
Isekai Roguelite

Inspired by 'An Extra's POV.' A lot of names and developments will overlap in early scenarios. The first few chaps are going to be nearly identical with particular twists. **** The cover art isn't owned by me and is from a song I like by Sou.

Naycrim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Royal Ball

Rey wasn't too pleased that they were essentially locked up in the Safehouse here like prisoners and would have tried escaping as well, if the Demon Hunter didn't look like she was itching to put him in his place.

So, it was a pleasant surprise that they would formally be introduced to the Royal Court.

They made us dress in lavish dresses and called in people with specific skills that achieved a similar effect to makeup. Lucielle had informed us that they were mainly being introduced to the members of the Royal Faction.

She also gave us some information about the political situation as well.

There were two major powers in the Filian Kingdom, the Royas and the Military. They were interdependent of each other and ran the kingdom together.

We were going to introduce ourselves to the Royals initially.

Which consisted of the ruler who was simply referred to as the Queen and the four powers under her. The three Dukes and the Prince.

We will be ushered into the palace by a host of military personal lead by Lieutenant General Brutus. The Royal Court was also the place where Adrian was still being imprisoned.

A lot of the students were still disturbed by what happened to Adrain, but most have already accepted he's dead and has been taken over by someone else after Adonis confirmed it.

He was good friends with the dude so he wouldn't find it fit to lie about it.

We held a makeshift funeral which was organized by the main butler. It was a confusing sort of sadness that lingered from that passing.

They dressed them things that looked like clothes but were more like art pieces. Rey was dressed in flowing grey silks with hints of red while Alicia was dressed in what looked like rainbows weaved together to make cloth. Though the colors were widely muted and white was the main color.

We were escorted to the party venue as Lucielle explained some important details to us.

"Till now we have protected you from the 'Enemy'. The Demon King that caused us so much grief and crippled many cities of the UFHK." Lucielle explained. She was dressed in a much more elaborate dress, that looked like a hybrid between a mage robe and a Victorian style of clothing.

"Your status as otherworlders were meant to be hidden indefinitely until the enemy will be eventually find out. But, there's been a change of plans…" Lucielle continued. Her cloak fluttered behind her and she seemed didn't seem strained at all despite continuously conjuring a sphere of silence around them.

Brutus continued where Lucielle left off.

"The enemy has found out your existence through a prophecy given by one of their oracles." Brutus said his gruff voice loud and clear for all to hear.

This caused murmurs to spread through the group of uneasy students, they seemed uncomfortable in their unusual clothes.

As per some of their requests they were given a special dye made from a rainbow slime, that not only changed your hair color depending on what you wanted but also made enriched it and made it healthier.

Eric sported flaming red hair, while Levi chose a light cool blue.

While Belle had gone with a cuter pink color that rather suited her petite figure.

It was still jarring to see Eric being literally on fire as an outfit, and May being wrapped in shadows.

May always preferred darker colors and a gothic style. Somehow still sporting makeup that made her look pale, with dark eye shadow and an even darker lipstick.

Rey would never understand Eric's obsession with goth girls. It was a well-known fact that he used to have a crush on May and was frankly rejected by her.

He personally thought the style made you look like a sick person rather than being attractive…

All their outfits were made by a reputable B-Class which specialized in weaving and outfits. Though their clothes were ceremonial they offered as much protection as chain mail.

"Now, the UFHK and the Filian Kingdom have decided to reveal your identities to the world. It's a heavy burden that will be placed on your shoulders. To give hope to the people of this continent that have lost so much due to war…" Lucielle said with a sadness in her voice.

Rey often felt hate towards the situation that he was forced in, to be forced into training and fight for a kingdom that he didn't care for.

But Lucielle's genuine concerns often made him feel guilty for his thoughts.

"But you won't have to worry about that for two years at least. The peace treaty we made was with binding vows for both parties." Lucielle said with a charming smile in order to ease their worries.

Rey wasn't stupid. He could understand the meaning behind that, the fact that even if they couldn't war again on the surface. They could still operate a cold war from the shadows. In a way that could be more dangerous for him…

It had been a very clear message from the start that they were essentially twenty-two Super Nukes in the making.

The procession stopped, there wasn't much of a distance between the Royal Palace and the Safe house either way. It was just a show of power to the other attendants who will come in full regal dignity.

Rey was curious to meet the prince, Brutus had mentioned that he too had the [Genius] class when he was younger like Acela and Vivienne.

He saw gorgeous women and men in high fashion enter the building, a few looked over curious at our group.

Well, they were certainly eye-catching.

"Well, it's time kids. And don't be too nervous, even I was a nervous wreck at my first royal ball." Lucielle said with a laugh.

Rey didn't regret all the tedious etiquette lessons and the slow dances that he was forced to endure at this moment.

Then they entered.


The venue was a grand thing that was a little too big for Rey's tastes.

They announced our names one by one starting with Brutus and Lucielle first. We all had to walk in escorted by a guard when over their name was called.

Lucielle walked with pride and practiced elegance, and Rey remembered that despite her friendly demeanor she was a true noble.

She walked arm in arm with Brutus, his missing one arm more noticeable than ever with the trailing sleeve.

Noah walked arm in arm with Jade, them both being assassins gave their appearance a stealthier look as hoods disguised their faces.

When it was Rey's turn, he almost didn't missed it until Billy nudged him in the shoulder and he awkwardly started strutting forward.

His shoulders felt stiff and his back damp with a bit sweat, he felt like a nervous wreck and all the eyes studying him didn't help either. They looked like vultures trying to study his weaknesses but he also some who were curious while others seemed awed.

'Oh right. They see me as otherworlders… heroes who will save this damned world of theirs.'

Rey didn't pay a lot of attention to what happened during the war when Lucielle explained it, he was instead focusing on his new E-Tier skill.

[Basic Mana Perception]

Lucielle commented that he had a decent talent in magic, enough to be a Royal Mage's Apprentice but no where near as potent as Bethany's.

She had the potential to be the next Arch-mage after all

Rows of tables with exotic foods that he had never seen before filled the tables, the very sight making his mouth water. Golden chandeliers hung from the ceiling and beautiful colored windows lined the walls.

The nobles, wealthy merchants and allies of the royal faction were all seated to the right of the dance floor. Where young gentlemen took fair ladies in arms and danced with them till feet tired and hearts spilled.

On the balcony for all to see were four grand tables that were seated by equally important people.

The Three Dukes - Lord Conrad Listrio, Lady Vida Origa and Lord Knox Moon.

Also, the Sword Prince.

The prince was seated with the other princes and princesses. Their status was equal to that of the dukes. They all had fox ears as was distinctive to their Royal line.

And above them on a floating pavilion hidden by a veil was the infamous Queen Silver. Her figure was hidden by a velvet veil, only the notable silhouette of her fox ears giving away her identity.

Seated just outside the veil and on the platform were the members of the royal harem, a selection of beautiful men from a variety of races. 

Adonis was chosen as our de facto leader after several people - Jade, Noah and me included - recommended him to Lucielle.

And as he had understood it, there was no questions about the integrity of his moral character since he was the hero. His Class and level was displayed above his name, a neat trick that you could do through focus.

[Hero] Level:13


 Within three weeks of being in this world Adonis was already in the double-digits, while Rey was only level 4…

'There has to be some kind of skill that increased his experience gain." Rey thought.

Rey didn't mean to laze around, but he ended up spending a lot of time in the library and talking with Alicia sometimes.

He know knew the name of all twelve cats in her house.

Muffin, Sunshine, Ink, Bosco, Puffcake, Fluffy, Cloud, Ginger, Rose, Poundcake, Choclate, and Cookie.

Thank Nephthys he had a good memory…or Rey didn't know what he would have done.

He couldn't have forgotten such an important fact after all!

Back on topic. Since, Adonis was the Alpha of the pack he got to meet with Queen Silver and be knighted.

Rey totally was not jealous.

"What are you eating?" Alicia asked curiously. Her amber eyes contrasted perfectly with her white dress that was streamlined with colors of the rainbow.

Rey looked at the plate he was holding.

"Dunno, they said it was some kind of Griffin?? …I think." Rey mumbled while taking bites of the golden looking ahh meat. Rey was looking at the floor, he found it a bit hard to know where to look.

Especially, with how much curves that dress was showing

"What if it's an elf or something? Like they might classify as elf's as meat here…" Alicia said suspiciously.

"Whaaaat? No way. I think your way too suspicious for your on good." Rey waved it off. 

Billy walked closer to us and added in after overhearing us."I confirmed with an attendant, it's a B-Tier Winged Lion which the prince personally hunted for us.

"Oh, guess we should give him our thanks." Rey said between mouthfuls.

'Damn, was this shit good.'

Then Billy turned to Alicia. "I wasn't able to say this before. But you look… stunning in that dress." He said a bit awkwardly, but clear enough that it could be heard over the ensemble of musicians playing beautifully.

Billy eyes had that look, that look that screamed of devoted pure love and he moved a bit closer to Alicia, as if waiting for her answer.

"Oh… thanks." Alicia said with a bit of discomfort. She suddenly looked very interested in the sandals she was wearing right now.

They were of a pretty nice make so it was understandable.

"I…" Billy started as if unsure what he should say, but then held back. His fists clenched and clenched.

'Man, this is really uncomfortable.' Rey wanted to squirm and hide under a table for the rest of this event, he really wasn't suited for these kinds of things.

Billy shot Rey a look that seemed both pained and angry and then left angrily. He grabbed a drink and downed it then proceeded to stare at his sword.

Adonis who noticed this shot Rey a questioning glance but he ignored him.

Alicia sighed. "I really don't know how to act around him. It's difficult to… know your supposed to be friends? with someone but you don't even remember why."

"He's a good person. And a kind sort of person that I could never be." Rey said with a twinge of regret.

He felt guilty about this somehow… when it really wasn't his fault.

Alicia placed a comforting hand on his arm, her white satin gloves felt good against his skin. But, then she immediately whisked it away after she realized what he was doing.

If Rey looked at Alicia right now, he might have noticed a blush creep up her neck.

But, instead he was looking at a lady who was approaching Billy. She looked like a noble or maybe a merchant's daughter he couldn't tell the difference, she offered her hand and spoke some words.

But Billy shook his head and she walked away with her head still held high, though Rey could see her gait not being as smooth as before.

Billy wasn't the only one being asked for a dance, almost all his classmates where being asked for a dance by handsome men and beautiful women.

Most of the students accepted the invitations to dance by the other attendees while some couples like Justin and Sydney danced together slowly.

They were much less graceful than the other attendees, but looked like they were having a lot of fun. Justin just laughed it off and took it like a champ each time Sydney stepped on his toe.

They've been dating since they were sixteen and have been going strong till now. Eric kept losing bets against Levi, whenever he said the relationship wouldn't last another six months.

A hand tugged on my the edge of my sleeve.

"Are you going to dance with someone?" Alicia asked with a small voice.

Rey initially planned on asking Alicia for a dance, since he didn't really know any of the other girls well enough and the other attendees looked intimidating.

But he didn't feel that was right anymore. Especially with Billy sulking in the corner and throwing sneaky glances at Alicia that wasn't really that sneaky. Also… was he using his sword as a steak knife???

Rey turned towards Alicia, fully prepared to excuse himself and check up on Billy.

But froze when he saw Alicia's eyes.

Her soft amber eyes looked at him expectantly as her head tilted up towards him. Her soft satin silk gloves touching his elbow, and the exposed cleavage of the cocktail dress making the words on his tongue sluggish.

Rey's heart raced.

Alicia was just that beautiful. Her silky brown hair pairing perfectly with mainly white dress, and playful golden eye shadow lining her eyes. Her eyes glowed with soft golden light coming from above and her soft lips glistened with something that looked like lip gloss.

At that moment to Rey, she might have been a goddess descended down to earth.

And before he could process what he was doing, he asked the words.

"Do you wanna dance?"