
Isekai Project

Rough Draft Of My Book

Stygian_Styx · Fantasy
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6 Chs


I suppressed the urge to laugh, trying to maintain a serious expression as I mimicked Ann's solemn words. "Begin new life sequence, engage." As soon as I spoke, a screen appeared in my mind, as if projected into my brain or optical system. The screen read:


[Welcome. Do you accept being the new Host?] 

>Yes< / No


I was about to select Yes, but the screen automatically selected it as soon as I made up my mind. 'I guess it really is as easy as breathing,' I thought, relieved that I wouldn't have to figure out how to operate it. The screen flashed and a new message appeared.


[Do you wish to initiate the Re-Me sequence?] 

>Yes< / No

*Note: Further functions will be restricted until this process has been completed.


Again, the cursor selected Yes as soon as I decided. I was pleased with the system's efficiency but also slightly worried about making irreversible choices. I shrugged off the thought. 'No use worrying about things I can't change. Even if I had manually clicked Yes, the decision would still be permanent.' The screen flashed once more, replaced by a detailed menu with multiple questions and a scroll bar.











>Random Hybrid<


I chose Random Hybrid. 'Why not have a little fun?' I thought. A smaller screen appeared.


[Do you wish to lock a race in or keep both random?] 

>Lock< < p>



I decided to lock one race, thinking it was best to have some human in my blood, given that humans often dominated in fiction. The mini-screen updated to exclude random options, quickly selecting Human for me.

A warning screen appeared.


!Warning! [Due to choosing a random option, you waive the ability to choose your skin color. Do you accept?] 

>Yes< < p>



I considered it for a moment, then accepted. 'I just hope this world doesn't have the same conflicts mine did,' I thought, praying for my former world's peace.

My previous world, Earth, had been plagued by civil conflicts and atrocities committed by humans. Periods of peace were often overshadowed by the past, hindering progress.

The next question caught my eye, offering an option I always wanted but could only achieve through contact lenses.


[Eye Color] 







>Red< < p>




I selected Red immediately and moved on.


[Hair Color] 


>Black< < p>






Black was chosen just as quickly.


[Hierarchy Status] 




>Influential< < p>



I was initially stumped but chose Influential. Being poor in my past life had been terrible, and I didn't want to be dragged into politics or forced marriages as a noble or royal.


[Main Five Magic Affinities] 






>Light< < p>

>Dark< < p>

>Time< < p>

>Space< < p>

>Soul< < p>



I thought hard about this. I asked Ann and Legath if I could use other affinities, and they confirmed I could. I chose Light, Dark, Time, Space, and Soul.


[Choose Five Bonus Items] 

>Domain Ring< - A Storage Ring With A Small Pocket Dimension. 

Archmage Pendant - Raises mana by 250. 

Fortress Armor - Unbreakable Armor. 

Holy Sword - A Broadsword Capable of Devastating Holy Aspect Damage, Comes with a holy skill. 

>Shadow Daggers< - Cursed Daggers that leech blood from enemies to heal the owner. 

Blight Bow - A Bow Capable Of Not Only Poisonous But Disease Aspect Attacks As Well. 

Earthen Axe - A War Axe / Hammer Capable Of Making Fissures And Mountains. 

Lance of Storm - A Spear That Lets You Call Forth Lightning To Do Your Bidding. 

Variable Shield - A Shield Capable Of Changing Its Shape And Size, Teleports Back To The Owner's Hand If Thrown In Battle. 

Harbinger's Staff - A Staff Capable Of Using All The Elements And Emits a Faint Barrier At All Times Nullifying Any Surprise Attack. 

>Random Spell< - A Random Spell. 

>Random Skill< - A Random Skill. 

>Random Passive Buff< - A Random Buff.

*Note: All are upgradable using the faith system.


I was stuck for a long time but eventually chose the Domain Ring for storage, Shadow Daggers for survival, and Random Spell, Skill, and Passive Buff, hoping for something beneficial. 'I just pray they're something good,' I thought reluctantly.

Noticing the end of the scroll bar, I asked Ann about body size and weight. She replied, "Your body is determined during puberty, not before reincarnation."

I was a bit saddened but resigned to it. 'If it can't be helped, it can't be helped,' I thought.

The screen flashed again, replaced by a confirmation screen.


[Please ensure the following information is correct] 

>Yes< / No

- Previous Settings - 

Name: Erick Simmons 

Age: 19 

Race: Earthling Human 

Eye Color: Brown 

Hair Color: Black 

Hierarchy: Poor and Homeless


- After Reincarnation - 

Name: Silas Draven 

Age: Newborn 

Race: Random Half-Human Hybrid 

Eye Color: Red 

Hair Color: Black 

Hierarchy: Influential 

Main Affinities: Light, Dark, Time, Space, and Soul 

Bonus Items: Domain Ring, Shadow Daggers, Random Spell, Random Skill, Random Passive Buff


I reviewed the information, ensuring everything was correct. Satisfied, the confirmation accepted Yes. The screen disappeared, replaced by flashing and floating text.


[This concludes the initialization process. Thank you]


The words flashed brightly, exploding into fireworks. Ann and Legath were both smiling.

"You chose some good options. I would have gone with the Earthen Axe myself," said Legath.

Ann replied, "Please, as if you need it. I was surprised by his choice of hybrid race. That could lead to many hardships in the next life. Not all worlds see things as we gods do."

Ann's concern mirrored my own fears about choosing a non-pure human race. From my experience on Earth, humans could be terrible, especially in large groups.

I replied to Legath, "I do like the way war axes look, but the healing seemed crucial."

Then, to Ann, I said, "I understand the risks, but I don't want to be fully human anymore. I chose hybrid hoping some human traits might reduce prejudice."

Ann nodded thoughtfully.

She looked at something resembling a sundial and exclaimed, "Oh no, we should have already been in the great hall. Hopefully, the other gods won't be too mad at us for keeping them waiting. Please follow me."

Ann and Legath quickly rose, and I followed them through a large door to the right of the counter. We walked down a grand hallway lined with rooms and smaller hallways. At the end was a massive set of doors.

Ann teased Legath, "Use those muscles, you big oaf."

Legath smirked, raised his massive arms, placed his palms on the door, and gave it a shove.