
Isekai survival harem

DaoistAZDHwo · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 9: Slaves in another world?

Riley turned to look at Ellie, the girl who has now become his.. slave? She was wearing a yellow dress that went down to her ankles. It was covered in dirt and had teared in a couple of places. She had light alabaster skin, with brown eyes and freckles that dotted her face. Her long brown hair was tied back, with loose strands hanging out. She could only stare back at her new master in awe, as he had single handedly taken out a whole gang of bandits.

Riley used the inspection skill on Ellie.

[Name: Ellie]

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Race: Human

Class: Commoner

(Slavery contract activated. Master: Riley)

Riley was suddenly drawn from his thoughts by the searing pain from his arm. He remembered he gained the basic heal skill from last night and placed his hand over the wound on his arm to activate the skill. He felt the energy inside his body leave his hands. This must be his mana, which was converted to healing magic that sealed the cut on his arm quite instantly.

"You can use healing magic!" Ellie said enthusiastically.

Riley smiled, crouched down and helped her off the ground.

"Thank you for saving us from those vile men" she said sweetly. "I am in your debt.. master." She added.

Riley figured that because the slavery contract was a connection between souls, she knew that he was her master once he killed the bandit leader.

"They didn't hurt you did they?" Riley asked her.

"No.. thankfully. They were only a bit rough with us." She said solemnly.

"That's good then… you don't have to call me master by the way." He said without looking in her eyes.

"May I ask what to call you then?"

"Just Riley is fine."

"How about master Riley? I feel as though your name by itself is too disrespectful" she said cheerfully.

Riley smiled, then looked at the four children still huddled together in the cage.

"Why don't you get the children out of the cage. Feel free to eat whatever you can find. You must be hungry." He said.

"Thank you!" Ellie said enthusiastically.

As Ellie was helping the children out of the cage, Riley searched the camp and the dead bodies of the bandits for some supplies, money and any valuables. He didn't want to store everything because he didn't want to give away his storage ability as he wasn't planning on keeping his new slaves. He wouldn't mind keeping Ellie, but he definitely was not keeping the children as his slaves.

He kept the leader's sword on his waist and stored the elvish sword he used earlier, as well as his spear. He also stored a sack of gold he found in the leader's tent, some food rations and a barrel of ale. In the leader's tent he also found a dark brown cloak, which had a hood and pockets lined on the inside. It fit him well so he decided to continue wearing it.

He walked outside to see Ellie and the children ravenously eating some dried meat and fruits around the burnt out campfire. Riley sat down with them and spoke to Ellie.

"So how did you end up as slaves to bandits? If you don't mind sharing" Riley asked.

Ellie smiled at him. "It's fine. It happened two says ago. I work at an orphanage you see. Myself and these four were out gathering medicinal plants in the forest, as they have become too expensive to buy in town recently. The bandits captured us and forced us into a slavery contract. I believe they wanted to sell us in the next town over.. I feel horrible for putting these kids through this." She paused and looked at the ground. "Thank the gods that you came to save us though master Riley! Although I didn't see much of your fight, you are truly amazing!" She said in a more brightened tone.

Riley wasn't very good at taking compliments and could only smile.

"How far away is it back to your town if you went be horse and carriage?" He asked.

"We could get there by nightfall if we left now." She answered obediently.

"Good. I will free you all from your slave contracts and you can take these kids back to your home town then." Riley ordered.

"Oh thank you master Riley!" Ellie hugged his arm. He could feel her boobs press against his arm through her dress. Although they were not as big as Thalia's, they still felt nice.

"I will tell the children! You are the kindest man I have ever met!" She said enthusiastically.

Riley helped them prepare for their journey and once they were ready, used his slavery skill to release the binds on their souls to his.

After Riley found out which direction the town was, he spoke to Ellie to say farewell.

"Thank you master Riley for everything you have done for us" Ellie said sincerely. "Please know that you will always be welcome at our orphanage. Our lives are forever in your debt."

Ellie hugged him tightly to express her gratitude.

"Thank you Ellie, I am glad I could protect you and the children from a life of slavery." He said while hugging her.

"I wouldn't have minded being your slave though" she said softly as they hugged.

Riley was shocked at this remark and couldn't figure out what to say. Ellie pulled out of the hug and jumped up on the carriage. She and the children waved goodbye and set off for the nearby town.

Once they had gone, Riley collected the whole bandit camp it his inventory, including the tents, the armour, weapons and dead bodies of the bandits, all of their supplies and even the harpsichord type instrument he saw last night.

He mounted a horse and made his way back to the clearing.

On his way back, he inspected his new abilities.

[Name: Riley]

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Class: ???

Level: 18


Health - 180

Mana - 180

Strength - 28

Durability - 28

Agility - 28

Intelligence - 28


Skill devourer - upon killing an enemy, you can gain their skills for your self. (Legendary)

Inspection - view information on whatever you see. (Epic)

Dimensional Storage - place any non-living item inside your storage. View your storage list [here]. (Epic)

Battle Awareness - increases the speed of thought and movement when attacked in combat. (Legendary) Note: this skill is temporary and is granted to assist you until proficient.

Blessing of the Goddess - grants increased experience gain and communication at holy sites.

Dash - Grants user a burst of speed in one direction. Cool-down: 10 seconds

Charge - User gains increased attack power (+5) and advances directly toward an enemy. Cool-down: 30 seconds

Critical Strike - User strikes a powerful blow on an opponent when using a weapon corresponding to weapon proficiency (lv 1 = x2 attack power). Cool-down: 5 minutes

Defensive stance - Grants user +5 durability when defending an attack. Cool down: 20 seconds

Dark Elf sight - Grants user enhanced vision at night when activated.

Alcohol tolerance - Increases your tolerance to alcohol. You cannot die from alcohol poisoning.

Horse riding - Horses will not throw you off

Slavery - Able to bind a soul to your own in the form of a slavery contract

Basic Heal - Heal basic wounds using mana.

Sword Dance - User gains temporary increase in agility to make a flurry of attacks with a sword. Cool-down: 1 minute

Poison resistance - Resistance to poisoning.

Berserker - User gains significant boost in attack power at the cost of losing yourself to rage. Cool-down: 12 hours


- Dual swordsmanship lv 1

- Spearmanship lv 1

- Archery lv 1

- Stealth lv 1

- Climbing lv 1

- Long swordsmanship lv 1

- Slight of hand lv 1

- Mace wielding lv 1

- Whip wielding lv 1

- Blacksmithing lv 1

- Speech craft lv 1

- Musicianship lv 1

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