
chapter 7

it was 10 A.M. when I woke up. The sun rays emitting from the glass windows.. 

Darsh was hugging me as If he is hugging a pillow.. 

Without waking him up. I slowly moved and went to fresh up. When I opened the closet there were a lot of t-shirts and shorts.. Is it that obvious that we are gonna live here (?).. I took one of the black t-shirt and a boxers ( a new one) And went to shower. 

When I came back Darsh was still sleeping. I thought it's a new place.. and I am hungry and I need to grab something to eat. And some for Darsh too.

And I was about to go outside there was a clipboard on the fridge... why didn't I see this yesterday and go to see that.. I smiled automatically. By reading.. 

Enjoy your day to the fullest.. and there is no need to go out. Everything is in its place. 

I opened the refrigerator and there were preservative milk packs.... ice-creams... cold drinks..bear.. fruits... cream.... yogurt... everything.. then I went near the cupboard and opened it.. 

There are all snack items there.. a full vacation plan... and started smiling... Darsh came out and saw me in the kitchen.. and walked towards me.. 

"Hi Wifeyy. Hope you enjoyed last night." He said playfully.

"So what would you like to have now... " and winked my eyes. 

"Obviously you.. and you have no idea how sexy your looking right now." He said like a fact. 

Then we watched movies on OTT and spent the whole day on the couch. Discussing the story of the previous dialogues from the films.. laughing, giggling..... thank God I didn't had to connect my phone to T.V. it was already connected to OTT. 

It was evening... 

"Darsh.. let's play blind fold now" I said. Then went inside to get a handkerchief from the wardrobe and tied it on Darsh... 

It is really fun to play and space is large. Can't capture the other. When he captured me. It was my turn to capture him. 

No space was left uncovered.. the bedroom, living room, kitchen, closet, restroom.

For dinner we ordered pizzas; garlic bread; soft drinks online.and were dead tired.. it was 12'o clock. And then went to sleep on bed then..

please like, comment and follow me and my story  for more amazing facts and new friendship goals.