
Isn't It Normal for a Hogwarts Professor to Be the Dark Lord?

Traversing into the magical world of Harry Potter, Tver is cursed and forced to learn dark magic. Seven years later, he graduates as Durmstrang's top student. To further his studies in more profound dark magic, he sets his sights on Hogwarts.  Isn't it normal for a Hogwarts professor to be a Dark Lord? What to expect: MC will revolutionize the magical world and reconstruct the relationship between Muggles and wizards. So, will he become the next Dark Lord? Or... Read 10 cahpters ahead:patreon.com/Dreamer9527

luchangzai · Book&Literature
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Chapter 28: Hobbies

The weather on the weekend was excellent, and the students were relaxed, especially during the first weekend of the term.

The courses had not yet delved into the key and difficult points, except for the peculiar difficulty of Tver's paper, so the students were playing in front of the castle with ease.

Therefore, when Tver woke up early and saw the students playing outside the window, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Yesterday, he once again confirmed that the essence of the soul was not just as the academic world believed, merely thoughts, let alone memories.

In fact, the soul was like the filling in a sandwich cookie, it was the collection of all non-physical aspects outside of your body, including a wizard's thoughts, memories, magical power, and even vitality and spirit.

Tver had a premonition long ago; when he was studying the soul, he discovered that the soul could influence so many things, far beyond what a single aspect could describe.

After understanding this, he realized the power of the Unforgivable Curses.

He could simply control a person's magical power, rendering them unable to access it.

He could also disturb a person's magical power, artificially controlling magical outbursts.

He could even eradicate magical power, turning a wizard into a Muggle.

Of course, this was not something Tver could accomplish at his current stage. The significance of last night's research to him now was a further understanding of the soul.

And, the badge had regained its reaction.

Tver took out the badge from his pocket, after a night of stirring, it had returned to its original vibrant appearance.

The four symbolic animals on it also seemed to come alive, their eyes unusually bright, emitting a faint warm light.

This was exactly how it looked when he crossed over, and it was the original appearance of the badge that had protected him for five years.

With his strength improving, the badge once again possessed power, and he could clearly feel the vitality emanating from within.

This power constantly wore away the erosion of the curse, the two forces struggling between rebirth and demise.

Tver knew that the power of the badge would eventually be exhausted, and the curse would prevail, but it didn't matter, at least he had bought himself some time now.

Why did it feel like he was inserting coins to continue his life?

Tver put the badge back into his pocket, gently patted it twice, looked out, and even the sunlight seemed brighter.

In a great mood, his steps were a bit lighter, smiling all the way to the Great Hall, where the students could clearly sense his joy.

"What's making you so happy?" Professor Flitwick was the first to ask him.

Tver smiled faintly and made a small gesture with his hand. "A bit of progress in magic."

"It must be more than just a bit," Professor McGonagall said, envious.

For someone at her level of skill, the possibility of further advancement in magic was already slim, only years of accumulated experience could give her some insight into strengthening her abilities.

Hmm, indeed it wasn't just a bit of progress.

Tver didn't dare to discuss this openly with Professor McGonagall and quickly changed the subject.

"What do the professors usually do on weekends? Why haven't I seen any of them come for breakfast?" he asked.

"That depends on the professors," McGonagall pondered for a moment. "Most of them are engaged in researching their own interests. Professor Sprout is probably tending to the herbs in the greenhouse, Professor Snape likes to research potions in his office. Professor Kettleburn is likely taking care of his, uh, little darlings, so Tver, you can also take this time to do something you enjoy."

Something he enjoys, in other words, a hobby?

But Tver didn't even know what his hobby was. Under the shadow of death, he was constantly trying to find ways to stay alive.

Having a hobby seemed too luxurious for him.

But now that he was at Hogwarts, the atmosphere here did help him relax his tense mind a bit.

So, find a hobby for himself?

He didn't know what he liked for the time being, so Tver decided to stay in the Great Hall and quietly observe the young wizards.

Little did he know, the young wizards were also observing him.

"Ah, ah, ah, did Professor Fawley just notice me?" a Gryffindor girl suppressed her excitement, but failed to notice herself curling up in excitement.

It was hard not to notice.

"The professor was clearly looking at me, see, he glanced again!" another girl looked disdainfully at her friend.

This look instantly plunged the two into childish bickering, all for the attention of a professor.

Hermione rolled her eyes discreetly as she ate, flipping through the book in her hand.

"My, is this even a book for humans?" Ron commented from the side.

He hurriedly finished his breakfast, still sitting in the Great Hall, planning to have an intense and thrilling wizard's chess match with his roommate, Seamus Finnigan, during this time.

But before the game could start, he was frightened by the book in Hermione's hand.

It was densely packed with words, not even a single illustration, and what's more terrifying, he couldn't even understand the titles!

Hermione impatiently tapped the book.

"This is a book recommended by Professor Fawley, it's about advanced applications of magic, which can give ordinary magic powerful capabilities!"

The Weasley twins nearby seemed to hear the professor's name, as if their DNA had been triggered, they instantly appeared by Hermione's side.

"What did you just say? This is a book recommended by Professor Fawley?" George glanced at the title.

"Multidimensional Effects of Magic."

Hmm, definitely not something an ordinary person could understand.

Fred rubbed his chin, recalling the scene when Tver had just used a Levitation Charm, and their entire class was flattened.

"I'm more interested in the advanced applications of ordinary magic, isn't this what the professor used against us?"

George immediately summoned memories of being controlled by Tver, but the next moment, he and Fred exchanged excited glances.

Their telepathic connection allowed them to see the same idea in each other's eyes.

"Is there anything about the Levitation Charm in there?!" they exclaimed simultaneously.

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded behind them.

"This is just a theoretical research book, an introductory reading for advanced magical applications. If you want to truly apply it, you need to study more."

Harry, who hadn't participated in the discussion, was the first to recognize the newcomer.

"Professor Fawley!"

His excited voice overshadowed the discussions at the table, echoing through the Great Hall.

Tver smiled gently at him.

"I came to watch you play wizard's chess, I've been quite interested in it lately. I hope I'm not disturbing your discussion."

After observation, Tver had found himself a hobby—wizard's chess.

It just so happened that mastering the wizard's chess skills was also necessary for completing the game. Since Ron could complete it, if Tver could reach a stalemate with Ron, wouldn't he be able to consistently complete it?