it when the Enterprise enters the port at Yokosuka. Now if you excuse me, I have Grayhound to catch."

The Speaker nodded to the guards and they opened to doors to allow the Captain to leave. Once he was gone and the doors closed again the Speaker finished the meeting, "I hope you are happy about this Mr. Suou. Since I will be handing in my resignation to the president after I ended this meeting I will speak my mind. THIS GOES TO ALL CLANS IN JAPAN. And to make this point clear to all the next Speaker of the House will not be able to change this ruling. If any member of the 12 original clans becomes disowned, there will be consicqinsese for the disowning clan if they do anything to the member in question. I don't care anymore. Any action taken against the disowned member or the disowned members take action against his/her clan that is considered to be illegal in the eyes of the constitution or the law will be trailed in criminal court with the punishment matching the crime committed. Clan Himjima, I hope to hell that the United States government or whoever decides the two men's fate that they pay with their lives. THIS MEETING IS ADJOURNED." With those words, the Speaker slammed down his Gavel ending the meeting.

The first to leave was, of course, the Himjima as they quickly left the building. Dodging the reporter and tv cameras as the meeting was a closed-door affair. After them were the other clans and Councilors left. Some stayed in the corridor to talk to the people while others went home. It was now 11:00 pm on April 17th, 1994. Issei was only a day old at this point and he was already making the headlines. Little did they all know that during his life, Issei Hyoudoud would be making the headlines for the rest of his life.

Wow. It took a while but I have finally finished this part of the story. We haven't seen the last of the Himjima clan as they will once again face the wrath of an angry dragon.

Hopped you enjoyed the chapter. The next one will be the meeting that settles the foundation of the Alliance.

Creation is complex, cheer me up!

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