
Isekai War Grandpa

Rama was an Indonesian man, he was a soldier, who served his country and fight for democracy.. For freedom. After losing his way in the modern world due to dying in combat, serving a peace keeping mission in the kongo regions for the united nations. Rama begins to questions whether his cause is just or just same lame excuse for another form of colonialism. being a former victim of colonialism that weighed on him. To his surprise, he is reincarnated into a different world as a veteran soldier and an old man.. "FUCK WHY DID I REINCARNATED INTO A NOTHER SOLDIER AND AN OLD SINILE AT THAT!!.. " Cursing his awful luck, now with all the skills and knowledge he gained from his gaming (yess..like all 20 year old do, he played his fare share of games) and real life experience (Being a Peace keeping soldier for the UN) he must fight in battles and survive in this new profound world.. -------------------------------- Some information you might find useful! This is my very first novel.. so yeah, sorry for the inconvenience... basically Rama is a modern man reincarnated to a world war one theme with different races. Where he will build his empire and create his utopia.. This world will have magical setting and a fantasy setting. Which means magic is a thing and so are magical creature. elves dwarves and etc races will be here as well. i’ll make Rama bring a few of modern stuff and make him have a system. There'll be abit of ideological topic as well and he'll be an anti-villain beware.. Mind that this is an alternate history and so it will not be exactly the same as our current timeline and i'll be making this novel to incorporate some of my home country culture, Southern Asia with still European influences.. so yeah this is just an alternate universe. I’m just writing this for fun and to pass the time, So yeah… Power stones and comment will be much appreciated. Enjoy and thanks…

akirakynan · War
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5 Chs

Prologue : 1, The Tribe

The past five years, Rama had successfully infiltrated a group of Papuanese Tribe. No one in the group had doubted him any longer. This had been a enormous endeavour on his part, he believes that his target had started to changed. Whenever his around they felt like his one of them. They talked to him, played with him and eat with him. He was introduce to their wives, children and for some he even became their godfather. He too felt this change of attitude and slowly he became part of their group.

Still, even after all of their time spent together. He remembered his mission. He was to kill every last one of them. An ordered directed by the higher ups of the peace keeping summit which he attended years ago. His order was so top-class that they even kidnap him from his house, prior to the mission.

He was playing PS5 with his friends, shouting and cursing at the headset playing call of duty and the next thing he knew he was getting kidnap. His face was covered with a black masked and put on a moving van. the next morning he was greeted by his captain which transferred him to the Papua for "peace keeping mission". He knew.. We all knew... that there isn't any peace keeping mission that involved taking said peace. Were tasked to kill and exterminate a group of insurgents. there was no peace in that. But then again, we were soldiers and soldiers do what there told. so we obey, every last one of us.

Rama had seen what they'd do to traitors. He even felt like they were teasing him, daring him to be one. He even felt like he was trained by them. Their savagery were no where to be found else where. they were the embodiment of savagery. His eyes and heart felt dry from all of the tears he had shed in silence. His mouth not daring to speak against the form of brutality they've committed.

As each passing day went. He was frightened. But after the brutality they bring, they were kind. Each one of their group was a human after all even the night before they copped someone head off they still had mouths to feed and children to care.

They fed the tribe, cloths the women and played with the children, they care for their country as much as i do with mine. With the exception their concept of country was tribe. So they cared for their tribe to the point they would die for them.

There was even one man he knew, named Drio. He was a savage when it comes to outsider, but to his tribe he was a saint. He cared for his children and loved the women. Even respected them by giving them something after every hunt. And so Rama became close with him. fighting the same battles and spearing people that came close to their territory.

Drio had just gave him some of their clothes, a sign of respect from their tribe, when a tribe member gives him or her clothes to an outsider is the greatest form of bond. They were now blood brothers, tied by fate.

As he stepped out of the small wooden hut, he was struck by the vibrant colors of the native clothes he had just put on. The fabric was made from woven fibers, hand-dyed with bright patterns extending to the nape of my neck and down cover all his legs. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and belonging as he looked at the mirror just outside his small hut.

He walked down the tribe center and watched as Drio arrived at the tribe, the other tribesman gathered around him marveling at the size of his prey. The pig was being carried over his shoulders and they began helping him prepare the meat and cook it over an open fire in the center of the tribe, the aroma of roasting pig filling the air.

Rama congratulated him on his catch and as the sun began to set, the tribesman began to gather a large gathering of people were dancing and singing. Praying to the lord for their hunt today. The colors of their clothing and headdresses blended together in a mesmerizing show of performance.

He stood there for a few minutes, taking in the scene. It was as if time had stood still and Before long Drio had drag me to the feast. He ate and sang for the longest of time. Hoping to forget everything. He felt a deep sense of admiration for their culture, the beauty they had created.

As the dancing came to an end, the people began disperse. He stood there for a few moments longer, taking one last look at the stunning feast and dance they had wore. He felt grateful for this. he knew that this would not last. At least not with him around.

Until one day, the ordered came to him...