
Isekai King

A man never being able to die, always going to new worlds, will this become a blessing or a curse, will he ever break the cycle? Why does he keep meeting truck-kun?

Smols · Fantasy
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4 Chs

[S0 Ep3]

Casey walks home slowly, he feels like he's going to get sick.

Every step forward his stomach twists , he's never got caught skipping before, so why now of all days.

He thinks, and then he remembers...The Test, he had a test he forgot about, the same class as Tyler too.

Casey keeps walking forward, he's going against traffic, and he see's a truck coming by.

It's slightly on the walkers part of the road, so he moves out of the way as it passes, and keeps walking forward.

He gets tp a crosswalk and crosses tp get tp the other side of the road. As he's crossing he see's the same truck as before. He listens to his gut and as the truck comes barrelling down the road. Casey stops. The truck passes through the red light, and barely misses Casey.

His heart sinks and he breathes a breath of relief.

'what was that?

It's like it was targetting me'

Just as Casey thinks that, the truck stops, and it trasforms into something out of "Transformers"

Casey's eyes widen and he starts to run in a zig zag formation in hopes of the truck not being able to get him

"You weren't supposed to dodge" a deep barrelling voice comes from the truck, It only take four steps to reach where Casey got to by running, The truck pulls his fist back and instantly crushes Casey.

The instant Casey is crushed, Truck-kun dissapears. leaving Casey's mutilated body behind.