
Ishakura: A Timeless Legacy

Ishakura is an enthralling graphic novel that delves into the exhilarating adventures of Lizen Ishakura, the last surviving member of his bloodline after the catastrophic 200-Year War. On a mission to become a hero, Lizen is accompanied by his steadfast friends, Azurae and Kara, as they traverse through a magical world filled with wonder and peril. Together, they expand their group and relentlessly pursue their individual goals, exploring themes of legacy, friendship, and self-discovery along the way. Experience an unforgettable journey with Lizen and his friends as they redefine heroism and forge their own paths in this mesmerizing tale.

Daze_Away · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 10: Established Order!

In the world of Ethos, adventurers are drawn to mysterious and dangerous dungeons that have emerged across the land. These dungeons, believed to be remnants of a long-lost civilization, are filled with powerful monsters and hidden treasures. To help guide adventurers, the dungeons are classified into ranks based on their difficulty and the strength of the monsters within. The ranks are as follows: T-Rank (Training): These dungeons are used for training and consist of small slimes, rats, and bats. They are often found near towns or cities, allowing novice adventurers to hone their skills before tackling more difficult dungeons.

F-Rank (Abandoned): These dungeons have been abandoned due to their low threat level. They contain only a few weak monsters, such as goblins, spiders, and hounds, and are occasionally used as abandoned bases for bandits.

E-Rank to S-Rank (Scaling Difficulty): These dungeons grow progressively more challenging, with stronger monsters and more complex layouts. E-Rank dungeons feature weak monsters such as small goblins, spiders, and hounds, while S-Rank dungeons are filled with powerful creatures like Gork soldiers, Spider Wolves, Mummies, and Toadstools. Adventurers must form parties to conquer these dungeons, with higher-ranked dungeons often requiring multiple parties to clear.

GOD-Rank (Corrupted): These extremely rare and dangerous dungeons are the result of a mana imbalance, corrupting surrounding dungeons and increasing their rank. GOD-Rank dungeons are filled with powerful, corrupted monsters that feed on the overflowing mana. Clearing these dungeons requires multiple S-Rank teams and can take weeks of exploration. The rewards, however, are great, as these dungeons contain valuable ores and other precious resources.

Each dungeon contains unique environments, puzzles, traps, and treasures to challenge and reward adventurers. As they progress through the ranks, adventurers will encounter rival parties, treasure hunters, and researchers who have their own reasons for exploring the dungeons. As dungeons are cleared, they may change over time, with new monsters, layouts, and challenges emerging to keep adventurers on their toes.

By exploring these dungeons, adventurers can grow stronger, uncover ancient secrets, and perhaps even change the fate of their world. The dungeon system offers an exciting and dangerous challenge for those brave enough to face it, and the rewards for success are limited only by their courage and skill.

In the T-Rank dungeon, the rules were straightforward. Students were given a time limit of five days to complete the dungeon. After that, a member of the Student Council would enter the dungeon to evacuate any remaining students. Each participant was provided with six days' worth of emergency food supplies.

The objective was clear: recover the ribbon at the end of the dungeon. Students were free to use any means necessary, whether it involved fighting or working together to achieve their goals.

The students streamed into the dungeon, their excitement was palpable as they began their first real test at Zenith. After rushing into the dungeon the students are met with a grand room with a dead end. All that sits in the middle is a large pedestal with a beautifully engraved crystal orb on top. The walls of the grand room are adorned with intricate murals and carvings that depict epic battles, fearsome monsters, and the treasures that await the victors of the dungeon challenge.

As the students congregated around the magnificent pedestal, their gazes were drawn to the mesmerizing crystal orb hovering above. Its radiant glow bathed the room in an ethereal light, casting shimmering reflections on the eager faces. Within the orb, a three-dimensional holographic map materialized, unveiling the intricacies of the labyrinthine dungeon that awaited them. The map pulsated with life, displaying a labyrinth of twisting pathways, treacherous zones, and hidden chambers.

Whispers and murmurs rippled through the room like a gentle breeze, as the students huddled together in clusters, their voices brimming with excitement and anticipation. Animated discussions filled the air, strategizing, and concocting plans to conquer the imminent challenge. Fingers pointed at key locations on the hologram, tracing potential routes and deciphering the cryptic symbols denoting the objectives.

As the students engrossed themselves in their tactical conversations, the grand room trembled with a low rumble, causing heads to turn and hearts to quicken. The once-solid walls transformed before their eyes, shifting and revealing previously concealed doorways. Each entrance beckoned, leading to a distinct section of the labyrinthine dungeon, promising untold adventures and trials.

In the blink of an eye, a surge of motion cascaded through the room as students scrambled to choose their path, their footsteps echoing with urgency. Some dashed towards the nearest door, driven by an insatiable curiosity to explore the unknown. Others hesitated, analyzing the holographic map with furrowed brows, their minds racing to decipher the best course of action.

One doorway, in particular, beckoned with an aura of mystery and promise. As the students ventured through its threshold, they emerged into an expansive open area, bathed in an otherworldly glow. Towering cliffs rose majestically on either side, their rocky faces adorned with moss and ivy, creating an ambiance of ancient grandeur.

Azurae, his draconic heritage awoken, spread his wings wide, harnessing the winds to lift him effortlessly into the sky. He soared above the chaos, his eyes scanning the vast expanse below, searching for familiar faces amid the tumultuous scene.

Lizen, ever the master of teleportation, shimmered into view, his form flickering like a mirage as he zipped and dashed through the battleground. He weaved between allies and adversaries, effortlessly evading the chaos that threatened to consume them all. With a quick glance towards Azurae, Lizen's voice carried a hint of urgency and determination. "Azurae, remember, we're supposed to stick together! We are stronger as a team."

Amongst the commotion, Kara was nowhere to be found, lost amidst the whirlwind of clashing forces. Determined not to be overwhelmed by the chaos, Lizen made a split-second decision to prioritize reaching a safe zone where they could regroup.

In the midst of the battle unfolding below, a figure caught Azurae's attention, skating through the chaos with remarkable speed. Lori Tad, a blur of motion, gracefully glided atop streaks of yellow lightning, their crackling energy propelling him forward. His mastery of speed allowed him to conserve energy while navigating the treacherous terrain with unparalleled agility.

With a mighty sweep of his wings, Azurae launched himself further into the air, his scales shimmering in the sunlight as he soared above the chaos below. He strained to keep pace with Lori, his eyes locked on his swift companion. Despite the urgency in his gaze, Lori maintained an unwavering determination, his focus fixed straight ahead.

Perched gracefully on Lori's shoulder, Nipsy, a small feline form, radiated an air of quiet intensity. Her emerald eyes glinted with a watchful vigilance as she scanned the surroundings, her senses attuned to the slightest disturbance. Muscles coiled beneath her sleek fur, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

Azurae and Lori, their competitive spirits ignited, raced alongside each other, their movements synchronized as they deftly maneuvered through the labyrinthine passages. They weaved through swarms of rats and slimes, their bodies a blur of speed and agility. Each step and leap showcased their endurance, determination, and the unspoken rivalry that fueled their progress.

As they zipped past their fellow students, who were too focused on their individual struggles to notice their companionship, Azurae and Lori exchanged fleeting glances, their eyes filled with unspoken challenge. With each stride, they pushed themselves further, their shared goal driving them to surpass their limits.

Amidst the chaos and disarray, a fiery explosion erupted from the center of the battlefield, drawing the attention of all. Kara stood at the epicenter, her flames dancing around her like a blazing halo. The ferocity of her presence demanded attention, and the chaos momentarily subsided as her voice rang out with commanding authority.

"Alright, idiots, listen up!" Kara's voice cut through the air, her words carrying an undeniable power. "We're getting nowhere like this. We need to work together until we reach the ribbon! Until then, we're a team."

The students exchanged hesitant glances, unsure of how to respond to Kara's bold proposition. Doubt and skepticism filled the air, and one by one, voices of dissent arose, hurling insults and criticism her way. But Kara remained unfazed, her smile unwavering.

In a swift, decisive motion, Kara propelled herself forward with her flames, targeting the student who had initiated the dissent. With a grip as strong as steel, she slammed his head into the ground, leaving a deep crater in her wake. The forceful display left the other students in stunned silence. Lifting him by his head, her smile never wavered. "Anyone else has anything to say? No? So we're going with my idea, right?" she mockingly asked, her voice dripping with a mixture of authority and menace.

The silence was palpable, punctuated only by the labored breaths of the defeated student. The unspoken answer hung in the air, and Kara released her grip, letting the crumpled student fall back to the ground.

"Good," Kara declared with a sense of finality, brushing off her hands as if she had just completed a mundane task. "Didn't want any more accidents."

Without missing a beat, Kara sprinted to the front, taking the lead and setting the pace through the treacherous dungeon. The other students, their hesitation replaced by a newfound respect mixed with fear, quickly followed suit. The unspoken consensus was clear—Kara's leadership was not to be questioned.

Meanwhile, Kata, having already assumed command of his group, led them through the winding tunnels of the dungeon. They skillfully dispatched a few hounds and bats that crossed their path, their coordinated efforts a testament to their training and discipline.

After navigating the perils of combat, the group arrived at their first puzzle—a peculiar contraption in the form of a large stone tablet. Etched into its surface were a series of intricate symbols, each accompanied by a corresponding button. The group gathered around the enigmatic puzzle, their eyes filled with curiosity and determination.

Kata surveyed the intricate engravings, his mind racing with possibilities. He analyzed the patterns and contemplated the implications of each symbol, seeking a logical solution to unlock the tablet's secrets. The weight of the challenge hung in the air, and the group braced themselves for the mental trial that lay ahead.

In this pivotal moment, the fate of Kata's group rested on their collective intellect, resourcefulness, and ability to unravel the mysteries before them. With the stone tablet as their enigmatic guide, they stood united, ready to face whatever obstacles awaited them in the pursuit of victory.

"We need to figure out the right sequence to press these buttons," he said, pointing at the symbols. "There must be a pattern or a clue hidden here."

His teammates nodded and began to inspect the room, searching for any hint that could help them unlock the secret of the tablet. As they worked together, sharing their observations and building on each other's ideas, they began to piece together the solution.

As Kata's group focused on solving the puzzle, it provided a brief respite from the battles earlier. It was a chance for the students to relax and take in their surroundings, appreciating the intricacy of the dungeon's design.

Kata observed his team as they worked together to figure out the puzzle. "Guys, remember to communicate and share your thoughts. We're a team, and we can solve this faster if we work together." Despite his words, he lacked empathy and meaning behind them speaking like a soul-less robot.

One student, a girl with a keen eye for patterns, noticed a sequence of symbols etched onto the wall. "Hey, look at this," she called out to the others, pointing at the symbols. "I think it might be a clue."

A tall boy with glasses squinted at the symbols, tilting his head slightly. "Hmm, it appears to be some sort of code. Let's see if we can decipher it."

As the group gathered around the symbols, they began to discuss potential meanings and connections to the puzzle. The atmosphere was calm and collaborative, with each student contributing their unique insights.

In the midst of their efforts, Kata couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in himself for taking credit for his team. They were working together, putting their individual talents to good use, and proving themselves capable of overcoming the challenges that lay ahead.

With their combined efforts, it wasn't long before they cracked the code and unlocked the hidden passageway. The group, feeling a renewed sense of unity and determination, ventured deeper into the dungeon, ready to face whatever obstacles awaited them.

As the hidden passageway creaked open, the group's sense of accomplishment was short-lived. To their surprise, they were met with an abundance of mobs that seemed to have been waiting for them just beyond the door.

Kata, filled with arrogance and pride, shouted commands to his team, "Listen up, we need to fend off these monsters! Follow my strategy, and we'll get through this easily!" Kata's cocky Grin expands as he raises his flaming blade overhead.