
Isekaid: into the Wilderness

In the wake of a chilling bear attack while hiking, Kazuki Mori's life takes a turn. Instead of meeting his demise, he awakens in a world that defies explanation. His senses are heightened to a supernatural level, granting him an uncanny awareness of his surroundings. But why? The answer eludes him, shrouded in the enigma of this new reality. Guided by the memories of his past, Kazuki embarks on an extraordinary expedition. The landscapes he traverses are breathtaking, teeming with life both familiar and foreign. As he navigates this uncharted wilderness, he discovers unique creatures with traits that defy earthly norms, each a testament to the mysteries that lie hidden in this realm. Yet, for all the wonders he uncovers, questions multiply. Will he ever understand the source of his heightened senses? Is he truly alone in this realm? As Kazuki delves deeper into the heart of this unexplored world, he grapples with the tantalizing allure of the unknown, driven by a determination to unravel the secrets that hold the key to his existence.

BakiruFinn · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Whispers of the Snow

The passage of time had marked a transformation in Kazuki's life. The days, once a relentless struggle for survival, had now settled into a measured rhythm. With the scent of smoked mouflon meat filling the air, he had found a source of sustenance that provided both nourishment and a sense of security. The stockpile of preserved meat granted him the luxury of time – a reprieve from the constant hunt, a chance to engage in pursuits beyond the immediate need for food.

Incorporating variety into his diet, he turned to the rivers and thickets for fish and rabbits. The satisfaction of catching and preparing fresh food invigorated his body and spirit. The familiar taste of freshly cooked meals, a stark contrast to the hardships of his early days, breathed life back into his weary form.

A change was tangible in Kazuki's physique. The strength that had been elusive now flowed through his limbs, revitalizing his once-weakened body. He felt a newfound vigor, a resurgence of energy that had been absent for far too long. With his physical condition on the mend, he found himself embracing the challenges of survival with a fierce determination.

In the span of weeks, he had transformed his relationship with his bow. No longer a foreign object, it had become an extension of himself. The hours of practice had refined his skill, the draw and release of each arrow a dance of precision. Every shot forged a connection to the wild, a communion of intention and technique.

Kazuki's hunger for knowledge remained insatiable, leading him to a new endeavor – the art of knapping stones. His hands became deft in shaping and honing materials from the wilderness into tools. The satisfaction of creating these instruments from scratch resonated deeply within him, a testament to his resourcefulness and adaptability.

Guided by a determination to enhance his capabilities, he utilized the sinew from the mouflon to strengthen both his bowstring and the bow itself. These adjustments resulted in a transformed weapon, its power and accuracy heightened. His arrows, too, underwent refinements, each tweak inching them closer to perfection. The sinew's resilience had fortified his tools, a reminder of the interconnectedness between himself and the creatures of the wild.

Kazuki's aspirations extended to the skies above. The few birds that graced the heavens held a coveted prize – flight feathers that could be used as fletching for his arrows. The mere thought of harnessing these feathers to enhance his shots fueled his determination. Amidst the solitude of the wilderness, he dreamed of reaching greater heights, both metaphorically and literally.

Within the solitude, Kazuki found a growing resonance with the natural world. The days blurred into a tapestry of diligence and adaptation. Challenges that once seemed insurmountable were now met with purpose and resilience. The memory of the mouflon, a symbol of life and death entwined, remained an ever-present reminder of the intricate dance that defined his existence.

With each sunrise, Kazuki's bond with the wilderness deepened. The bond between hunter and hunted evolved into a connection between him and the realm he inhabited. The whispers of the forest offered guidance, teaching him the subtle nuances of survival and the delicate balance that existed within the ecosystem.

In the midst of this journey, Kazuki made a startling discovery – his own strength had transcended the limits of humanity. His body had adapted to the wilderness, granting him abilities far beyond what he once possessed. He marveled at his newfound might, his muscles rippling with power that set him apart in this untamed realm.

He reveled in his physical prowess. Carrying heavy rocks was effortless, a display of strength that defied conventional boundaries. Leaping twice his height became second nature, his movements fluid and agile. His grip had become a vice, capable of snapping thick branches with ease.

In the realm of the senses, Kazuki had become attuned to the environment in ways he had never imagined. His hearing and sense of smell had sharpened, allowing him to detect the presence of animals from remarkable distances. Even in the cloak of darkness, his vision was keen, enabling him to navigate with ease.

But along with these newfound strengths came the gnawing hunger that tugged at his core. The demands of his body had escalated, driving him to hone his hunting skills to a finer edge. Tracking prey had transformed from necessity to skill, requiring both strategy and precision. No longer did he merely rely on his strength; he had become a hunter who carefully plotted each move.

The memory of his encounter with the mouflon lingered, a cautionary tale that urged him to approach the wild with respect and wariness. He learned to avoid confrontations with larger game, choosing instead to target rabbits that posed less risk. Through practice and trial, he refined his accuracy and reaction time with his bow, each arrow a step toward mastering his craft.

Within the solitude of the forest, a spark of hope ignited. Kazuki believed that he would not forever remain alone in this unfamiliar realm. The thought of encountering others, of forging connections and alliances, spurred him onward. In moments of uncertainty, this glimmer of optimism shone brightly, illuminating the path he walked.

As time flowed onward, Kazuki's bond with the wilderness deepened. He moved through the terrain with a confidence born of understanding, a comprehension of the delicate interplay between life and death. The beauty of this untamed world enveloped him, providing solace amidst the rigors of survival.

The journey was a continuous evolution, marked by triumphs and setbacks. Yet within Kazuki, an unyielding spirit burned, a testament to the untapped potential that resided within him. The forest whispered its secrets, and he listened, eager to learn and evolve in a world of mystery and wonder.

And so, as the days evolved into weeks, Kazuki's story continued, a symphony of adaptation and growth that echoed through the heart of the wilderness.


Two months passed, and the grip of winter began to loosen.


The late winter sun cast a warm glow across the landscape, the cloudless sky a canvas of blue against the dormant trees and crisp snow. Kazuki's senses were alive, attuned to the delicate trail of rabbit footprints in the snow. For nearly half an hour, he had been immersed in this pursuit, his heartbeat synchronized with the rhythm of the wilderness.

The rabbit's white fur flickered through the underbrush, a fleeting presence against the muted tones of the forest. Kazuki followed, his movements fluid and deliberate as he navigated the terrain. While his enhanced strength could easily catch the creature, he was determined to challenge himself with his bow. The pursuit of accuracy had become a personal quest, a journey of self-improvement.

Each step brought him closer to his target, his focus narrowing on the rabbit's path. Its nimble agility was a marvel, a testament to its instincts and resilience. As they emerged from the cover of trees into an open meadow, an opportunity arose. Kazuki raised his bow, his fingers finding their place on the string, calculating distance and trajectory.

The rabbit's pace quickened, a burst of speed carrying it farther across the meadow. Kazuki's breath hung suspended, his finger poised to release the arrow. The shot had to be precise – a reflection of his growth since his arrival in this world. Anticipation hummed in the air, the atmosphere charged with tension.

Just as he was about to release the arrow, a flicker of movement diverted his attention. Reflexes honed by survival instinct kicked in, and he dove for cover among the trees. Crouched low, he focused his gaze on the meadow.

From the shadows emerged a figure, its presence a stark contrast against the snow. A creature of pure white, it moved with grace and purpose. In a swift, fluid motion, it pounced upon the rabbit, its jaws closing around its prey with precision.

Kazuki watched in astonishment as the scene unfolded. His pursuit had been disrupted by an unexpected participant, a predator that had effortlessly claimed the prize he had been chasing. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he grappled with the realization that survival was a dance of predator and prey, where opportunity was fleeting and competition fierce.

The predator held its conquest with a blend of elegance and ruthlessness, embodying the essence of the wild. As the creature stood triumphant over the fallen rabbit, Kazuki's thoughts were a whirlwind of curiosity and caution. This encounter had provided him with a glimpse into the intricate symphony of life that played out in the wilderness.

His hand drifted to the bow at his side, a symbol of his connection to this world. Although denied the chance to prove his accuracy in this instance, the encounter had imparted a vital lesson – survival demanded adaptability, the ability to navigate the shifting currents of life in the wild.

With the predator fading into the shadows, the gravity of the moment settled upon Kazuki's shoulders. His heart raced not only from the chase itself, but from the realization that he was a single thread woven into the intricate tapestry of this world. The forest whispered its secrets to him, reminding him that each step he took reverberated with the echoes of countless lives that had traversed this untamed realm.

End of Chapter 24.