
Issei's Azur Lane

What happens when Issei disappears from his world and goes to Azur Lane. will he be able to save his friends on his old world when he returns? and will he be able to save not just Azur Lane and his Earth, but the other worlds that the Sirens have invaded.

heath_nielsen · Others
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17 Chs

Another World

As the people of Issei's homeworld slept, another world was just waking up. It was a world just like Issei's with all of the modern convenience one could ask for. Unfortunately, with progress came conflict as Humans sought to use their Technology for war. What started as an Idea to help people, turned into a war machine as the period of peace turned to a war for Humanity's survival. The enemy did not have a name at first, but the people of this earth soon began to call them the Sirens. There were many types of these Futurist enemies ranging from mass produced to the very leaders of the group. But all shared the theme, with large (primarily black) mechanical extensions on their bodies that ranged from cannons to metal constructs. Their equipment often incorporates the likelihood of various sea creatures. As the fighting grew, more and more men became the victims of the Sirens, becoming the very thing that they fought against. See the Sirens had found a way to turn humans into their warriors and Breeders. As such, the male population of this earth began to shrink as the humans lost more and more territory. The whole of Africa became an abandoned wasteland while many had to leave the many, many habitable Islands all over the world as Humanity was pushed back to the great coastal cities of Minsk, Londan, New York, San Diego, Dinghia, St. Petersburg, Wilhelmshaven, Gibraltar, Alexandria, Taranto, Naples, Marseille, and Brest. As the Sirens looked down the Atlantic Ocean and became a menace in the Pacific Ocean, raiding merchant ships trying to deliver supplies to the rest of the world; A Scientist named Doctor Aoste and an unnamed man created the answer to the Siren Threat. 

They were called Kinetics Artifactual Navy-Self-regulative En-lore Node, or KAN-SEN. But they soon became known by another name, ShipGirls. Using a material called the Wisdom Cube, which was discovered by Aostes's boss Doctor Anzeel, Dr. Aoste and the unnamed man were able to use the energy in the Wisdom Cubs to embody various naval warships from human history into human form as young girls to adult women. These Shipgirls were then able to manifest weapons and the hulls of their ship as they are the physical manifestation of human will, along with their emotions, feeling, thoughts, and imaginations. And since they are also warships, they had the information of battle tactics, fighting experiences, and mastery of their weapons from their hulls, allowing a newly created shipgirl to fight in battle after a full day of training. 

After the U.S Navy sent a small force to protect an informational convoy to the rest of the world, the Kan-sen became humanity's light in the darkness. They Started to push back the Sirens as more and more Shipgirls came into reality. As this was going on, the remaining members of the nation's government reorganized their governing body's into a military one. The former U.S became the Eagle Union, the British Parliament became the Royal Navy, the Russains became the Northern Parlement, the Chinese became the Dragon Emperor, the Germans became the Iron Blood, Japan became the Sakura Empire, the Itailains became the Sardegna Empire, and the French became the Iris Libre. 

Unfortunately, since the world had been cut off for many years, all of the newly established organizations did not control well with each other as each had developed back to ideas during the long ago days of WWII. As such, when the Organisations created Azur Lane, the peace treaty to defeat the Sirens and return Humanity to the sea, there were already cracks in the peace. Despite this, the Shipgirls worked together to clear the Pacific Ocean of the Sirens and then began the Long, Long push to the Siren Headquarters in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. After many hard fought battles, the shipgirls of Azur Lane were finally able to destroy the Siren headquarters. This forced the Sirens out of the plant and an uneasy peace returned to the world.

That Peace would not last however, as the heads of Iron Blood, Sakura Empire, Sardegna Empire became partners in using Siren Technology as part of their defenses and creating new weapons to defend ships. The Eagle Union, Royal Navy, and Iris Libre did not use Siren Tech, as they feared that the Sirens would be able to control those ships created by humans against themselves and so the split of Azur Lane happened. The Iris Libre soon split however for the same reasons, which created the Vichya Dominion who would join the Crimson Axis. 

After many years of an uneasy peace; the Crimson Axis, led by the Sakura Empire, engaged in a war against the rest of Azur lane. This war, according to the Sakura's leaders, was to force the rest of the world to use Siren Technology to defeat the many, many mass produced ships they had created. Unforganly, the two leaders of this war were actually brainwashed by the sirens while they were studying the wrecks of Siren ships. The Sirens were able to convince the two that they could bring back a sister they had lost due to compilations to her rigging. The only way to bring her back, however, was to get data from fighting other shipgirls and gather it into a Black Mental Cube. Throughout the soon to be named Reenactment War, Sakura and Iron Blood Shipgirls began to fight Eagle Union and Royal Navy. The fighting soon dragged the Dragon Empery and the rest of the factions in as the Mental Cube gathered more and more data. 

After a Decisive Battle in the Mirror Sea, a special area created by Sirens to help in battles and training, One of the Sakura's leaders was defeated and the Mental Cube was secured by the Eagle Union. Unfortunately, the Mental Cube had everything it needed and so the Sirens reappeared and attacked the base that was holding the Black Cube. After retrieving it, the Sirens tested a new weapon that the Iron Blood was creating, vaporizing an Island that was uninhabited. Upon realizing that the Sirens were the ones playing everyone, the shipgirls reunited once again and fought together to destroy the superweapon called Orochi and rescue the two brainwashed Shipgirls. After a hard fought battle, the Ken-Sen were victorious in the end and a new reality was created. The Sirens were and forever their enemy, not each other. And the second, was that the Sirens were always watching and waiting to strike. Because so much attention was on the war between the Ken-Sen, the Sirens returned to the Arctic Ocean. This forced the Northern Parliament into a constant battle to defend the north from the Sirens as they had deepened their hold of the area. 

Not only that, but the Sirens were soon discovered to be building a wall, a literal fortress, in the Atlantic once again. This Fortress was something that the Shipgirls had never fought against before and meant that they would now have to fight two full fronts while also defending against the many, many raids and "Reenactments" that were led by Sirens. After many trials and tribulations, the Shipgirls mended the past. The Vichya Dominion and Iris Libre rejoined under the new name of the Iris Orthodoxy, which is what both factions were called before the split. The rebuilt Azur Lane was finally able to push the Sirens out of the Arctic Ocean. They were even able to destroy a Siren leader by the name of Compiler. However, the fortress in the Atlantic got even more difficult and the raiding fleets became more mumuros. As such, most of the Azur Lane Girls have been stationed in the Pacific Base, most commonly known as Home One.

Azur Lane Home One Base, Midway, Central Pacific, 

Eagle Union Dormitory; 06:00 Hours

As Issei was sleeping in his home on his world, a young woman can be found sleeping in her quarters after a very hard fought battle. She had been guiding a resupply convoy when the Sirens sent a very large Raiding fleet to intercept this cargo. However, she has been used to this fighting ever since she was created and with only a few minutes of fighting, she wiped out the attacking force. When she got back to base however, she got fussed at by her close friend and her eazy aggravated nurse. It was only when the young woman had hugged the two that she finally got to her room, where a very lovely English dinner was waiting for her. 

After a few minutes to take a warm shower and file her report, she finally laid down to sleep. In her dream, she saw a very faint figure. He had no features on him except the aura field that was sounding him. He was as tall as her, that much she did know and she was about to say something when the scene changed. She was now in a hospital bed, surrounded by her friends and lovers as they were waiting for something. She did not know what that thing was until she felt the pain in her lower pelvic. It hit her like a Five Thousand lbs bomb and she gripped with her hands onto someone's hand as another, sharp pain hit. The pain felt so real, like it was really happening in real time that she could think clearly. The only thing that she did know was the same figure as before was the one she was clinging on to. She soon watched as the figure gently whipped her face with a cool towel and placed a few kisses on her head. When that happened, the pain lessened, but it was still there.

After what seemed like hours, the pain finally left. When she felt a new wieth in her arms, the young woman looked down to her arms. In them was a small child with short, white hair. The child's eyes were close, but the young woman knew that the child had her eyes. She then noticed that the child had the same colors as the figure, although there was an added white hue to it. She then felt the figure gently kiss her, but this time on the lips. They kept that way for what seemed like hours before they separated. Then she heard the voice. "I will see you soon, My love." 

Before she could reach out or call out. She felt the dream start to dissipate.


As the young woman was sleeping in her bed, her friend entered the room. It was early morning now and the young woman was needed for a mission debrief. The friend was wearing the standard Miad outfit for the Royal Maid with an added neck cooker and a broken chain. The maid watched as the young women started to move on the bed and after a few minutes, the young women finally woke up. As the young woman opened her eyes, the maid said while smiling, "Good Morning dear. Sorry to wake you but the Commanders want to see you." the young woman only watched as her friend finished placing the cover out of the way to allow the sun into the room. The young woman smiled back as her night shirt fell off of her, revealing her ample chest to the world.

She answered, "I always hate being woken up during good dreams." "It must have been a good one. I could hear you when I got to the door. I thought you were already up and playing with those two. But when I got in I only saw you. Mind if I ask about it?" the maid said. The young woman smiled as she hugged the maid and kissed her cheeks. "Only after Breakfast, speaking of which; what is for breakfast?" the young woman asked as she disrobed and got into her uniform. 

The young women's uniform consisted of a sleeveless white vest, black short skirt with gold lining, and a black, sleeved cape with a red interior. Once she was dressed, she heard a tapping on the window. Opening it, her pet soon rested on her right shoulder as it rubbed its head on the young woman's cheek as she said, "Good morning, Reper. You had a good hunt?" The eagle screeched its answer as the maid handed the bird a fish snack. "It seems that she did, Enterprise. It is time for your breakfast." the maid said while curtsying. "Lead the way, Belfast." the now named Enterprise said to her friend and lover, the Royal Maid Belfast.

As the two walked to the shared cafeteria, Enterprise and Belfast said hello to everyone that they passed by. It is not surprising, as Enterprise was the most decorated ship girl in the world. No one has come close and there is a reason for that. As soon as she sat down and began to eat, her body soon split revealing another enterprises. The two are identical to the other except the clothing, the newly appeared Enterprises wore more tattered clothing and had shorter hair than the other women. Enterprise was the only ship girl in the world to have two separate souls. Her second soul, named Code G or just G, was from another world. A world that did not have sirens destroying humanity or Ken-Sen fighting on the high seas. All of the combats that G had encountered found its way to Enterprise and during the end of the Reenactment War, both Enterprises combined their souls to join their power and experiences that allowed the two to defeat Orghi. As Enty started to eat, G started to pook the side of her cheek as she said, "Come on Enty, tell your girl what your dream was. She is giving you the death stare." 

Ture to her word, Belfast was sitting across from the two and was staring daggers at Enty. After taking a sip of her tea, Enty begins to speak. "When I feel asleep. I found myself in a white room. At first I was a little shaken as I had know idea where I was, but I then felt at esy. Like someone was gently hugging me. After a time, I soon saw a figure. I couldn't tell who or what it was, but it felt very gentle and I couldn't feel any hostility from it. The scene then changed. I was laying on a hospital bed. You, Vestal, Akagi, Kaga and several other people were around me. I did not know what was happening to me but I felt the same figure holding my hand and kissing my forehead." Enty possessed as she blushed red on her cheeks. Belfast was also blushing. It was every ship girls dream to find that one person that looked at them as actual women and not weapons of war. Even if they had the bodies of goddesses, many of the remaining men in their world did not view them as women. They only saw them as weapons to keep them safe from the Sirens. 

Of course, there were a few that had found a male person like Ajax, a Light curser from the Royal Navy or some of the Japanese distoryies, but they are the minority. As such, many ship girls only have affections for each other. Take Enterpriser and Belfast as an example. Both girls have had a very rough start, as enterprise had allowed the pressure of being the strongest shipgirls deprived her of the finer things in life. She became the weapon that she thought humanity needed. It was only when Queen Elisabeth, leader of the Royal Navy Ship girls, sent Belfast to help her during the Reenactment War. It was a tough love in the beginning, but after Enterprise, with help from Belfast, was able to find new hope inside of her and was able to stop the war. After the war, Belfast and Enty entered into a very deep relationship and had become a couple two years after the end. It was the reason why the two blushed as both shared the same dream, to have a child. It was a simple dream, but difficult to materials. While ship girls had the reproductive system of regular women, they were again only seen as weapons and as such, most of the available males only saw them as weapons and not mother material. Even if the remaining government offered money to any available males, they just don't want to. 

After a few seconds, Enterprise said, "After a few mientes, I began to feel a pain in my pelvis. It hit like a HE shell during practise. I could hear Vestel telling me to push." She was even more red than before as she feels impressed. At this time, everyone in the cafeteria started to listen to the story. "After what seemed like hours, I felt something exist my body as the figure began to kiss me on the lips again and another figure started to wipe my body." Enterprises said as she held Belfast hand. "She was so Beautiful bel!!! She had short, white hair, and her little hands wrapped around my fingers. I wish I could see her eyes, but she still had them closed and after crying a few minutes, she began to feed. I felt the milk coming from my breast bell!!!. I was actually a mother!" Enty said with excitement as Bel only held her hands while blushing.

After the end of the Reenactment war, Belfast and Enterprise were able to get to know each other better. It is how both women knew that they both wanted a child; even if it was just one child, they wanted one. However, neither have had a dream like this. Belfast was very happy for her, but she was worried. Enty was a head strong women and it she might force a male to fuck her in order to get a baby now that she had such a vivid dream. Unnoticed by Enty; the other girls, which included her Sisters Yorktown and Hornet, also shared the same look as everyone else. While they were happy for her, they too had a worry about her.

However, they had a busy start to the day and so everyone finished their breakfast and both Enterprise and Belfast headed to the Command room.

Four Hours Later

Enty and Bell were exiting the briefing room after a four hour meeting. Entry was a little angry. She got a stern talking to by not just vestal, but all four of the human fleet commanders. While Enty is strong, she oftentimes uses the combined power she and Code G have access to. Which isn't a problem most of the time when she is with other shipgirls. However, it is a problem when she uses that power when she is a lone. It takes a lot of power and mental stability to control that power, which means that she is very vulnerable after she returns to her original form. Not only that, but her rigging receives more damage during the combined power. Meaning that Vestal had to work extra hard in fixing Enty's rigging.

As a punishment, Enty had to help the other girls with their manatanes while Vestal was busy in the Carrier's dry dock with Enty's ship. Which meant Enterprise could leave the port for five days. Belfast held her hands as she said, " Come on now Enterprises, You know that we are stretched thin. We can't send you out with a large support fleet or even a small one. Remember, we have to keep the other bases from the sirens and make sure they don't land forces on what is left of Humanities strongholds. We lose those, we lose the war." She then kissed Enty's head as Enty knew she was right. Being the strongest meant that she had the best chance of fighting the siren's raiding fleet that appeared by herself, which allowed the others to focus on the other siren threats and have actual rest periods in between missions. Now, the others are going to have to pull extra shifts at merchant escorts until enterprise's ship if fully repaired.

Now, the other ship girls don't mind it as it gives them a different change of pases to their other missions. Since it is a conyove, it travels in a basic path of travel and you don't have to rush to the area of trouble. They are able to take it easy and enjoy the trip. It is Navel HQ that has the problem with Enty. Even now, those in the higher command aften wish for Enty to be placed on a desk job or become a instructor for other ship girls becuase of enty's "Agility to fuck up HQ'S plans", which everyone under them dosen't mind one bit. But they are the ones calling the shots, even if they are located in a secure bunker in San Diego, meaning that everyone has to "Do" whatever they say.

Belfast gave Enty a hug and said that she would see her later. Bel had a scotting mission in another hour and had to leave. Enty just nodded, wishing to go with her but orders are orders. Walking in the other direction, Enty left the common building and walked her way to the repair and drydock yards where four Ship girls awaited her. These were the three distoryies, Laffy from Eagle union, Ayanami from the Sakura Empire, and Javelin from the Royal Navy and the Light Aircraft Carrier Unicorn from the Royal Navy. These four were long time friends and had helped Enterprise a lot during the Reenactment war. It was after Ayanami was captured during the later part of the war and the quick friendship established between the four that allowed cooler heads to prevail. It reminded every one that while they are under different nations, they have the same goals and became a shining example of comradery after the war.

Out of all of the groups that undertake missions, these four are usually sent out together without much oversight. Sure, they are on the younger side as ships go; but they have had many missions under their belts and work semmily with each other without fail: most of the time. Today's mission was an odd ball for them however. They were sent to patrol an Island that had been created by the sirens in a Morri sea that somehow appeared into the real world. The sirens have had a nasty habit of creating Mirror seas and then leaving the space after they don't have a use for it. As a result, sometimes the Mirror sea joins the world. Which causes the world to change to fit the new phychers. This Island, designated as Vacation Island(VI from now on) by HQ was one of these undiscover Mirro sea and after a day or two to make sure that there was no siren activity on the Island, HQ would allow the girls free rain on the island to do as they wish. Basically, this new island would be made a privey getaway for the ship girls, allowing them a place other than the major ports or HQ Pacific Base(HQPB from now on) to relax and enjoy time off.

However, that did not mean that Sirens wouldn't be in the waters in between the HQPB and the VI. which is why the four were patiently waiting for Enterprise at the dry dock. They ran into a small Siren Fleet made up of 10 Pawns(Destroyers), 7 Knights(Light Cruisers) and seven Assassins(Submarines). While a fleet this size is not a hard thing to deal with for the four, it is difficult when you ran into a group Executor Class earlier in the morning that were trying to raid a transport fleet just off the coast in the bay. That group consisted of 5 explorers(Destroyers), 5 Trackers(Light Cruisers) and an Oceana(Heavy Cruiser). What makes this earlier group different from the later group is that this group is the beginning of the change from ship form to a humanoid form. Even though they are a lower level than other humanoid sirens, it is a pain to deal with them quickly. They may not be as smart as some of the higher Sirens, but they aren't brainless either. Meaning that you have to take them by surprise if you want an end to a quick fight. It doesn't work all the time and the four had to keep those 11 enemies at bay until Cleveland, Columbia and Denver(All Light Cruisers from the Eagle Union) could give them assistance. After those three arrived, the group was swiftly dealt with. After that, the three sisters stayed with the transport fleet while the four left for the Island. Combining the two battles, all four needed at least some repairs, which would take up most of the day.

Upon seeing Enterprise enter the dry docks, the four raced to hug the legendary women. It was the first time seeing her in mouths due to Enty being sent on Escorting duties for the past nine months. It just goes to show how much Enty takes off the shoulders of others when she isn't being punished for using her powers. After the group hugged, Javelin asked, "You used your powers again without asking?" Enty nodded and said, "Yes, I did and HQ told me to behave. It seems that you four had a rough time." This time Laffy spoke up, "Very hard… Very sleepy… want to nap…" she then fell asleep, dragging Javilen's clothing off. "Come on Laffy, We have to get the repairs done before you can sleep. Get UP!!" Ayanami shouted as she picked up the fallen Laffy while Javelin and Unicorn repaired the button that got destroyed when Laffy fell. 

Enty just laughed as the four began to list the repairs and ammo that they needed. Enty then told the four about some equipment changes that they were going to get and also told them that Laffy would be first as she had most to be done. After which, Unicron would get a new fighter and new armor for her flight deck, Ayanami new torpedoes and launchers and a new gun armament for Javelin. With the parts in place, the five began to work.

Six Hours later, Dry Dock 1

After six hours of work, all of the girls were extremely tired. Like any refit on ships, there were always problems that came out during the process. Forgently, with all of them working together they where able to finish the needed work and the five girls had left the dry docks to test their weapons. As they left, the girls waved away to Enty as she returned the wave before turning to examen the next group of ships that would be showing up. Getting a list from one of the many Manjo, littel robots that where created to help in defending the bases and help in the daily functions as well as helping in the minor repairs to the ship girls. She soon saw Akashi, the only other Repair ship in all of Azur Lane and asked her for the materials that she would need for the next round of repairs and modernization. After three more ships came in for minor repairs, Enty was finally able to finish the day and began to walk back to the berrikes. As she walked, G came out once again as she wanted to talk about something. "You think that you might one day be a mother? I not say that I don't think that it is not a possibility but it is every difficult thing." G said as the two women, two side of the same coin, held her breast as she taught about the words Enty had said earlier in the day. Enty nodded as she stopped and looked to the sea. "Ever since Bell entered our life I have finally begone to think more about what I wanted. I have only known war for most of my days but with Bell in it, I have found more hope in our shared future. I known that I will find a caring man someday and we will have a wonderful child together. I just have to keep in beleievng that I will meet him soon." as they watched the setting sun, They saw Belfast's group returning and walked over the great the returning ships. Little did the girls of Azur Lane known that the man they would soon be longing for would soon be their and the shared dream was soon in their grasps.

SORRY I took for ever to finish this chapter.

I am working and I sometimes am not able to work on the stroies as much with the hoildays.

Wishing everyone a happy Hoildays :)

heath_nielsencreators' thoughts