
At the end

In a dark forest filled with a sinister smell of blood, the devastation was the only thing in sight.

Trees were destroyed, the land was devastated, and the air was filled with something that only reminded me of death.

In all this chaos, a giant creature of dark crimson, black color, and while eyes that were filled with only hunger, were staring at the ground.

There was something that couldn't be thought of alive anymore.

His leg was almost cut off and the skin holding that leg was just there as a show.

This creature had made this boy like this.

Whatever it was, the desire to kill, destroy, or just pure instincts that lead this monster to do this, the monster was happy with the outcome.

There were countless cuts on the boy's body.

Big, small, deep, life-threatening, all kinds of wounds were covering his bare body.

There was nothing to protect him and this creature was just standing there waiting for the last remaining spark in this boy's eyes to fade away.

His eyes…