
Isn’t This Fun?

There exist many powerful beings throughout the various realms and dimensions. Any being within reason would find itself drowning in riches for it and the future generations of its family if it were to catch the eye of even the most insignificant being amongst those in control. These beings go by quite a few different titles, some of which include: Celestial, Divine, Behemoth, Demon, God... Amongst these grand titles, only one really reigns as most accurate - Calamity... (This humble author is hoping to post chapters with at least 1000 words)

iappo · Fantasy
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7 Chs


The lightning dragon was utterly confused at the words this great being was speaking. Why is this Great One talking to this little lizard, what have my ancestors done to give me such a fate?

"Hmm, perhaps you cannot speak, it is a common problem for you lizard fellows." With a tone of realization, the youth clapped with a "may he speak."

Yet another mysterious force wrapped around the lightning dragon as it infused itself in its body. The very structure of it seemingly changed as the lightning dragon's tongue became more dextrous. "There, you should be able to speak normally," the youth spoke as if it had done something simple.

Feeling the changes in its mouth, the lightning dragon looked at this being in reverence. "This humble lizard thanks the Great One for his gift." Bowing its head the lightning dragon spoke with a shaky voice.

Waving his hand, the youth played it off, "it's nothing much, don't mention it. Anyways, little lizard, what's the structure of your world? This prince is going to be staying here for 3 years in this universe's time."

With shock in its eyes, the lightning dragon bowed lower, "rest assured that I will do my utmost to make your stay here a pleasant one, thank you for this opportunity, Great One." The lightning dragon was elated at this blessed chance despite the possible danger involved.

With a light smile, the youth spoke, "then I shall be in your care, little lizard. For now, I would like to know of this world's main form of energy. On another note, please just call me young master." The youth looked at the lightning dragon with an expectant gaze.

Lifting its head, the lightning dragon spoke, "thank you, Gre- young master. This humble world has not just one prevalent form of energy. The two are Spirit and Inner Force. Spirit is a more external form of power mostly preferred by the cultivators, while Inner Force is mainly used by those of the Primal Races." The lightning dragon gave a short yet informative answer to the youth.

Rubbing his chin, the youth asked again, "does this world perhaps have sects? Are these so-called 'cultivators' increasing their strength to form their 'dao' and achieve immortality?" The youth seemed to be excited talking about this subject.

The lightning dragon hurriedly nodded his head, "yes, young master. Sadly, these mortals are blind to how hard such a task is." The lightning dragon spoke with a solemn tone.

After rolling his eyes the youth looked into the lightning dragon's, "such a simple thing, I had a dao from the moment I was birthed into existence." The youth then grabbed into the void and retrieved a book, "take this, it should help you gain some insight into your path." The book was made of an unknown material and had a title inscribed with blood, "although not much, the old man was quite proficient with lightning." The youth passed the book over to the lightning dragon.

As if possessed, the lightning dragon grasped onto the book tightly as if afraid it would disappear, "thank you, young master. This humble one will be eternally grateful." The lightning dragon had tears welling up in its eyes as it prostrated itself before the youth.

Looking down at the world below his feet, the youth spoke, "the old man said to give it to whomever I saw fit, be thankful to him. Where do you recommend I start my journey, little lizard?" The youth analyzed the terrain peppered with various mountains, seas, lakes, plains, crevices, deserts, and forests.

Clearing its throat, the lightning dragon answered, "there are a few places that I feel would be enjoyable, young master. You could start your adventure among Human sects, one of the various beast tribes, perhaps even spend your time in peace with the fairies."

The lightning dragon pondered briefly before answering again, "although, I'm sure young master would like to have a true adventure. For that, I recommend becoming a caravan guard. More specifically a merchant caravan, you will have many opportunities to see the world." The lightning dragon seemed to be proud of this idea, partly because this was the choice he always went with when he got bored waiting for his role of being a tribulation.

The youth rubbed his chin as he thought, "a grand idea, little lizard. Do you wish to journey with me to would you like to ponder the insights from that book?" The youth looked at the lightning dragon after finishing his thought, "I'll be sure to pay you for your service."

As if it had received a blessing from every god in existence, the lightning dragon quivered as it prostrated itself to the youth, "this humble one does not deserve the graces of the young master. Thank you for this opportunity, I am eternally grateful." The lightning dragon even clasped its clawed hands in prayer to the Great One before it.

The youth glanced down at the world and asked the lightning dragon, "where shall we start our adventure as caravan guards? I looked around and saw a few larger caravans that appear to be prepping for a long journey."

The lightning dragon looked up from its worship and spoke, "you're in luck young master, the various chambers of commerce are sending their goods off to the central kingdoms."

The youth pondered briefly, "why are they sending their caravans to the central kingdoms?"

The lightning dragon hurriedly responded, "ah, forgive me, young master. They are restocking their branches in the kingdoms surrounding the Divine Sect in preparation for their ceremony welcoming the new cultivators in their sect."

The youth nodded his head, "surely a grand event for businesses. Alright, we shall join the largest caravan with the shortest travel time. I would go with the furthest, but my time is limited and I have a new interest in this so-called 'Divine Sect.'"

The lightning dragon lifted its body from its prostrating as it began to shift into a human form, "I shall have it arranged, young master. pardon me for asking, but do you have a disguise, young master?" The lightning dragon spoke with a hint of worry in its voice.

The youth waved his hand, completely dismissing any notion of questioning as his body, which was colossal in size, shifted and was replaced with a black-haired young man. The new form had a muscular build that wasn't too bulky and stood at a height of 6 feet (182.88 cm). With a very common but still attractive appearance, the young man would surely capture many common ladies' hearts. The main eye-catcher was none of that, however, the main attraction was his eyes.