
Isekaied with Truck-Kun

Bonus Chapter Goals 1. For every five reviews a bonus chapter will be released. Dodo works as a part-time truck driver, one day when he was on his way to make a delivery he accidentally ends up hitting a high school boy when he was freaking out because of this incident, he failed to notice another truck approaching him and ends up dying. The Goddess Megami meets him and says that he is one of the chosen heroes of Fantasium and his job is to defeat the Demon King Mao and offer to grant him a unique skill. Dodo ends up thinking that this is some kind of prank and asks for his truck, only after the goddess grants him the wish and he is transported to Fantasium, he realizes everything is true. This marks the beginning of DoDo's Bizarro adventure.

PuppetsMaster · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Skills! Part 2

Now that I think about it, the weird lady keeps mentioning "Heroes". Does that mean there are others excluding me? I had Trucks search engine skills to tell me about these things. How will they understand and where are they now usually don't you all get summoned together?

"Skill Share - Search Engine"

I opened the search engine and started typing. How many hero's are there and where are they now? How will other heroes understand these things when it was very difficult for me to understand?

Some texts appeared in my field of vision, As for your first question there are a total of four hero candidates including you as for their information and location you're level is too low to access that information.

To answer your second question if you selected something you don't understand in your Status Screen it will give you a detailed description of that, most people are smart enough to find this, you are an exception.


I turned around to find Truck laughing behind my back, " What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, I just find it funny that you expect everyone to be as dumb as you"

"What? Keep talking like this and I will dismantle you"

"Go ahead and do it, Let's see how long you can survive without my help even the skill you are currently using to gather information belongs to me"

Uhh… he is right, I don't know how long I can last in this world without his help. I will take care of him later when I become stronger.

Then I had one more question to ask the search engine. I started typing, who are you?

I am Goddess Megami

Wait what? Goddess Megami is the search engine? What does this mean?

I started trying again, What does that mean? Does it mean that you are some form of Internet or some kind of AI?

Your level is too low to access this information.

Hmm… then let me ask something else, Why are we hero candidates and not proper Heros?

Your level is too low to access this information.

I kind of guessed this would happen, most of the information I got was basic whenever It gets complicated it says that my level is too low to access that information, I should give up for now and try to understand my skills and trucks skills.

I opened my status screen and selected the Pocket Sand skill

Pocket Sand (E) (Active)

Sand it's course, rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

Effect: When used on the opponent's eyes it temporarily blinds them, if it is used on any other body part causes irrigation and makes them lose their focus. (Not effective against Earth-type monsters)

Energy: 5 Per Use

Proficiency: 0%

What's with this shitty skill? It doesn't even do any proper damage, even the description is shitty as well and what's with targetting a specific body part? It's best not to use this for the time being.

Skill Share (S) (Active)

A very rare SumMoner skill achieved only by a master SumMoner. Allows you to temporarily borrow one of your SumMon's skills, You cannot borrow a skill that is higher than SkillShare. For example, if you're skill share rank is B you can only borrow up to B rank skills you cannot borrow higher ranking skills like A rank skills

Effect: Allows you to borrow one of your SumMon's skills, the higher the level more skills you can borrow at the same time. More powerful the SumMon more powerful the SumMoner gets.

Energy: Changes according to the skill

Proficiency: 0%

Hmm… I don't know what to say about this, this skill depends entirely on my summons, for now, I only have a Truck so I don't know how useful it will be and in order to use this, I should not only know about my skills but I should also learn about my summons skills.

Can I learn more about Truck skills the same way how I learned about mine? Let's give it a try.

I opened my Status Screen and Selected SumMons: Truck, Then I selected

Search Engine (S) (Active)

A very rare skill only possed by sages, scholars, and other knowledge seekers, allows you to access the secrets of this world. The higher your level and skill rank the more information you have access to.

Effect: Allows you to access hidden secrets and learn hidden and forbidden skills and magic.

Special Effect: Because of the high level of this skill a special effect has been added. Greatly increase Oratory and Wisdom stats.

Energy: Depends on the Knowledge

Proficiency: 0%

This thing is more powerful than I thought, it allows the user to access hidden and forbidden knowledge as well as skills and magic.

Moreover, unlike other skills which only had one restriction of skill rank, this has two restrictions of skill rank and level, is that how powerful this skill is? I am pretty sure if I asked something important it will say that my level is too low, let's just try to use this once I got more levels.

Moreover because of the high level of this skill it even has a kind of pseudo-passive special effect that greatly increase Oratory and Wisdom stats.

Acceleration (S) (Active)

Allows the user to increase their speed by 10% every time it is activated and can be stacked.

Effect: Increase your speed by 10% every time it is used, can be stacked up to seven times but if all seven stacks are used there is a cooldown period of 24 hours.

Energy: 150 Per Use

Proficiency: 0%

This is quite useful it can increase the users speed upto 70% the cooldown is kind of a problem but even without risking it one can increase one's speed by 60%

Alloy Body (S) (Passive)

Turns the user's body strong as a metal alloy, making it more strong, durable and Flexible. Greatly increase the users Physique, Escalate and Resilience.

Effect: Increase the user's Defence by 100%, Moderate Heat, Cold, and poison resistance but takes twice the damage from Electric based attacks, Moderate regeneration.

Proficiency: 0%

This is one of those defensive skills it is a passive skill as well so that's great, the resistance is added bonus but the twice the damage from an Electric based attack worries me a little bit, and the regeneration is kind of broken if someone got hit and take some damage, regeneration basically heals them for free, but I don't know how effective it is.

Telepathy (S) (Passive)

Allows the user to talk with someone using only their mind.

Effect: Allows the user community without using any sound and allows them to communicate with someone with only their mind. Allows two-way communication.

Proficiency: 0%

This is just what I expected, It could be useful to share information without anyone's knowledge.

Mana Sense (S) (Passive)

Allows the user to observe their surroundings with only their mana. Commonly found in monsters like slime which usually lack external sense organs.

Effect: Allows users to See, hear and feel their surroundings without any sense organs.

Proficiency: 0%

It's also the same as I expected, I guess Truck doesn't really have any sense organs, I am not sure how to use it, so for now I will leave it alone.

Grey Magic (C) (Passive)

One of the rarest form of Magic unlike other types of magic which uses elemental power grey magic use pure form of Energy for Attack, Defence, and even for Speed. The higher the Rank is more spells you can learn.

Effect: Allows you to learn Grey magic (Magic Spells not included)

Energy: Depends on the Spells.

Proficiency: 0%

This is good as well but why are there no spells included does this mean spells are different from skills and should be learned separately? I am not sure.

Now, I must know why Truck has so many skills and even his stats are very different from me, he is basically twice as strong as me.

Yet again I went back to the Search Engine and asked the exact same thing.

Heroes while being summoned has a choice to choose their stats, their unique skills, and even their other skills. They will be given a total of twenty-five stat points they can distribute as however they please. A single stat can reach a maximum of ten points, so in total the max number of stats has fifty points.

As for the unique skill and other skills, as mentioned before they can choose it from a list of skills or they can specifically ask for a certain type of skill. In the beginning, they can have one unique skill and five normal skills.

What? I started typing again. I don't remember choosing anything.

Again I got some reply, 'Well you never fully heard my explanation, the only words you said were, 'Give me back my truck'. So, I did exactly that. Unlike you who is a Hero, otherworlders like Truck don't have the option to choose their skills or the stats, they are assigned depending on the individual themself and they lack the unique abilities Hero's Possess.

So I used all your skills on the Truck and enhanced his skills to Max, as for your stats they have been distributed evenly.

What? What the hell is this crazy lady saying? Is this all my fault? Wait something doesn't add up, 'If you gave all my skills to truck then why do I still have two skills?'

'To answer that, as you have selected Truck as your unique skill, he was assigned the status of a SumMon and an otherworlder. Since he is a SumMon his summoner you, have been given the status of SumMoner, as such you gained the SumMoner exclusive skill Skill Share'

'But there was an error because excluding Skill Share, you the Hero possessed no other skills so a random skill has been assigned to you, that's the Pocket Sand'

I was at a loss for words. So basically what she is saying is that since I didn't choose anything all my skills have been given to Truck to enhance his skill while I am stuck with Pocket Sand.

I took a deep breath and shouted at the top of my lungs, "Mother Fu-"

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