

Waking up from a dream, a screen appears in front of Sam Diaz. [System Initializing] "huh...?" [Isekai System Online. Hello User Sam.] "What..." [This system will allow the user traverse worlds and help others.] "..." [Do you accept?] ---------------------------------------- An Idea that has been plaguing my mind for awhile. An Isekai System. The ability to traverse fiction, reality and what can be considered unreal. Hope you enjoy.

Xeno_Elemental · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 5- Survival and Insanity

<Just wanted to get my birthday out of the way and then get back to writing.>

<Pls Enjoy.>

-3rd POV-

Sam found himself in a dire situation, hiding behind a tree with his lower half concealed in a bush. The cause of his distress was an enormous wolf, standing at a staggering height of nine feet.

"Just my luck! What the hell? That wolf is not only massive, but the aura it emits is so powerful that even an ordinary person like me can sense and feel it!" Sam muttered, on the verge of panic.

He had only just arrived in this world and was eager to explore it, but now it seemed his chances were slim. If he were to die, he wouldn't be able to carry the boons of this body to his original world or any other worlds he might travel to. The thought of perishing so soon filled him with dread, and he silently pleaded for help from any higher power that might be watching over him.

"I'm not angry at you, System. I knew death was a possibility considering all the fiction out there, but this situation really sucks!" Sam cursed his luck, his knowledge, and the System under his breath.

Sam glanced at the radar, which showed the red dot representing the wolf slowly inching closer to his hiding spot. Even without the radar, he could feel the bloodlust emanating from the massive predator.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and focused on the beeping sound from the radar.

*Beep... Beep... Beep...*

It was a sound only he could hear, a sound that signaled danger or impending doom.

*Beep.. Beep.. Beep..*

Sam felt beads of sweat rolling down his forehead as he desperately tried to conceal his presence. Despite his efforts, the beeping continued.

*Beep Beep Beep*

Suddenly, the alarm on the radar beeped rapidly, the delay decreasing from 2 to 0. Sam instinctively leaped away from the tree just in time.

The tree, which had previously concealed him, now lay shattered to pieces, and the bush that had hidden his lower body was reduced to a pile of leaves. The ground he had been standing on was cracked, bearing the weight of the colossal wolf that stood upon it.

Several thoughts raced through Sam's mind.

'Why is it attacking me? Is this its territory? What is this place? I know this is the world of The Rising of the Shield Hero, but this is beyond ridiculous!' Sam seethed with a mix of frustration and fear.

As the wolf slowly approached him, Sam swiftly regained his footing, ready to evade once more. His eyes narrowed, and his hearing sharpened. Despite his lack of combat experience, especially coming from an ordinary world, a fierce desire to survive surged within him, fueling his determination to escape this perilous situation.

-Sam's Mindscape-

Originally, a place like this didn't exist within Sam. But it formed the moment he traversed to another world. Along with this place, his mind was given form due to an innate talent of his being fully realized.

"This wasn't in stated in anything regarding what you've read about this place right Reed?" A version of Sam wearing a monocle, and a Beret with a pencil on his ear said.

"That's correct Write, I already checked our memories and nothing matches. Although it does resemble that wolf from Dark Souls." Another version of Sam wearing square glasses replied.

Another version of Sam wearing a business tie and suit could be seen on a giant stage, dodging and rolling from what seems to be nothing. "Can you guys come up with a plan already!? This is exhausting!"

"We're trying Worker, guys, get back to work! Especially you Gihi." This Sam was wearing military fatigues and had dark green boots that made an audible noise every time he took a step.

Several hundred mini and smaller versions of Sam began running around with stacks of paper and phones containing any information that would be beneficial to them.

"Fine fine Cordin, I'll see what I can find." Gihi, the Sam that was called, wore red and black headphones and a sweater that had 'Gaymer' on the front. Gihi lazily walked towards a door, opened it and began to browse through a computer.

"AHHHHHHh, THIS IS TOO DAMN STRESSFUL!" All the Sam's said, coming to an agreement which turned into a full blown thought. Well, Gihi still casually scrolled through they're memories of Dark Souls and Reed was going through several documents of core memories.

(If more than 50% of inner Sam come into agreement on words, it becomes a thought.)

<E/N: No idea how this came into the writing but whatever.>

-Back to Reality-

The two adversaries locked eyes, each waiting for the other to make a move. The massive wolf emitted a constant growl, while Sam remained silent, his breaths shallow.

A tense standoff ensued, but it was abruptly shattered as the wolf suddenly lunged towards Sam. With a quick roll, Sam evaded the predator's attack and seized a nearby tree branch, hoping to use it as a makeshift weapon.

Once again, the tension settled, both parties observing each other warily. Sam was prepared to strike with the branch, but the wolf seemed to be toying with its prey, relishing in the thrill of the hunt.

The wolf repeated its attack pattern, dashing and leaping towards Sam. However, this time, Sam bravely took a step forward, ducked, and aimed a strike at the wolf's vulnerable underside. The branch snapped upon contact, leaving Sam unarmed once again. The standoff resumed, accompanied by a gentle breeze that belied the intensity of the moment.

'If the wolf repeats its pattern, I'll make one final attempt to attack. If that fails, I'll focus on evading,' Sam strategized in his mind. However, the wolf's growls grew more menacing as it crouched low, preparing to dash towards Sam with even greater speed.

Sam had no choice but to evade, and evade he did.

This harrowing exchange repeated five more times, each iteration escalating in speed as the wolf savored the torment it inflicted on its prey.

Sam's stamina dwindled, and the adrenaline that had fueled him earlier began to wane. Despite his best efforts, it seemed inevitable that he would lose this body after one more evasion. He lacked the strength to outrun the predator, and he knew he couldn't overcome it in direct combat, especially after witnessing its astonishing speed.

Following his third evasion, Sam devised a plan to try to force the wolf to injure itself, but even that failed. Every tree the beast collided with shattered, leaving it unscathed. The commotion only served to attract more monsters to their location.

Sam hoped that someone nearby had heard the chaos, perhaps adventurers or villagers who could come to his aid.

Once again, the wolf charged, and Sam narrowly dodged its attack. However, his right arm was slashed by the wolf, leaving behind a deep gash. If he survived this ordeal, it would surely leave a memorable scar.

Sadly, survival seemed unlikely. Sam found himself on his knees, clutching the wound with his left hand, trying his best to stem the bleeding. His vision blurred, and he watched as the wolf prepared for its final leap. It would all be over soon.

'... Wait... leap...?' Sam's mind raced as the massive canine leaped towards him. In a split second, he mustered all his remaining strength, rolled forward, and narrowly escaped the wolf's deadly jaws.

Collapsing to the ground, Sam was too exhausted to stand. With his blurred vision, he watched as the wolf towered over him.

'That... was... a good first... attempt, I guess...' Sam's thoughts faded as his eyelids drooped, succumbing to the darkness.

Just as the wolf was about to feast on its fallen prey, a powerful presence suddenly overshadowed it. Startled, the wolf turned its attention away, only to be frozen in place and devoured within seconds.

Sam, though barely conscious, witnessed this miraculous turn of events before finally succumbing to unconsciousness, his last thought lingering:

'Guess my luck... isn't out yet...'

<Author Section>

Be blunt with comments, I need good constructive criticism. I'll also rewrite this occasionally cause I feel it could be better.

I'll update this book every once in awhile with revamped chapters. I'm dead on motivation but eh, whatever.