
Island and Magic

An accident brings two people from a vastly different style of life together in the equally wonderful and terrifying world of magic.

trueanimelover34 · Urban
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6 Chs

First Encounter

The glow of the early morning helped Amar feel warm as the night was quite cold. He looked at Julie and saw she too was soaking in the warmth of the sun. Talking with her all night made him realize that she was someone big, like someone he should know about. Although she didn't say what she did for a living, he felt that it wasn't something small, at least nothing close to what he used to do.

"I am getting very thirsty right now. I think it's time we start our search of the forest," Julie suggested.

Her words broke his thoughts. Giving her a nod, he stood up and dusted his body, sending sand everywhere, with Julie doing the same as well.

They both started to walk towards the forest, keeping their pace slow. Amar couldn't help but keep glancing at her. Although he had seen her last night and knew she was beautiful but seeing her in the day made him realize how much she really was beautiful. Her ash blonde hair was short and curly, which really looked perfect for her small round face and her hazel eyes looked mesmerizing.

(I could watch her face all day long. I should try to keep proper distance else I might drool and that would be really pathetic and creepy.)

Soon they reached the edge of the forest which when looked kind of spooky to Amar.

"Hey, maybe we should split up and cover more ground. Then we will meet here again if we find anything," he suggested.

"No. That's not a good idea in an unknown forest. Plus haven't you watched horror movies. People always separate from each other and then die a horrible death. So, no thanks," she briskly replied.

As he didn't like to watch movies, much less horror ones, his knowledge about them was pretty limited. So, Julie's explanation sounded sufficient to him.

They walked together inside the forest for a couple of hours. Both were exhausted and hungry by now. With just more dense trees in front of them and without any idea about where to go, they were pretty much walking around blind.

Moments later, Amar heard a noise, which turned out to be that of a river flowing. He and Julie were pretty excited as they were very thirsty by now. Quickly they went to quench their thirst and get refreshed.

"Man, this water is cold and really refreshing. It tastes better than those flavored water," Julie said while drinking the water.

Amar who just finished drinking the water, grinned, "Yeah, no arguing there. It felt so good that now I'm stuffed."

While they were refreshing themselves, a noise from behind alerted them both. They quickly turned to see that a couple of people wearing cloaks and hoods with masks had come behind them while they were busy drinking in the river. The group stood a bit far from the river, near the bushes.

"Whoa! Who are you people? We both are survivors of two plane crash. Can you help us?" Amar hopefully asked.

Giving him a stab with her arm, Julie whispered to him, "Are you crazy? They look like some kind of cult. I mean, just look at their dress. Maybe they are even cannibals. Oh God! They will eat us."

A quick look at Julie told Amar that she was very frightened. So, trying to look cool, he shouted at the group, telling them not to come any closer or he would beat them. Amar had hoped this will at least make them keep their distance but to his disappointment, the group slowly started to come closer.

Picking up a sturdy looking branch from the riverbank, he tried to look menacing but a loud laugh from one of the masked one unnerved him.

"Bahahaha. This guy is too damn funny. Looks like he will beat us with his stick guys."

The one guy in the front who seemed like their leader said out loud while laughing and the others too laughed.

Their laughs made Amar a bit angry as he felt being mocked by the group. Still trying to keep his mind cool, he coldly asked the guy in front, "What are you planning to do with us? I am warning you all that if you have any bad intentions then I won't let it slide. Do you understand?"

The guy in front raised his fist and suddenly everyone was silent. Then, he pulled the hood and removed his mask to his face.

Julie gasped as she saw the man's face. His face was brute looking with a grim smile and full of scars. A particularly nasty-looking one was the one that went horizontally from his ear to ear. He didn't have any beard or mustache while his short hair was blood red. He looked like he was in his late 40's and although his brown cloak hid his figure, Julie could still see that he was big and muscular. She hoped the man wouldn't take offense at Amar's threat no matter how silly it sounded.

(Though Amar did act brave I guess. Others might have frozen in their place with fear. Hell! I couldn't speak a word to them due to fear. At least he had the courage to act, even if it was somewhat foolish.)

The lead man walked towards them while Amar stood ahead of her as if she needed protection which she angrily thought was offensive.

"Just because I am a woman and a little afraid doesn't mean I need a knight in a shiny armor saving me. That's just sexist," she murmured. Thankfully the others didn't appear to hear her. Still, she did begrudging admire him for thinking about protecting her.

The lead man stood in front of Amar and moved his hand for a handshake. The unexpected move confused both her and Amar. Still grabbing hold of his wit, Amar shook his hand.

The man was over 6 feet while Amar was considerably short and it looked as if a lion was shaking hands with a rabbit. Both of them were still in a handshake, both of them shaking their hands quite vigorously.

"Oh! I see you are quite fearless. Others would have frozen in fear after seeing us. You had the courage to face us and even give threats. Call me impressed."

His word broke the tension that was in the air and both of them let the hands go. Amar responded, "My body just moved automatically and so did my mouth. I hope you'll not be offended."

Nodding, the man spoke, "I am Nio. And who might you fine youngsters be?"

This time Julie who was still behind Amar hurriedly arrived in front with her charming smile and replied, "I am Julie and this is Amar. We are pleased to meet you."

She then proceeded her hand toward Nio for a shake. Nio however took her hands and pressed his lips against her hand, surprising her and eliciting a cough from Amar.

"My my. What a charming young lady you are!" Nio smiled while gently letting her hands free.

At the compliment, Julie couldn't help but blush. While she had been complimented, flattered, and fawned over countless times, she felt the one from Nio sincere.

Amar who was watching them from the sidelines suddenly questioned, "I am hoping for some answers for my questions. Will you answer my questions?"

Julie too had questions and was looking expectedly towards Nio for his answer.

"I am sure you have a lot of questions Amar. Follow me and I will answer your questions once we reach our destination. And don't be alarmed that I am asking you to travel with us. I promise no harm will come to both of you. So, will you travel with us?" Nio spoke with a serious voice.

Looking at Amar, Julie saw him nod his head after a few moments. So she thought to herself.

(He is asking us nicely. I mean they could just capture us and force us to go with them. But since he asked nicely and we do need answers, I guess I should agree as well.)

Taking a deep breath she replied, "Ok. We both will go with you. And remember your promise as well. We are both in your hands."

Soon both of them, Nio and the rest of the masked group proceeded to go through the bushes and towards a trail path.