
Isekaid: into the Wilderness

In the wake of a chilling bear attack while hiking, Kazuki Mori's life takes a turn. Instead of meeting his demise, he awakens in a world that defies explanation. His senses are heightened to a supernatural level, granting him an uncanny awareness of his surroundings. But why? The answer eludes him, shrouded in the enigma of this new reality. Guided by the memories of his past, Kazuki embarks on an extraordinary expedition. The landscapes he traverses are breathtaking, teeming with life both familiar and foreign. As he navigates this uncharted wilderness, he discovers unique creatures with traits that defy earthly norms, each a testament to the mysteries that lie hidden in this realm. Yet, for all the wonders he uncovers, questions multiply. Will he ever understand the source of his heightened senses? Is he truly alone in this realm? As Kazuki delves deeper into the heart of this unexplored world, he grapples with the tantalizing allure of the unknown, driven by a determination to unravel the secrets that hold the key to his existence.

BakiruFinn · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The Moonlit Mouflon

Kazuki's determination to secure a mouflon for sustenance led him to innovate his approach. As the days turned into weeks and the meadows remained stubbornly silent, he decided to manipulate the environment itself. With a strategic plan in mind, he disturbed the snow covering the meadow, revealing the hidden grass beneath. The hope was that this disruption would entice the mouflon to the area, increasing his chances of a successful hunt.

On a cold and moonlit morning, Kazuki woke before dawn, his determination unwavering. He made his way to the meadow and climbed his chosen tree, settling into his perch. The quiet hours stretched before him, and his thoughts drifted between his growing hunger, the dwindling food supplies, and the anticipation of a successful hunt.

As he observed the meadow, thoughts of relocating crossed his mind. The area he had been staking out had yielded no results for two weeks, and he pondered whether it was time to seek a new vantage point. His practicality told him that resources were finite, and he needed to make the most of his time and energy.

Despite the challenges, Kazuki's spirit remained strong. He knew that persistence often led to success, and his mind raced with strategies to maximize his efforts. The food supplies were diminishing, and he found himself rationing more carefully, saving the MRE rations for emergencies. The pull of survival was a constant companion, urging him to achieve his goal.

As the moon's glow illuminated the meadow, a majestic figure emerged from the trees. A creature of pure white, its large curved horns framed its head in a regal manner. Kazuki's heart quickened as he realized that his patient waiting might finally pay off. The mouflon moved with a grace that spoke of the wild, its steps deliberate and cautious as it navigated the terrain.

Kazuki's breath caught as he watched the scene unfold below him. The silver-white coat of the mouflon shimmered in the moonlight, an ethereal sight that captured his attention completely. The creature's movements were mesmerizing, a dance of survival and instinct. It was as if the meadow itself held its breath in the presence of this majestic being.

The mouflon's careful steps brought it closer and closer to the open expanse of the meadow. Kazuki's heart raced as he realized that the moment he had been waiting for was at hand. His fingers tightened around his bow.

Kazuki's persistence in hunting the elusive mouflon had led him to a crucial moment. As he perched in the tree, the moon's gentle light illuminated the meadow before him. His heart raced with a mix of anticipation and determination, the culmination of his efforts hanging in the balance.

The meadow held an air of quiet anticipation, a stillness that belied the hidden currents of life coursing through it. Kazuki's gaze focused on a particular spot where the terrain was open, a patch of exposed grass that the mouflon seemed to be drawn to. He knew that his opportunity would come when the creature's broad side was exposed as it made its way toward that patch.

Kazuki's racing thoughts began to still as he prepared to take his shot. With deliberate care, he aimed his bow, his fingers steady as he drew back the bowstring. His breathing was measured, his heartbeat a steady rhythm that echoed the pulse of the wilderness around him. His eyes locked onto the mouflon's form, seeking the perfect moment to release his arrow.

In the quiet of the night, the twang of the bowstring cut through the air as Kazuki's arrow found its mark. His aim had been true, and the arrow struck the mouflon's side. However, the outcome was not as clean as he had hoped. The creature cried out in pain, its body faltering as the arrow hit its belly instead of the intended target. The mouflon stumbled, falling to its side with a mixture of shock and distress.

Kazuki's heart sank as he realized the situation had taken an unexpected turn. He quickly notched another arrow and let it fly, but this shot, too, missed its mark, striking the creature's rear end. The mouflon's reaction was swift and instinctual. With a burst of energy fueled by adrenaline, it leaped to its feet and fled, driven by a mixture of pain and fear.

The meadow that had been a stage for a delicate dance now bore the marks of a struggle. A patch of dark red stained the ground where the mouflon had fallen, mingled with bile that spoke of the creature's distress. Kazuki's heart weighed heavy with the knowledge that he hadn't achieved the clean and swift kill he had aimed for.

As he climbed down from his perch, his resolve remained firm. He couldn't allow the creature to suffer needlessly. He followed the trail of blood left by the fleeing mouflon, his senses attuned to the task ahead. The forest around him seemed to close in, the rustling leaves and the hushed whispers of the wind a constant reminder of the wilderness's watchful presence.

Kazuki's footsteps were deliberate as he tracked the wounded creature. He moved with a mix of determination and remorse, his emotions a swirling tide within him. The trail of blood led him deeper into the forest.

As he followed the trail, the moon's light filtered through the trees, casting elongated shadows on the forest floor. Kazuki's thoughts were a blend of hope and trepidation. He knew that the outcome of this pursuit would define more than just his meal – it would be a testament to his skill, his connection to the land, and his ability to confront the challenges that the wild presented.

With every step, the weight of responsibility bore down on Kazuki. The blood trail told a story of pain and struggle, and he was determined to bring it to a close. The forest was a symphony of sounds, the rustling leaves and distant calls of creatures creating a backdrop to his focused pursuit.

As the trail led him deeper into the forest, Kazuki's senses heightened. He knew that this was a critical moment, one that demanded his full attention and skill. The moon continued its vigil, casting its gentle light over the landscape as Kazuki pressed on, driven by a mix of compassion and resolve.

Kazuki's pursuit of the wounded mouflon led him deeper into the forest, away from the familiarity of his camp. His heart raced, a mix of determination and worry coursing through his veins. He was well-acquainted with these woods, but he couldn't ignore the possibility that the creature's path might lead him farther than he was comfortable venturing.

As he ran, his senses were on high alert. The sounds of the forest seemed to merge into a symphony of life around him. His breathing was ragged, the adrenaline propelling him forward as he followed the trail of blood left by the mouflon. His footfalls were urgent, each step a testament to his commitment to ending the creature's suffering.

The moon's light filtered through the dense canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. Kazuki's gaze remained fixed on the ground, his eyes scanning for any signs that would guide him. The trail of blood was his guide, a lifeline that connected him to the injured creature and the task at hand.

But as he pressed forward, the trail of blood began to dissipate, thinning out until it was almost imperceptible. Kazuki's heart sank, a mix of frustration and concern welling up within him. He knew that he couldn't afford to lose the trail now, not after coming this far.

Drawing on his knowledge of the forest, Kazuki shifted his focus. He looked for subtle signs – a broken branch, disturbed ground, a tuft of fur caught on a thorn. His mind worked swiftly, piecing together the puzzle that lay before him. Each subtle clue was a marker on the path of the wounded mouflon.

Time seemed to blur as Kazuki moved through the forest. He was a figure in motion, a force driven by a dual purpose – to end the creature's suffering and to prove to himself that he could navigate the challenges the wilderness presented.

And then, just when doubt threatened to creep in, Kazuki spotted it – a patch of disturbed earth, a subtle indication that the mouflon had passed through. The trail of blood reappeared, leading him onward with a renewed sense of purpose. His heart soared as he followed the telltale signs, his determination undimmed.

As he moved forward, the forest's silence seemed to envelop him. The anticipation hung heavy in the air, a tangible presence that pushed him onward. The blood trail became a lifeline, a thread that linked him to the wounded creature and the destiny they shared in that moment.

And then, in the midst of this primal pursuit, Kazuki caught sight of the mouflon once again. The creature had slowed, its movements sluggish and uncertain. Kazuki's heart ached at the sight of the wounded animal, a mix of empathy and determination guiding his actions.

He moved closer, his steps measured and deliberate. The moon's light bathed the scene in a silver glow, casting a tranquil aura over the tense encounter. Kazuki's gaze remained fixed on the mouflon, his heart urging him to bring the chase to a merciful end.

With a deep breath, Kazuki raised his bow once more, his hands steady despite the rush of emotions within him. His mind was focused, his aim true. He released the arrow, watching as it found its mark, striking the mouflon's side once more. The creature's body faltered, its strength waning.

Kazuki's heart was a mix of sorrow and relief as he approached the wounded mouflon. He had found his closure, a resolution to the pursuit that had consumed his focus. Kneeling beside the creature, he offered a silent apology for the pain it had endured. In that moment, he understood the delicate balance of life and death that existed within the wilderness.

The moon continued to cast its gentle light, a silent witness to the scene that unfolded. As Kazuki stood there, a solitary figure in the heart of the forest, he felt a profound connection to the land and its inhabitants. The pursuit had been more than a hunt – it had been a journey of self-discovery, a testament to his resilience, and a reminder of the complexities of survival in a world untamed.