
Isekai One Piece ~: King of the Seas

A young man that died saving another found himself being reincarnated/transmigrated to a mysterious world where men and women live on islands and explore vast oceans and seas.

IsekaiStoriesDM · Anime & Comics
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Chapter Two ~: The Journey Continues (R-18)

『 By. IsekaiStoriesDM』


I had reached this great island in over a month. During my travels, I had visited several islands and taken care of six pirate crews adding their wealth to mine. I had learned much about this world, and as I didn't need more power, I also hadn't used the system to gain anything either in this time.

The wealth in my hands had steadily grown huge. But this was beyond the point I had learned about. This world had pirates the way my previous world had the fast-food franchise; literally everywhere. Even those who should protect were no better. Once I had learned this, I made a conscious choice: I had no desire to join those two face bastards that were no better than dogs for a group called the Celestial Dragons (another group I had no desire to meet.) From their description, I would absolutely know if I saw them.

Right now, I am in a sword shop I was working as a smith. I was totally oblivious to the young female owner's gaze as sweat poured down my body, and even without earning the skill from the system I had learned smithing on my own. As a plus, my body had become stronger (maybe it was the battle or maybe the animal in the sea I had devoured on my way here.) From what I had learned from some people, most of those were 'Sea Kings.' And it shocked many I had treated those animals like they were common eels back on earth and processed them like they were perfect for unagi and ate them as meals.

After spending the first half of the day, I heard growling as I brought down the hammer, squishing the metal into the last folding. "Samantha, you're hungry?" I took her silence as confirmation. I sat the hammer down and placed the blank into the warming area and then turned to the young woman with lavender hair kept in a ponytail and her chest was at least G cup, and this was not the reason I had stayed with her and started an apprenticeship with her and not some other smith that was brawny older men instead of this stunning older sister. I saw her smiling, and I ignored the look in her eyes as I left the smith to the back courtyard and went and hauled a bucket of water from the well and soon held the bucket before pouring it over my head, and the water cascade down me and I let out an exhale, "time to cook." I took out a small grill and other things from and[Item Box]along with a stack of fillets of some sort of flesh, and I saw Samantha's eyes brighten as I went to work. I began to smear the meat with a special sauce similar to a sauce of Unagi and slowly roasted the meat, as I watched it cook.

I watched the meat, and I coated it and added seasoning, the smell made me and Samantha drool and my stomachs grumble. Soon I plated the meat and handed it to my master, who smiled and then she began to eat. I then plated my own and began to eat as well, but before taking a second bite, she spoke to me, "So you'll be heading to the grand line soon, so our you going be a pirate or a marine?"

I smiled as I took another bite, chewed it, and swallowed before saying, "Neither, I truly don't desire to be under another boot, and both seem to be just as dirty I mean, I will probably be labeled a pirate; we both know trouble finds me. We both knew I dislike turning the other cheek, or the hospitable here would not have an influx since I came here?"

Samantha laughed and finished off the filets on her plate, then she said," Dear pupil, you have interest thought but true even if you aren't a legit pirate if you interfere in those damn men's plans you be labeled as a pirate or terrorist, either way, it be a pain."

I nodded, saying, "being a pirate wouldn't be bad as long as it was on my own terms."

I saw her raise an eyebrow as she asked, "And your terms would be?"

I pulled out a flask from [Item Box]and I opened it and took a sip before saying, "Adventure the world, see new things gain new experiences, be true to my feelings and never allow something that offends me to be allowed as a demon might grow in my heart." I paused for dramatic effect. "There is no need to harm the innocent to be a pirate."

I saw Samantha's reaction to what I had said, but before she could speak, I continued, "I mean to be truthful. I respect the straw hats even with them being pirates; if a person does their research, they learn…." My pause surprised her, and she said, "they learn?"

I raised a hand to my mouth to be quiet, and she nodded. I had telepathy but never exposed it to people as there were no benefits in divulging it. I got up from where we were eating, brushed the back of my pants, and went inside and into the store. Inside the store were five burly men who smelt of the sea, rum, and stank of not bathing for months. In my eyes, they were pirates of the worst type, and the one in the lead screamed perverted pig; but as a person who had no desire for trouble or bring trouble to those that help.

I kept a neutral face and said, "Hello is there something you need?"

There was a silence for a moment, but then the pig spoke, and I found it increasingly harder not to strangle the man, "Where's the Whore?"

"I am sorry good sir, but this is not a brothel; this is a black…"

The pig slams a monster's club on the counter, "Shut the fuck up, unless you're going to tell me where the whor." But before he could finish that, the pig was off his feet and slammed into the floor, and the other men just blankly looked on, not knowing what happened until they heard me speak.

"I forgave the first time you called her that pirate, but to say twice you forfeit your life."

The pig screamed after he was able to retrieve air into his lungs, causing his men to move. But soon, they were stopped even before they could take more than three steps as I used water and ice magic, sending projectiles from my body in each of their general area piercing their hearts and dropping them to their knees. No blood came out as the magic froze them solid.

The fat pig laughed. "You and that whore are dead. You killed men of the Shadow ghouls pirates, don't think you'll be left off unless you let me go to smooth thing over for…*[blag]*" followed by bright red blood rushing from the pig mouth. "Please don't…I don't want to die…*[blag]*… *[Smack]*" the smithy is filled with the sound of crying. "How many people have not wanted to die, but you and your friends have done worse. Those who kill should also be prepared to die, and don't worry, I'll give your captain your farewell." My fist blasted through the pig's chest, causing the body to shudder and then lay there and grow cold.

I then stood and walked to each body, stowing them into my [Item Box]but also stowing the gore and blood too, in order to prevent it from contaminating the shop or leaving any evidence of what happened here. But it also didn't erase what I would soon have to do to keep big sis safe, but it also meant I'd have to leave as well. I looked around a little more and soon saw I had got everything, but then I heard a noise and saw Samantha. She was pail, but she wasn't afraid she lived in this world longer and knew it was a world where the weak were eaten by the strong and only a few of the strong actual protected the weak all she could say was; "Why?"

I smiled at her and said, "Big sis taught me about blacksmithy and has treated me like family, and anyone who would call a beauty both in looks and in spirit has no goodwill towards you." I walked up and touched her cheek; she didn't flinch nor back away, "But the fact I killed them means I will have to take care of the rest of their crew to make you safe, and then I'll have to ..g-" before I could finish speaking I found my lips covered by the big girl..No the woman before me. I felt my flesh grow hot, even hotter than when I work the smith, and soon found my hand being guided across Samantha's body by her, and soon I found my hands hoisting her butt into the air as she wrapped her legs around my waist as we kept tangle our tongues. I carried her to the room I had been staying in since the apprenticeship and was about to lay her on the bed; but as I was about to do this, I felt her shift, and if I thought she was trying to do something, I could of prevent it but I choose not to and soon found myself looking up into her eyes.

"Interesting," I said with a smirk. "Does big sis want to ravage her younger brother?" I saw the lust in her eyes, and I also knew we had been putting a brake on it for nearly two months but now would probably be the last time we see one another, so there was no point in regret. She smirked before ripping off my shirt and then looking down on me with the eyes of a predator. She knew if I didn't want it, I could stop her, but she also felt my willingness under her butt cheeks as something was trying to escape my pants. She started to kiss my neck, causing me to shiver, and then she worked her way down my chest and abs. She then came to my belt and looked up into my eyes like she was asking, and I went to undo the belt, and she grabbed my hand with a look of determination.

"Let me!"

I nodded and let my hands return to their original spot as I watched her remove the belt and soon fling my pant behind her. As her eyes returned to my crotch, I had to laugh as I saw her bite her cherry lips. I swore I saw heart appear in her eyes, and then she began her face came down.

Still, she began sniffing and breathing onto my little brother, causing my flesh to grow even hotter, if that was even possible, and I wanted to start. Still, I kept myself in control even as she began licking me, the tip of her tongue dragging along it like she was tracing every pulsating vein, and before I knew it, my mind exploded as I felt warm flesh encapsulate my cock and the lewd sounds, I knew full well from my past life as my body was hit with more pleasure. I let her continue and let her enjoy herself; I gripped the bed sheet the suction she was putting me under, along with the wetness and the texture, made me almost slip, but I managed to regain control as I held on for another twenty minutes before letting it out and she swallowed it all.

As I watched her swallow it and saw her hot gaze come toward me, I became hard once again. She crawled atop of me and brought my hands up to her, and I soon found myself helping her undress her like she had done to me as we kissed. As her shirt and pants were tossed away and we broke our kiss, we saw a long string of saliva from our mouths before I felt her grasp me and then feel me and Samantha become connected. I soon learned what it was to ride, and I held her and traded her tit for tat as I responded with each hump with a thrust. This went on for the remainder of the day until Samantha fell onto me and passed out.

She only awoke an hour later at midnight when an explosion in the harbor was heard and people were screaming. She got out of the bed to try to find me, and she quickly grabbed her clothing and got dressed in time to see the night sky had an orange glow and she heard a few people shouting the Shadow ghoul pirate; At first, she thought the town was being attacked, but soon she heard the rest that the ship was exploding and on fire and in this moment, Samantha knew I had attacked and I was gone.

She returned to her shop and went back to the room. She touched the bed and still felt a small amount of my warmth; tears started to build in her eyes but before she really cried she saw a piece of paper on my nightstand and a large sack on the floor was also there. But she ignore the sack, and she grabbed the note. She read it and she began crying.

Samantha P.O.V as she read the note;


Beloved Samantha;

For what I have to do to protect you, I am sure the Marines would find trouble for you if they learn our connection, as we both know I won't bow to them. But more, I can't leave the Shadow Ghoul to exist. I mean, for them to act like this, I am sure they either pay Marines well or are paid well by someone, or they'd never act like this on this island. So, after this, burn this letter and say I was only a wanderer looking to become a smith. Also, I know your cycles, and if the plan was to keep me through a baby, I'm touched, love, but it is not safe now; one day, I'll be back, and if on that day I see someone like me, I will be happy, and love hides the sack and keep it for emergency there enough in there for you to live a happy life or return to Conomi Islands.

But know I'll be back someday!

Love Cain


Samantha did as I asked even with her eyes were overflowing with tears, and they were red and puffy, but the letter soon went up in smoke


The next day, Samantha smithery


A female captain and her underling walked in; they saw men packing the belongings as if the owner was closing the store. As Samantha came out from the smithy, she saw the Marines. 'He was right.' So she straightened up and said, "Sorry, the store is closed as I'm in the process of returning home!"

The female captain was surprised but nodded and said, "That is fine, but I'm here to interview you about what happened several days ago in the harbor. Some of your neighbors say some of the shadow Ghoul pirates came?"

Samantha nodded and spoke, "yes, they want repairs and sharpening, but I told them I was busy and they have to come back later."

The captain nodded, and she then said, "Oh, and I have heard you have an apprentice. Is he here? Maybe he had interaction with those men."

Samantha was amazed at how accurate Marcus was and had to say, "Unfortunately, he left yesterday after those men had visited, and as my apprentice was a wander who was only trying to pick up skills to make a living." The captain nodded as she, too, understood wanders did try to learn skills to make a living. Still, she had also heard from some of the people who saw the ghoul ship's destruction was a man jumping into the seas, moment before the explosion. After checking the wreckage, there were no bodies or valuables inside or around it, like something swept everything. So, she really wanted to see if the man who was the apprentice here was one and the same, but with him gone, she couldn't keep going on with that line of investigation.

Meanwhile, I sat with my back against a stone on a small desert island. I was cleared out and sorted the [Item Box.] and had found that I had earned a total of [587,000 Coins]from all the sacrifices I had made from the things I took from the ship, from the ships weapons to the tressure the pirates had gathered and even the corpse. The only things I kept at the end were the hard currency, food and ration, and the barrel of alcohol they had.

I then opened up my [System]and went to the [Shop] area and bought a few high-grade healing potions and took care of the wounds; as I drank them down, the slash, cuts, and bullet holes acted like they were in rewind and left no scars.

"Aaah that was much better. Now, let's go use the lottery function I think I need some more abilities so I open [Lottery]area and purchased thirty draws;

1st draw

[Abilities ~: Swordsmanship]

2nd draw

[Abilities ~: Chakra manipulation]

3rd draw

[Abilities ~: Lucky Lecher]

4th draw

[Abilities ~: Skill Fusion]

5th draw

[Abilities ~: Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation]

6th draw

[Abilities ~: Flawless Restoration]

7th draw

[Abilities ~: Soul Summoning ]

8th draw

[Abilities ~: Plant Manipulation]

9th draw

[Techniques ~: Chakra System]

10th draw

[Techniques ~: Sōten Kisshun ]

11th draw

[Techniques ~: Empathic Detection]

12th draw

[Race Trait ~: Thunder affinity]

13th draw

[Race Trait ~: Fire Affinity]

14th draw

[Race Trait ~: Wood Affinity]

15th draw

[Abilities ~: Mastery of Alchemy]

16th draw

[Techniques ~: Pill Concocture ]

17th draw

[Techniques ~: Flash Step ]

18th draw

[Abilities ~: Analyze ]

19th draw

[Techniques ~: Cooking]

20th draw

[Techniques ~: Shadow Clone Jutsu]

21st draw

[Techniques ~: Water Clone Jutsu]

22nd draw

[Techniques ~: Chakra Control]

23rd draw

[Abilities ~: Taming]

24th draw

[Abilities ~: Earth Manipulation]

25th draw

[Abilities ~: Metal Manipulation]

26th draw

[Techniques ~: Enhanced Analysis]

27th draw

[Techniques ~: Flame control ]

28th draw

[Techniques ~: Pyrokinesis ]

29th draw

[Techniques ~: Ultra Instinct]

30th draw

[Techniques ~: Energy Fusion ]

In the end, I ended up spending a total of [308,280 Coins]I got a lot of Race traits, skills, and abilities to add to the other, but there were some I had no idea when I ever use them except in maybe as material in a fusion.

As I looked at my status, there were so many, and some seemed the same or did the same as I checked; some of those thoughts became true even if they only covered each other shortcomings; I soon found two interesting choices they were both fusion one fused the energy in the body and the other fused the skills and abilities that I now possessed. So, I decided to use the second one to clean up my status, so I began;


[Chakra System] + [Chakra Control] + [Chakra manpiulation] = [The way of Secert and Shadows]

[Danger Detection] + [Empathic Detection] = [Incomplete Mastry Detection] (2 of 12)

[Soul Summoning] + [Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation] + [Flawless Restoration] + [Sōten Kisshun ] = [Against Heaven and Earth]

[Superhuman strength] + [Superhuman intelligence] + [Superhuman durability] + [Superhuman endurance] + [Superhuman speed] + [Superhuman agility] + [Superhuman senses] = [Omni-Body]

[Shadow Clone Jutsu] + [Water Clone Jutsu] = [Incomplete Elemental Nature Clone Jutsu] (2 of 12)

[Thunder affinity] + [Fire Affinity] + [Wood Affinity]= [Incomplete Elemental Nature Affinity] (3 of 23)

[Earth Manipulation] + [Metal Manipulation] + [Plant Manipulation] = [Incomplete Elemental Nature Manipulation] (3 of 23)

[Swordsmanship] + [Master archer and marksman] + [Enhanced Quick-Draw] + [Skilled hand-to-hand combatant] + [Martial artist] = [Incomplete God of War] (5 out of ???)


"Aaah, much better." The information on the status was streamlined and easy to understand; a new section called fusion skills had been added to the status where all of the newly created skills were placed. With this complete, I decided it was time to go. I stood up and slowly entered the ocean once again; as I entered, I found now that my attribute skills had been merging my body was able to move even better without wasting any energy, and I did enjoy seeing this new world with my own eyes, and I only had one main thought going to the grand line at least for a while there I could grow and stabilize, and more as long as I stayed from the sight of the world government I could go anywhere. I continue heading towards Reverse Mountain; from the knowledge I had gathered, I knew there were other ways, but those would bring me into more contact with those I had no desire to and especially now with that ability called [Lucky Lecher] and what was worst every time I tried to use it in a fusion I received a warning telling me that any attempt would only amplify the effects of this one skill (makes me slightly bitter but it was a fact in this world power come with drawbacks and this was only the first.
