
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · Others
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28 Chs

Cap # 1-2 The end is only the door to a new beginning.

My name is Satou, or at least that was it, this is my story, some will believe it is not true, others yes, that, I leave it to you.


Hello, my name is Satou, I'm coming back from school, I just wait to get there and sit at the PC to play my video games or read my manga, there is no greater pleasure.

I live with my sister and my mother, the truth is that we hardly speak to each other, I spend it in my room... now that I think about it, I don't talk much, I don't even remember the last conversation of more than two words that I had with someone.

I live with my sister and my mother, the truth is that we barely talk, I spend it in my room, now that I think about it, I don't talk much, I don't even remember the last conversation of more than two words that I had with someone, well in finally, when I was about to enter the outer door of the house I heard a peculiar noise, like a whistle, immediately afterwards I saw a strong explosion come from the house, I was thrown backwards by the wave of the explosion, shortly after I managed to get up, look to the house.

Satou: my mother and sister were inside?!.

Satou: Wait, it's 4 o'clock, my mother and sister were inside!

I ran towards the burning house without worrying about anything, although I don't have so much friction with them I never thought it would cloud so much just thinking about losing them, I tried to search through the rubble, they didn't appear.

What was left of the structure of the house was not very strong and it collapsed on me, after that everything went off, I only remember some words and lights, it seems that I am in a hospital, I am sure I heard the voice of mom, there was left the house before ?, I feel relieved, in pa.

Desperate I ran towards the burning house, I tried to search through the rubble but apparently what was left of the structure of the house was not very strong and it collapsed on me, after that everything went out, I only remember some words and lights, I feel like I'm in a hospital, I'm sure I heard mom's voice, had I left the house before? I feel relieved, at peace, but I don't want to die, I haven't done anything in my life, I want more, I want to live! !

Everything turned off, a great silence, apparently I'm dead, it feels strange, I'm floating in an empty space.

Satou: what the hell, how can I die like this, I want another chance, I want to continue.

???: as you wish, today I am benevolent.

Satou: who is there and what do you mean

???: oh come on, you've read a lot of manga, you should know who I am.



???; Na, you will see I am if I am what you consider GOD but what I want is for you to go to another world and become a force that annoys my brother, you will wonder if I have a brother .....

Satou: (blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and that voice was like that for hours just to tell me that she wanted to annoy his brother.

Satou: Hey, would you mind abbreviating.

???: don't overdo it, I'm dedicating my time to you, me, an entity blah blah blah...

And so it started again, after hours of one-sided dialogue he sent me to another world, he told me that he would give me things like status, inventory and a few coins of each type from the new world, not bad I thought, but.

Satou: hey and my cheat ability, say something that makes me OP, invincible, you know.

???: eeeemmmm, since, I'm going to give you to choose an element of the State you want and I'll make it infinite, then you can choose if you're late, I'll also allow you to use all elemental magic.

Satou: to something else, could you make me appear in..

???: a dungeon, of course

Sato: wait I didn't say it is.,,

Everything went white, I was forced to close my eyes, when I opened them I was in a cave, a rock door at my back and a corridor ahead, clearly that was the first thing I did.


Name: Satou







Magic Power: 2(?)

Satou: because there are so many questions, will it be about choosing power, let me think, let me think, why do I think about it, well, the lowest I have.


A metallic voice sounded in my head.


Just a second ago I heard that metallic voice, maybe I should check my status

Name: Satou

Title: Possessor of All Magic

Race:[magical entity](human)






Magic power:????????????






Wow, I'm the avatar, hehe, let's try everything!!

Satou: earth!! ummm earth?

I just realized that I never asked how magic was used, well, it will be discovered, now to continue with the experimentation.

Satou: O air listen to my call!

Nothing, the luck is that there is no one nearby, I would die of shame if they saw me doing poses and screaming.

Satou: but why didn't you get any element to answer me.

Two minutes later I noticed that at the top of my status there was something like a little notification box, it seemed to blink so I tapped on it.

[NOTICE: To use elemental skills you need to fill out the form below]

Satou: this is new, never heard of this, let's do it, it shouldn't be a big deal.

/4 hours later/

Satou: I'm finally doneeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

[Congratulations you have unlocked earth affinity]

It's not a joke, just that.

Satou: Why do I work so hard just for that?!


???: for the hell of it.

Satou: son of the great!!... haaaa, it doesn't matter, let's go, let's see what we have.

[You have been allowed to use earth affinity, by your title, Possessor of all magic, you have obtained primary magic]

[Unlock golem creation lv1]

Ability that allows you to create a small earth golen.


The maximum will increase with the level of the skill.

[Unlocked transmutation lv1]

Ability that allows changing the composition of the earth into other materials.

Available: copper, lead, iron.

Ooo, not bad, not bad at all.

Satou: Creation of golem.

Immediately afterwards, a small humanoid golem of earth formed in front of me, measuring about 1 meter, then I was trying to transmute, it turns out that if I make an earth sword I can transform it into metal, the only detail is that the first swords that I made by transmuting them went from 1 meter to 20 cm, then experiment a little I made two swords, two shields and two armor, these were the most difficult.

After equipping myself and ordering my golem to do the same, I prepared to enter the cave.

Not even 5 minutes passed and we found some small rodents, I say small, but they are 50cm, I ordered the golem to attack everyone, no matter how many were killed, they continued to appear after a few minutes. I finally understood it, being a dungeon it regenerates, I'm a genius.(—_—)

Satou: now that I remember I would swear I heard something.

After checking my status, I saw that my lv has increased to 3 and my stats have almost doubled. It is not for less, there are already about 50 of those rats. But the most interesting thing was not that.

[His golem creation skill has leveled up]

Satou: Perfect, Golem Creation!

I created another golen and an armor for it, I repaired the sword of the first one and I put them to continue through the cave and eliminate the threats along the way, we spent a while finding only rats until we reached a large room, in which there was a large nest with a giant rat sleeping.

Satou: Surround her and attack on my signal.

For this occasion I made several iron stakes and placed them around the nest.

Satō: Now!

At my order they embedded their swords in the big rat, it's because of the pain she woke up excited and jumped back, falling squarely into the spears, it was an instant death

[His golem creation skill has been leveled up x2]

Satou: This is very, very good, apparently I also leveled up, but I don't care.

Create two new golem and equip them, this time with two large turret shields, it can be said that they are bigger than them, but the weight does not seem to bother them, in addition to some spears, behind the nest there were some stairs that led down.

We were exploring for a while and we found something similar to a small horned pig, it was easy, the turret shields were like walls for them, we walked in formation, two in front clearing the way with shields and spears and two protecting me from a Possible attack from behind. At the end of this level we also found a larger specimen, I didn't even think of a plan and sent my golems to attack, I thought it would be easy, we won the fight but I had to make the shields again and one of the spears that was had broken. As on the first floor there were some stairs.

It's been almost 8 hours since I appeared in this dungeon, my golem creation skill is at level 9, I've already dropped 5 levels in this dungeon, I wonder how many will it have? Although militarily speaking I have a small army, there is something essential that I lack, food.

Satou: There has to be something to eat, even if the monsters didn't disappear every time he killed them. Devils.

I sat down to rest while 4 of my golems continue to kill the small mob on the floor, a few others look for the floor boss and one stands guard next to me, but...

Satou: God I'm hungry!!!

It occurred to me to look at my inventory, something I hadn't noticed since I arrived, and to my surprise.


Rat Skin x68

Demonized Pig Skin x95

Demonized Pig Fang x190

Demonized Pork x95

Small Spider Thread x80

Normal Spider Thread x64

Large spider thread x 20

Small Water Elemental Core x100

Now I understand where everything we killed went. First of all, I understand it, but what is the use of the nuclei?

[Small Water Elemental Core: When used, generates a small amount of water that can be consumed]

Satou: well I already have the essentials.

Cook the meat with the fire of the torches that were in the boss's room, it did not taste very good because it did not have salt but it was edible, the water was like the town water, fresh and a little sweet.

We continue to give up, little by little the difficulty has increased, I thought that with my golen it would be a piece of cake but after passing floor 10 the mob began to have a larger size and a little more intelligence, it wasn't much but it was noticeable.


Satō: !! FORMATION, ten shields forward, ten spears behind, archers fire at will, use steel-tipped arrows.

It turns out that I already have 32 golens, after passing level 10 Golen Creation was restarted and the ability changed to MODERATE GOLEN CREATION, when I reached 20 and 30 the same step and now it is called , C

intermediate golen rean, they measure 1.30 meters, the only thing that has changed is that, it surprises me, it doesn't bother me, it just seemed like a while ago,

I was reviewing and my transmutation had risen quite a bit, appearing more metals and the possibility of combining them, after experimenting for a few hours I made steel, with it, some bows, taking advantage of the spider thread that turns out to be more resistant than it seemed, arrows of aluminum with a steel tip, they would not have much range but with the strength of the golems they are capable of tensing the bow enough to be useful, in addition to reforming the armor and weapons, they would already look like real soldiers, if it were not for the fact that they do not even have eyes . Returning to the fight, there are about 100 lizardmen in front of a throne on which is an old man who looks like a mage.

Satou: shields prepare to receive the onslaught of the lizardmen, archers do not stop shooting.

In a few minutes the archers had killed almost 75% of the enemies and the shield wall did not even flinch against the clash of swords of the lizards, the spear golen of the second row pierced them with their spears and after 5 minutes I just kept standing the one who seemed to be the leader, on the throne, got up and he started to sing something.

Satou: It has to be a joke!

A ball of fire 15 meters in diameter was on the lizard, he threw it in my direction and what do you think I did, well it's clear, I'm all in gaimer.


I ran out screaming for my life, yep, an example of courage. For a moment I felt as if my golems were looking at me strangely, I didn't give it importance, they don't even have a face. To top it off I roped and fell.

Satou: Nooo!

The sphere of fire fell on top of me.

Satou: Wait, shouldn't it be hotter, shouldn't it be dead!?

There was a crater around me. He didn't have the slightest burn.

[ Title effect , Possessor of all magic active.]

Satou: Saved, wait, what?

check my title

Possessor of all magic, a title given to the being who has reached the pinnacle of magical power, passing even the gods themselves:


—absolute immunity to magic

—capable of learning any magic having the corresponding level.

Shit, the second effect not so much but the first one is very, very broken.

While the archers left the fire-breathing lizard like a sieve.

Satou: Now that I think about it, I can only make golen and exchange earth for metals, what about my other elements, I'm not complaining but...

That God, I hope he gives me my other items soon, since, let's keep moving forward.

My golems were only skilled but I don't see any real damage or broken armor, not that much.

Satou: advance!!

All the golems began to march towards the next floor except for the two who stood by my side as an escort.

Satou: This is great, I always wanted to have my own army.! Let's conquer this dungeon,

Going down the stairs I happened to look behind and saw something that surprised me, the lizardmen were appearing again.

Satou: I thought that after defeating the bos they wouldn't go out again, hehe, hehe, hahahahahahaha (maniacal laughter)

Satou: soldiers, stop!

The formation stopped, then I sent 2 golen to kill the lizards that were appearing little by little, after that I sent 18 of my remaining golen to go back and clean the upper 9 floors, keeping 2 to eliminate the ones that appear again on each floor.

I waited about 30 min and my golem creation skill had already surpassed lv 40 reaching upper average golem creation. With 20 golen fighting I was left with 20 to continue, I ordered him to continue his elimination task permanently with the mob that appeared.

Satou: There is nothing more true than the phrase, take advantage of the bug.

As I went down the stairs with 7 golems with turret shields in each hand in formation, then 7 more with spears, 4 archers and my two bodyguards my golem creation leveled up again.

Satou: god, if it weren't for the fact that I like directing, I wouldn't even need to make an effort to clean this dungeon, with my new strategy I keep leveling up without doing anything more than leaving two golems by individually killing those that appear

Na I can't just do that, my otaku spirit forces me to be the one who conquers in person.

Satou: Now, to conquer!!