
Ishakura: A Timeless Legacy

Ishakura is an enthralling graphic novel that delves into the exhilarating adventures of Lizen Ishakura, the last surviving member of his bloodline after the catastrophic 200-Year War. On a mission to become a hero, Lizen is accompanied by his steadfast friends, Azurae and Kara, as they traverse through a magical world filled with wonder and peril. Together, they expand their group and relentlessly pursue their individual goals, exploring themes of legacy, friendship, and self-discovery along the way. Experience an unforgettable journey with Lizen and his friends as they redefine heroism and forge their own paths in this mesmerizing tale.

Daze_Away · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 12: Survival of The Fittest

"Ugh, this place is like a maze," Lizen grumbled, landing and scanning his surroundings with growing annoyance. "Did I just get lost?" The faint sound of scuttling behind him set off alarm bells, prompting him to whirl around, his blade at the ready. In the nick of time, he sliced an attacking bat in two. The creature's dying screeches echoed through the chamber as its lifeless halves hit the ground.

In an instant, a massive swarm of bats descended upon Lizen, their shrill cries reverberating throughout the cavernous space. Springing into action, he nimbly leaped into the fray, his blade a whirlwind of precision and speed. Effortlessly, Lizen teleported in and out of the swarm, evading their onslaught and cleaving through the bats with each swift strike.

Upon returning to the ground, Lizen wasted no time in teleporting away, but the tenacious swarm refused to relent. "Whoa! There's no end to these bats!" Lizen gasped, darting through the dungeon's labyrinthine corridors, his heart pounding as he sought an escape from the relentless horde.

Lizen's breaths grew labored as he continued to flee from the relentless swarm of bats. Diving around corners and leaping over obstacles, he desperately tried to put some distance between himself and his pursuers. Through a succession of teleports, flips, vaults, and wall runs, he knew that he couldn't keep this up forever, and he needed to find a way to deal with the swarm.

As Lizen sprinted toward the narrow corridor, he spotted the cluster of stalactites hanging from the ceiling near the entrance. An idea struck him, and he swiftly sheathed his sword, shifting his focus to the ground. He spotted a hefty rock nearby, perfect for his plan.

Taking a deep breath, Lizen charged toward the rock, using his agility and quick reflexes to shift his body weight. In one fluid, acrobatic motion, he performed a handspring, using the momentum to launch his legs skyward. His feet connected with the rock with incredible force, sending it soaring upward like a missile.

The rock struck the base of the stalactites with a resounding crack, causing several of them to break free and plummet toward the ground. The falling stalactites formed a barrier at the entrance of the corridor, effectively blocking and slowing down the bat swarm.

Shifting his gaze to the ground, Lizen noticed an array of Mana Gems scattered about. These gems were a valuable resource for spellcasters and could be used to enhance various abilities.

An idea formed in his mind. Alone, the Mana Gems might not be capable of much, but if he could harness their combined energy, they could potentially create a significant impact.

Swiftly, Lizen gathered as many Mana Gems as he could carry and teleported back to the narrow corridor. Tightly securing the Mana Gems in a bag, he waited until the swarm approached the passage blocked by the fallen rocks. He observed patiently as the swarm drew closer.

Just as they were within range, Lizen hurled the bag of Mana Gems into the air. The bag collided with the cave ceiling, causing a massive release of energy that triggered a cave-in. Rocks tumbled down, sealing the entrance to the corridor and effectively cutting off the swarm of bats from Lizen's path.

Now safe from the bats, Lizen took a moment to catch his breath and plopped himself on the ground. As he rummaged through his bag, he noticed a tear at the bottom, likely caused by the recent skirmish. To his dismay, many supplies, as well as two days' worth of food, were missing.

He let out a sigh of frustration, realizing that the situation had just become more challenging. Quickly, Lizen grabbed a piece of cloth and tied it around the tear at the bottom of his bag, preventing any more items from falling out. Then, deciding it was best to replenish his energy, he took out a day's worth of food and ate it, savoring each bite.

With renewed determination, Lizen stood up, slung his now lighter bag over his shoulder, and continued deeper into the dungeon. Upon entering the next area, Lizen found himself in a stunning oasis filled with lush vegetation and an array of Mana Gems. The glow in the area was peaceful and warm, inviting him to stay and rest for a while. Recognizing that he needed to take a break in this hectic dungeon, Lizen decided to take advantage of the serenity this oasis offered.

He found a soft patch of vegetation and laid down, allowing himself to fully take in the breathtaking scenery. Fireflies danced around him, their beautiful glow illuminating the oasis, while the ceiling above resembled a star-filled night sky. For a moment, Lizen forgot about the challenges that awaited him and allowed himself to be enveloped by the tranquility of this hidden sanctuary.

As Lizen lay there, taking in the beauty of the oasis, a soothing voice seemed to whisper in his ear. "Stay here, Lizen," it said softly. "Forget about the dungeon and its dangers. This place can be your sanctuary, your paradise. Remain here, and you'll never have to worry about the trials and tribulations of the world outside."

The voice was mesmerizing, tempting him to abandon his quest and remain in this peaceful haven forever. More voices joined in convincing him to stay.

As Lizen listened to the voice, his core suddenly started to react negatively to the area. It throbbed with a sense of urgency as if warning him that something was amiss. This sensation served as a crucial reminder that the dungeon was filled with tricks and traps and that he shouldn't let his guard down so quickly.

He knew that he couldn't afford to waste any more time here. As Lizen prepared to leave the oasis, the voices drew him back in. His core throbbed once more snapping him out of the trance. The source of the voice finally revealed itself.

The creature was a Siren Plant, a rare and dangerous organism that lured its prey with a soothing voice and used pheromones to make them feel content and relaxed. Once the prey was in a state of vulnerability, the plant would consume them.

The Siren Plant, sensing that its prey was no longer under the influence of its voice and pheromones, began to emit a hissing sound, as if frustrated by its failure to ensnare Lizen. Its vibrant petals unfurled, revealing sharp teeth within its blooming maw. Multiple plants began to sprout around Lizen all just as hungry.

While Azurae and Lori remained locked in their intense race, Lori deftly skated along his lightning bolts, and Azurae soared through the sky with ease. Azurae cackled, "Hey, Twinkle Toes, you sure you don't want to take a break?" But, Lori continued to ignore Azurae's taunts.

Growing more determined to provoke a reaction, Azurae dived at Lori, only for him to vault over him, causing the latter to crash into a wall. Undeterred, Azurae charged at Lori again, startling him, but Nipsy intervened, blocking the attack and tossing Azurae into another wall.

Lori, believing he had left Azurae behind, focused on maintaining his speed. However, much to his surprise, Azurae was still alongside him, wearing a mischievous grin, his scales glowing a brilliant red. Azurae spun his body like a drill, finally connecting with Lori and sending him flying. As Azurae zipped past, making a silly face, Lori and Nipsy were visibly furious and quickly resumed the chase.

As Azurae continued to dodge the relentless lightning bolts, Lori gained ground, closing the distance between them. Nipsy, in her cat form, clung to Lori's shoulder, her eyes locked on Azurae with unwavering determination. The chase intensified, with Azurae trying his best to evade the incoming bolts while maintaining his speed.

Finally, Azurae spotted a sharp turn up ahead in the dungeon. He grinned, seeing an opportunity to escape the barrage. Just as they approached the turn, Azurae expertly shifted his body and swooped around the corner, narrowly avoiding another lightning bolt. The chaotic nature of the race mirrored the overall state of the dungeon, as students and creatures alike fought for survival and success.

The high-speed chase continued, with each competitor trying to outmaneuver the others. Azurae's laughter echoed through the dungeon corridors as he relished the competition. Lori remained focused on catching up to him, his lightning bolts growing more accurate and powerful with each passing second. Nipsy, still perched on Lori's shoulder, prepared another shadow attack, her eyes glowing with anticipation.

As they raced through the dungeon, they encountered various obstacles: swinging blades, collapsing floors, and even other groups of students battling their way through the challenge. The trio, however, showed no signs of slowing down, deftly avoiding each obstacle and continuing their pursuit.

Azurae, feeling the pressure of Lori and Nipsy's relentless chase, decided to take a risk. Spotting a shortcut, he darted through a narrow passage, hoping to increase the distance between them. The passage was filled with dangers, but Azurae was confident in his ability to navigate through them.

Lori, unwilling to let Azurae slip away, decided to follow him into the treacherous shortcut, with Nipsy still on his shoulder. The three competitors continued their high-stakes race, their determination and rivalry fueling them as they faced the dangers of the dungeon head-on.

As the trio raced through the treacherous shortcut, their competition momentarily overshadowing their common goal, they suddenly came face to face with a massive creature that brought them to an abrupt halt. The beast, a towering and fearsome monster with razor-sharp claws and a thick, armored hide, snarled menacingly as it blocked their path.

Instinctively, Azurae, Lori, and Nipsy ceased their rivalry and began working together to take down the formidable opponent. It wasn't out of camaraderie, but rather out of necessity; they knew they couldn't defeat the creature on their own. Lori unleashed powerful lightning bolts at the monster, attempting to stun it and expose its weak points. Azurae took to the air, swooping down to deliver quick, powerful strikes with his enhanced fists. Still in her cat form, Nipsy used her shadow magic to create tendrils of darkness that bound the creature, restricting its movements.

The trio fought in a reluctant alliance, their individual strengths combining to gradually wear down the fearsome beast. As the monster staggered under the relentless assault, Azurae, Lori, and Nipsy seized the opportunity to deliver a final, coordinated strike. With a deafening roar, the creature fell to the ground, defeated.

As they caught their breath, the three competitors glanced at one another. Just as quickly as it had begun, their competitive spirits ignited once more, and without exchanging a single word, they continued their heated race through the dungeon. The sounds of their pursuit filled the winding corridors of the dungeon, as they pushed themselves to the limit in a desperate bid to emerge as the winner.

Meanwhile, Kara's group faced a complex puzzle consisting of a grid of tiles on the floor, each adorned with a unique symbol. The ancient tome in the center of the room held the key to deciphering the correct path through the grid. One wrong step could trigger a trap or unleash a hidden threat.

Under Kara's leadership, the students were divided into teams. Some scrutinized the tome, translating the cryptic language, while others analyzed the symbols on the tiles. Working in tandem, they mapped out a safe path through the grid.

As the puzzle gradually revealed its secrets, the group carefully navigated the intricate path, their focus and teamwork overcoming the challenge. Kara's calm demeanor and effective leadership were crucial to their steady progress.

Once they reached the other side of the grid, a sense of accomplishment washed over the group. "That was pretty easy for the first trial. Let us continue forward." With renewed confidence, they followed Kara deeper into the dungeon, their path led them through a series of dark tunnels and dimly lit chambers. Suddenly Kara extends a hand stopping her group.

"What's wrong princess?" Students began to ask drawing closer to her.

Her eyes widen as she casts a wall of flame to push her team back,

"Stay Back-" Suddenly a large creature resembling a mandrill caved in through the ceiling slamming into her and crashing through the ground below. The tumbling shakes the entire dungeon each student feels it.