

Leo always said that he loved the sunrise and sunset, in fact, I grew to love them too. Its funny how they seem had the brighter lights. Never thought that he'd be one of them. And as I kissed his forehead while we watched the sunrise, we were back to where we started, alone.

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"Do you have plans for today?" Lucille asked as I glance at her right in front of the sliding door. 

We're at the veranda, catching some fresh air to refresh our thoughts and over thinks. I know she's also wondering how will she gonna help Leo for his problems right now. 

She's wearing my white long sleeves polo and a short or maybe she didn't wear one, only her undies. I laughef at my mind, seeing her wearing that after last night. 

"I don't have one, do you have?" 

"Well, we can walk in the seasides and look for some souvenirs, like key chains and etc." She uttered, 

"That's a great idea," I smiled. "Is Leo feel good right now? I added as she walk closer to me. 

Wide open arms as I let her hug me tightly, so she can feel comfy to share to me Leo's problems. I'm sure it's all about his self private life and love life.