
Officially Friends

After all that I had said, I can't believe that I actually do this thing again. It feels like I am doing some petty quest to get something in return, just like in the game before.

Nonetheless, this would be a great experience for me at least. As this was the first time I am going to venture somewhere far from the town. Kazuki did tell me that the place that we're going to was near another town. Which meant that both of us needed to travel there.


After talking and discussing some matters thoroughly, we agree that we both will meet each other in front of this store the next morning. Elina gladly offers her help as she would be the one in charge of transportation but Kazuki refuses it.

Saying that it would be too much of a thing to do, as the carriage cost a lot of gold.

"But at least I should be-"

"There's no need for that, we would travel there by horse... it's cheaper." Kazuki said that.