
ISEKAI: My Helmet Have System!

Once a loyal soldier of the Kingdom of Aleceria, Edvin Yale was dismissed as a soldier by the first prince of the Kingdom. None believe his story of obtaining a helmet artifact that aids him inside the dungeon, granting him skills and many more abilities. He was called a liar and a coward for abandoning his duty as a soldier. While the rest of his units have been wiped out by an Earth Golem. With pride as a soldier is still intact and a will to protect exists inside of him. Edvin becomes an adventurer to sustain his life and help other people in need. Unraveling the mystery behind the creation of the odd sentient helmet. Thus begins his life as an adventurer with the pride of a soldier, encountering many foes. And the meeting of his destiny... ----- Updates: 3 Chapters per week

ShovelingKnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Not What I Expected

But because I expected such stuff to happen, I moved to the side dodged the incoming hand, and struck back.

However, it seems that the golem was a bit faster and I got grazed by its other hand.


<You 7 24 332 receive damage, HP:>

Seeing that a single hit takes around 24 damage, even with the buff it seems that it isn't effective against the golem. I decided that I needed to make some distance from the golem and prepare for the second strike.

But before that, I check with the helmet to see how much damage I inflict on the golem. Because if the helm could know how much damage was being dealt to me. I'm sure that the helmet could provide that much info.

"Hey, helmet, can you show me the status of the monster and my attacks? Can you do that?"


<I can do such a task, please command it once more.>

"Status, show me the status. The golem stats and how much damage I inflict toward it."


<Understand. >

With that, two status windows appeared before me and it showed the status of the monster and my attacks.


HP: 327/400

<Damage 3 Inflicted, damage on previous attempt.>

Seeing that made me realize that I have yet to deal that much damage to the golem itself. If I remember correctly, the buff should provide me with 100+ attacks and it should inflict a lot more than that. But I am seeing that it doesn't do that. 

The only thing that came to mind was the huge damage it received probably because of the fall. 

Because the fall was quite a long drop, and seeing the state of the golem and the number of its HP. Undoubtedly, the golem took quite a heavy damage from the fall.

However, I still don't understand how my damage is on a single digit.

"Helmet, why is my damage on single digits? I thought the buff would increase my attack by 100 or something?"


<That's because of the buff itself doesn't apply to user weapon, as it increases damage on helmet.>

"Wait!? Don't tell me that the buff only can be used on the helmet and not any other weapons?"


<Yes. As the name implies, Helmet Buff does provide user with 100+ attack power towards helmet, thus when you use buff to monster. The monster would receive a damage of 100.> 

Hearing that made me feel so dumb. How can I not think of that, but there's no use to lament about such a mistake? Like I should ask for more detail about the buff itself. Plus hearing the naming of the buff itself should be a dead giveaway that the buff isn't a weapon buff.

But I still think I can do this, to defeat the golem that is... I mean I still have MP left and with the remaining HP that the golem has. 4 strikes would be enough to take it down. 

The only thing left was that I needed to hit the monster multiple times. Yet I don't think that the 3-digit HP would be easy to handle on my end. A single strike from the golem would be enough to kill me.

So I needed to play the defensive and the most important part was that I had to dodge the incoming attacks.

Plus with my current state, moving around is a bit harder.

"Hey, helmet, is there a way for me to win this fight? Or was it impossible for me to win and all of this is for nothing?"


<Based on my data and the remaining HP of golem. You can win this battle survive. But it all depends how you fight monster.>

"Then, is there a way to kill the golem using the buff and without taking a single hit from it? Can you provide me a solution to that?"


<I can provide you with such a plan but the chance of success is quite low.>

"I'll take that chance and I want you to tell me the plan... rather I rely on you so do what you can, helmet..."


<Understand! >

With that, the helmet begins to describe the plan to me.

After listening to the plan and understanding it, I nodded my head. The plan itself ain't bad but seeing that there's no other good option.

This plan should do and I hope it works, because if not... then the only thing I can do is to be proud of my survival attempt.

Because I was sure that there was no escape and running wasn't an option.

"Helmet, let's execute the plan, the golem itself would be here soon and it would be a bad situation if it does."


<Auto sorting user stats for the best outcome, plan is going to start.>

Seeing the helmet auto-sorting the stats. I could feel that my body felt a bit different. Because what the helmet suggested was for me to focus on my agility. Of course, I don't know how much stats would it need for me to move faster than the golem and that's why I rely on the helmet.

And the next part was a bit harder, as the helmet suggested that I must dodge every single attack. This means I must avoid the attack with my whole body and if there's an opening, I need to deliver a headbutt to the golem while the helmet buff is still activated.

As a single hit would take out half of my HP and a double hit would mean death for me. Despite I have recovered a bit due to the helmet increasing my vitality. It wasn't much but at least that something.

With that, the helmet signals me to start the fight.

I was ready for the incoming battle and the moment I saw the golem coming close to me. I prepared myself for the upcoming battle.

The golem itself was walking towards me and I felt like I could do this as my body felt lighter than usual despite being in so much pain. 

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