
Ishara's Wishpers: Battle For Balance

After becoming the Pokémon World Champion, Ash hears of a mysterious island, Ishara, in the Galarian Ocean. Despite chilling legends, he sets out to explore its uncharted territories. Professor Oak seeks his help for research on the island. Unbeknownst to Ash, Team Rocket aims to capture powerful Pokémon and uncover crystallisation secrets. Meanwhile, Interpol dispatches agents Red and Blue in the past to investigate team rocket activities in the island. Ash, alongside ranger Yancy, navigates the island's dangers, striving to uncover its enigmas. Ishara's mysteries push them to their limits in a battle of cosmic proportions. Leon, gazing into the depths of Ishara's mysteries remarked with a knowing smile "The island's secrets are like a legendary Pokémon, Ash. Elusive, but worth the pursuit." Mewtwo's voice grew softer, yet carried a dire tone "Knowledge comes at a price, Ash Ketchum. And the cost may be more than you can bear." "Ishara is a place where the boundaries of reality blur, Ash. It's as if time itself has secrets to reveal." "I can feel it too, Yancy. It's as if every rustling leaf holds a hidden message." "These symbols....They tell a story, a story that's been forgotten for eons." "A story that Team Rocket is keen to exploit, Yancy. We need to uncover it before they do." A voice, almost ghostly, whispered "The power of Ishara is the power of life and death. Choose wisely, for the shadows never forget." "These Pokémon...they seem to hold the island's secrets. We must understand their role." "Ishara's mysteries will bow to Team Rocket's ambitions. No powers is beyond our reach." Who will win? What is behind the mysterious forest shadows of Ishara? Let's discover the secrets of "The silent Isle of Shadows" - - - - Whispers Of Ishara: The Battle Of Balance Disclaimer: We don't own pokemon.

pokemonfanfiction · Anime & Comics
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Generations: Rematch Brewing

Hey guys! Here is a first chapter of our collaborative story,

Generations: Rematch Brewing

Hope you all will like it. Don't forget to vote and comment your opinions, if you like it. So let's starts our journey without delay!

Before we start, here is the age of our characters,

Ash Ketchum : 18 years old

Gary oak : 19 years old

Delia : 36 years old

Professor oak : 62 years old

Giovanni : 43 years old

Lance : 39 years old

Leon : 36 years old

Yancy: 18 years old

This book was a continuation of 'Aim to be Pokemon master'. This story is a our ideas and imaginations of what would happen after Ash's journey.

Pokemon speaking : ( italics (') apostrophe )

'I love my ketchup, don't separate me from the love of my life'

Thoughts and Telepathy: ( italics (") quotation )

"wow! This forest beautiful"

"I will help Ash, to save this island and world"


Kanto Region's Pallet Town

In a spacious room, Ash and Pikachu slumber peacefully on a generously-sized king bed, their legs comfortably positioned apart, indulging in a deep sleep. It seems Ash might have been dreaming of Pokémon and intense battles, while Pikachu, his faithful companion of a decade, appears to be dreaming of its beloved tomato ketchup as it rests by Ash's side.

The morning light filters through the curtains of a nearby window, casting a warm glow onto the bed as the clock approaches eight. Delia, Ash's mother, strides into the room with a frustrated look on her face, calling out urgently, "Ash! Ash! Wake up, honey! It's getting late, and you don't want to miss your visit with Professor Oak." A heated exchange ensues, but eventually, Ash and Pikachu settle back onto the bed, rubbing their tired eyes. They glance at Delia, noticing her visibly worried expression.

"Hey, Mom, why did you wake me up so early? I really need more sleep," Ash grumbles, clearly still longing for some extra rest.

"Come quickly now, wash your hands and face. Breakfast awaits you in the dining room" Delia insists before leaving the room.

Confused by his mother's urgency, Ash stares in dismay at the open doorway through which she had disappeared, likely heading to the dining room. Pikachu glances at him in surprise, realizing that his trainer had completely forgotten about the possibly crucial conversation scheduled with Professor Oak at nine o'clock that morning. The small rodent Pokémon narrows its eyes at Ash, expressing its concern.

Ash noticed Pikachu's strange looks and remarked, "Why are you looking at me like that again? Am I really forgetting something important?" Ash questioned himself, with a hint of thoughtfulness in his voice.

Now Pikachu was getting mad at his partner as he dashed towards the bedside table. There, he spotted an open envelope with a letter that Professor Oak had sent to Ash through Tracy the previous day. Pikachu hurriedly brought it to Ash. As Ash read the contents, his memory was jogged, and he swiftly sprang from the bed, making a beeline for the bathroom to freshen up without any further delay.

[Time skip]

Dressed and ready, Ash exited the bathroom, quickly donned his clothes, and headed downstairs. After consuming a quick breakfast, he made his way to Professor Oak's lab.

[Ash, the current champion of the Alola region and the youngest trainer to defeat Leon for the title of World Monarch, returns home and indulges in luxury to rejuvenate before resuming his training. His new objective is to become the champion of the Kanto region. After years of relentless dedication, Ash finally challenges Lance and emerges victorious in a grueling battle, earning him the esteemed title of the new champion of the Kanto Region. Due to his rigorous training and other commitments, Ash hasn't been able to visit Professor Oak, his mentor and father figure, for the past four to five months. Consequently, he eagerly plans a visit to reunite with his beloved mentor.]

As they made their way down the road towards Professor Oak's lab, they found themselves frequently halted in the middle by several fans eager to secure autographs and take selfies. After these brief yet delightful interactions, they eventually arrived in front of Professor Oak's lab, the clock nearing nine o'clock.

Afterward, Ash with an excited tone said to Pikachu, "Huff! So, we managed to arrive on time, didn't we Pikachu?"

Pikachu responded with enthusiasm 'You're right, Ash! We made it, and we're all set for a new adventure!'

"Oh man, I completely forgot about those fans. If there are many gathered, then we will surely come here late, isn't it?" Ash thought himself with a sigh of relief.

"Then let's go inside and see what urgent matter Professor has got that he sent us a letter," Ash said, curious. He then approached the door of the lab with anticipation, waiting anxiously as the doorbell rang, fidgeting in anticipation for the door to open.

A person who wears a black full shirt and brown pants, with brown jet hair and eyes, now stands in front of Ash, reciprocating his expression. As usual, he too is gassed to see his friend.

Gary oak

At the outset of their Pokémon journey, these two rivals engaged in fierce battles to prove their worth. However, as they matured, a mutual recognition of their shared qualities dawned. Their transformation was underscored by a burgeoning comprehension, heartfelt backing, and an unbreakable bond, cementing their friendship in the pursuit of Pokémon excellence.

Gary greeted, "So Ashy boy, good to see you. When you came from there, Grandpa said you beat Lance in a champion's title battle."

Gary exclaimed, "Is it right? That means you are the new champion of Kanto!" He said this with a mixture of excitement in his voice.

Ash, with a hint of excitement in his voice, proudly declared that he had recently emerged victorious in an intense and thrilling Pokémon battle against Lance at the renowned Indigo Plateau stadium. This remarkable triumph had led him to claim the esteemed title of the new champion of the Kanto Region.

Then Ash asked Gary, "So what are you doing now, Gary, after your Project Mew mission?"

Gary reluctantly admitted, "My current activities consist of embarking on peculiar quests as instructed by various professors in different regions. Once those are completed, I begrudgingly return here to assist Gramps and reluctantly allocate some of my precious time to my Pokémon." Gary's tone conveyed his deep dissatisfaction with this situation, and Ash noticed it, but he completely disregarded it and hastily exclaimed.

"Gary, do you know where the Professor is? I urgently need to meet him!"

With a sly grin on his face, Gary, being the mischievous little rascal that he is, cunningly uttered, "Oh, if you're eager to see Gramp right away, you'll just have to exercise a bit of patience. You see, he's off feeding all those pesky Pokémon, and he might just be fashionably late."

Despite knowing exactly why his Gramp had summoned him, Gary couldn't resist the temptation to make Ash wait. Gary's voice carried a hint of mischief as he tried his best to sound serious and keep a straight face.

Ash felt a pang of sadness as he absorbed the news, but he quickly brushed it aside and turned to Gary with a burst of excitement. "Hey, how about we engage in an epic one-on-one Pokémon battle while we wait for the professor? Sound good to you?" Ash's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he locked his gaze onto Gary.

Despite being taken aback by Ash's unexpected proposition, Gary, aware of Ash's esteemed position as the reigning monarch of two realms and the world, understood that Ash's unwavering passion for Pokémon battles would always endure, even amidst his elevated status. This understanding led Gary to formulate his response after careful contemplation. "Okay then, let's have a one-on-one battle, but I have one condition."

"Tell me what the conditions are, I agree" Ash said confidently.

Gary remarked "Then listen, as you are too tough an opponent for me now, so there only I will use phenomenon. That means you have to play without any miracles. Is it okay with you?" Without any second thoughts, Ash replied, "Sure Gary! I have no problem with it."

"So let's go to our lawn, where we can battle without any disturbance. What do you say?" Gary said to Ash, to which Ash retorted, "Sure."

After that, they both reached their natural battlefield, and then both took their own battle positions. Ash took a random Pokéball from his waistband, while Gary chose a special Pokéball. When Ash conveyed, "So Gary, ready for our long-time battle? Though I am not able to use any wonders, you should be ready for everything, and I hope you will not disappoint me on that."

"Absolutely not, Ash. Let's start it" Gary replied.

After that, Ash throws his Pokéball and a bipedal Pokémon that resembles a badger or a weasel appears. It has mainly blue fur with a cream-colored underside. Its back is covered with spiky, flame-like fur that intensifies when it is ready to battle. It has sharp claws on its paws and a fiery, energetic expression on its face.

On the other side, Gary takes his Pokéball and flings it, releasing a large, bipedal Water-type Pokémon. It has a bulky blue body and a tough, brown shell with water cannons protruding from the top. Its head has small ears and powerful jaws, and it has a squirrel-like tail. This Pokémon is known for its formidable water-based attacks and its overall robust appearance.

Looking at Gary's Pokémon on the field, Ash ponders and asks Gary, "So, Gary, which move are you going to use with this Pokémon? As far as I know, you didn't have any of those invented moves, so which one are you going to use?"

"It's a surprise, Ashy boy. Let's start" Gary replies to Ash.

"Okay let's do it" Ash says, getting into his battle position and orders his Pokémon "Typhlosion, get ready for an energetic battle!"

Typhlosion responds with its battle cry 'Let's ready for fiery battle' in response to Ash's question.


"Whoa, Ash! So your Quilava evolved into a powerful Typhlosion? That's awesome! But I have the advantage, Ashy boy. And I've even started thinking that I can win this" Gary says, the last part looking at his starter Pokemon, Blastoise, who is standing beside his trainer with a calm expression.

"Enough talking, oak tree. Now let's start it. Typhlosion, use Swift on Blastoise" Ash says to his Johto starter Pokemon.

"Okay then, Blastoise, use Water Gun to stop those stars and then use Skull Bash on Typhlosion."

On Ash's order, Typhlosion swiftly releases a flurry of stars that streak towards Blastoise. On the other side, Blastoise unleashes a high-pressure torrent of water that gushes forth from the twin cannons on its shell, surging towards its target with formidable force. However, it is only able to stop some of the stars, as most of them mockingly hit Blastoise's face, causing the water-type Pokemon to moan in pain.

Seeing this, Gary is dumbfounded. "What? How can your Pokemon control those stars?"

"It's all the result of hard training, Gary. Now show me what you're capable of," Ash remarks.

"Okay then, Blastoise, use Rapid Spin and Hydro Pump together and rush towards that rodent," Gary orders his Pokemon.

Then Blastoise begins by executing a Rapid Spin, creating a spiraling vortex of water that surrounds it. As the spin reaches its peak, Blastoise abruptly transitions into a precise Water Gun attack, propelling the swirling aquatic vortex toward Typhlosion with heightened force.

Ash orders his Pokemon "Okay Typhlosion, use Dig to dodge it, then appear behind Blastoise and use a powerful Overheat."

After that, in a moment Typhlosion disappears into the ground, leaving a hole and then appears behind the water starter, using one of its powerful fire-type moves on Blastoise. This results in the blue Pokémon being knocked far away. When the dust clears, a bruised and unconscious Pokémon is found lying on the ground.

Gary's eyes widen in shock as he gazes upon his unconscious starter Pokémon. He had not anticipated losing the match so effortlessly. After the dust settles, he is eager to check if his Pokémon is unharmed and ready for the next move, but now he is left dumbfounded.

Then Ash mockingly says to Gary, "So Gary, you said that you would use some kind of phenomenon in this battle, but where is it? I can't see any type of phenomenon that I am familiar with." Gary felt embarrassed by Ash's comment, but he knows that Ash is not disrespecting him; he is just making fun of him.

Shaking off those feelings, Gary replied, "Before I could use it, you really defeated me without giving me any chance to fight back, Ash. And you two, just look at what it did to my Pokemon," Gary says pointing at his beloved Kanto starter.

"Hehe sorry for that. I didn't mean to hurt your Pokemon, and I didn't expect to win that match so easily. But I should also note that you haven't battled or trained since the Johto region, so it's somewhat normal for you to lose so easily," Ash says, leaning beside Gary.

"Hey, don't insult me like that, Ashy boy. I understand that I may have lost, but you should remember that you are the champion of two regions and a world monarch. It's normal for someone like you to win, so let's put all of that aside and go inside. I believe Gramps has already come to feed the Pokemon, and I need to take care of my Blastoise. Let's head in," Gary says to Ash.

"Okay, gare-bear" Ash replies teasingly and after that both friends head inside the house.


Kanto Region, Cero Island

Over on Cero Island, there's a crazy scene unfolding. About a hundred people are all pointing their guns at a Psychic-type Pokémon. It's looking pretty beaten up, with bruises and panting breaths. But even so, it has a sleek, purple body, a segmented tail, and some seriously intense eyes. It really looks poor in front of those people.

"So, Mewtwo" a tall sharply dressed guy with slicked-back hair, sporting a dark suit and a serious expression, smirked wickedly "The supposed 'Protector of Innocent Pokémon.' Now that we've wiped out all the Pokémon in Cero, who are you gonna save now?"

Lying beside a tree, Mewtwo, one of the most formidable Psychic-type Pokémon, was in a grievous state. Despite this, the wounded creature managed to rise, though every movement was a struggle. With considerable effort, Mewtwo warned, "Giovanni, you heartless and foolish being, you shall face dire consequences" bellowed the grumpy voice, warning Giovanni of the impending retribution! Then Mewtwo was accompanied by a faint pinkish aura.

Suddenly, a pulsating sphere of magnificent psychic energy materialized around Mewtwo, radiating an intense and luminous glow. Swift and focused, the Pokémon hurled the sphere towards the despicable grunts, its energy streaking through the air like a comet.

The sphere collided with the grunts, unleashing a tremendous force that engulfed them in a dazzling display of psychic power. Consequently, those wretched souls writhed in the agonizing grip of death's embrace.

"You bloody bastard! You killed my Grunts, you son of a whore!" Giovanni yelled furiously.

"Now you're gonna pay for it, you bugger!"

Mewtwo, unfazed by Giovanni's outburst, offered to ease his suffering with one of his strongest attacks. But before he could unleash it, Giovanni barked an order to his Grunts: "Don't let him use Psystrike again! Attack that bastard!"

Then, the moment Giovanni gave the command to attack, some of the grunts who had been holding the gun in their hands all the while pointed it at the humanoid Psychic Pokemon and fired.

The grunts held a formidable weapon in their hands, the TLR-43 (HEL) High Energy Laser system, known as one of the most powerful laser shooting weapons used on the battlefield. These advanced laser systems emitted high-energy beams capable of causing destruction. In this intense moment, approximately ten lasers were directed towards the exhausted and injured Mewtwo.

As the lasers approached, Mewtwo's eyes gleamed with determination, and he swiftly raised his right hand to shield himself. With all his might, he managed to deflect eight of the lasers, but two managed to break through his defense. One laser seared past him, colliding with a nearby tree, while the other exploded in front of his feet.

The impact of the blast sent Mewtwo crashing to the ground, his eyes half-open and his thigh wounded. Blood streamed from a deep gash and various other injuries, making it a struggle for Mewtwo to regain his footing.

"Oh, look at Mewtwo over here! Just a little while ago, you were all big and bad, threatening to kill us. And now, here you are, sitting there on the verge of death yourself. So, how exactly do you plan on killing us now? It seems like you're the one who needs saving, not us. I highly doubt you can even save yourself, let alone pose a threat to us. Looks like you're finally ready to accept your fate as my slave. Last time, you ran away. But this time, I won't be letting you go. You caused me a lot of trouble in the past, and now it's payback time. From now on, you'll be working for me, whether you like it or not" Giovanni says, leaning beside Mewtwo's lying figure.

"Even if I die, I will never submit to the servitude of a contemptuous and heartless person like you" Mewtwo said in a sharp, pained voice.

"But now you are compelled to accept my offers, you weak asshole" Giovanni replied.

He noticed Mewtwo's peculiar smile, Giovanni heard him say through the pain "You all believe I can't defend myself now, but watch this."

Mewtwo's body shimmered with a pink glow, and in an instant, Giovanni, standing closest, comprehended Mewtwo's true intention. Giovanni's eyes widened as he screamed desperately, "No, you can't teleport now, Mewtwo!"

However, before he could finish, Mewtwo vanished, leaving only a faint voice in the air "Prepare yourself, for I won't spare you next time. I will return for vengeance."

Giovanni clenched his fists "You can run, Mewtwo, but you can't hide forever. Our paths will cross again."

"Our mission is not over. Mewtwo may have escaped for now, but we will not rest until we have that Pokémon under our control. Prepare for the next phase of our plan."

His top operatives, unwavering in their loyalty responded in unison "Yes, Boss. We won't fail you."

Giovanni, still seething from his encounter with Mewtwo, found solace in stroking Persian's silky fur. His fingers moved with a tenderness that was a stark contrast to his usual cold demeanor. "We will not be defeated, my friend" he whispered to Persian.


Writer (ac9121572)

Editing (satosere16)

Chapter Development (Volt-Zera-058,Saptaswapal, AntaripGhosh,ASHMITH33 and SayanGunin )

Thank you for reading! Have a good day!

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See you soon with next one

Until byee guys!

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