
I'll just go die now

As I stare up in disbelief , he slowly turns around.

He's leaving.

"W....Who are you?" I ask as my teeth tremble in fear.

"Who am I? That's an interesting question you've got there. Shouldn't you be asking me 'How did you kill that monster?'"

"Wait! I-I can help you" I stutter, each word forced out

"You?! Help me?! Ha! What a joke! You can't even handle yourself out here, how do you expect to help me?" He scoffs.

"I-I..." I fall silent, not knowing what to say. What he said was true, how WAS I supposed to help him?

"I know how to butcher and cook?"

"...." He stares at me before saying "No thanks. Why do I need you to do it when I can do it myself? For all I know you could poison it"

"Hah? What would I possibly gain from killing you? If you were to die, I would die too!"

An embarrassed look appeared upon his face as he says "For all I know you could use an a-aphrodisiac"

"Why the hell would I do that? I'm straighter than a pencil"

"But how can you be straighter than an already straight pencil? It must mean that you are...bent! I'm sorry to say this but I don't swing that way I'm afraid" He almost seemed remorseful.




"You know what? I give up. I'll just go die now"

As I say that I turn to walk away