
Isekai Global System: Rag To Riches

In "Global Isekai System: Rags to Riches," we follow the journey of Dio, a disillusioned middle-aged man who finds himself trapped in a life of despair and regret. After a series of devastating setbacks including the betrayal of his wife and best friend, Dio reaches the lowest point of his life, contemplating suicide as a means to escape his pain. However, Dio's fate takes a drastic turn when he is given a second chance by a mysterious voice, transported him to his childhood with a unique isekai system. Armed with newfound abilities and determination, Dio embarks on a quest to rebuild his life from the ground up. Throughout his journey, Dio faces numerous challenges and obstacles as he navigates the complexities of the isekai system and strives to carve out a place for himself in this unfamiliar world. Along the way, he forges new friendships, confronts enemies, and discovers the true extent of his own strength and resilience. Driven by a desire to rise above his circumstances and achieve success, Dio sets his sights on amassing wealth and power, determined to turn his rags into riches.

UndeadSoulUltra · Action
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26 Chs

Act - 11: ''Bearhill Elementary School''

As we arrived at Bearhill Elementary School, I took in my surroundings.

The school was cozy and medium-sized, with a cluster of buildings separated by grade levels from 1st to 7th.

Each building had its own playground area, and the whole place was buzzing with the energy of students starting their day.

Mom held my hand as we walked through the school gates, and I could feel the eyes of other kids on me.

Some girls huddled together, whispering and giggling as they glanced my way.

"He's cute," I heard one of them say, her voice barely a whisper.

Meanwhile, a group of boys off to the side weren't as kind.

"Look at that sissy, needing his mommy to walk him to school," one of them snickered.

"Probably can't even find his own classroom," another one added, their voices full of mockery.

I ignored their comments, keeping my face neutral.

It was important to maintain the facade that I couldn't speak Norwegian yet.

Besides, their words couldn't hurt me—not when I had far bigger plans in motion.

Mom and I made our way to the administrative office to complete my enrollment.

As we stepped inside, the warm, welcoming atmosphere of the school enveloped us, and I felt a small sense of reassurance.

"This is where it all begins," I thought to myself. "A new life, a new chance. Time to get started."

As we walked into the main building, teachers passed by, greeting my mom with warm smiles. It was a nice custom in this culture, always saying hi with a friendly face. We continued down the hallway, turning left to the teacher's office.

We approached the secretary's booth, where a kind-looking woman sat behind the desk. Mom stepped forward and spoke.

"My name is Mrs. Oh, and I came to enroll my son today," she said, her voice steady and polite.

The secretary smiled gently, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "We've been expecting you," she said. "Please fill out this form."

She handed mom a form to fill out, and we moved to a nearby bench to complete it.

I glanced around the office, taking in the bulletin boards covered with student artwork and school announcements.

The place had a comforting, organized feel to it.

As my mom began to fill out the form, I noticed her struggling with the Norwegian words.

She frowned slightly, her pen hovering uncertainly over the paper.

Despite her best efforts, the language barrier was a real challenge for her.

Just then, I saw a familiar face.

It was a teacher I remembered from my old life.

Miss Elvira, one of the kindest teachers I had ever known.

She always went out of her way to help others and genuinely cared about her students.

Seeing her brought back a flood of memories, and I felt a wave of gratitude for the second chance I had been given.

Miss Elvira noticed my mom's struggle and walked over with a warm smile.

"Do you need any help with the form?" she asked gently.

My mom looked up, relief evident in her eyes.

"Oh yes, please how kind of you. I'm not very good with the language yet."

Miss Elvira nodded kindly and sat down beside her, patiently explaining each section of the form.

I watched them, feeling a mix of admiration for Miss Elvira's kindness and determination to make the most of this new life.

As Miss Elvira helped my mom fill out the form, she glanced at it and saw my name. A look of surprise and delight crossed her face.

"You're Dio Oh?" she asked, her eyes lighting up.

"It looks like you'll be in my class. How wonderful!"

I smiled, pretending to be confuse. 

Miss Elvira turned to my mom.

"I'll be his teacher. How about I show you both around the school and introduce Dio to his new class?"

Mom nodded gratefully. "Thank you so much. That would be wonderful."

Miss Elvira led us through the hallways, pointing out various classrooms, the library, and the playground.

The school felt cozy and inviting, with colorful posters and student projects decorating the walls.

It was medium-sized, with several buildings divided by grade from first to seventh.

As we walked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia.

I recognized many of the places and remembered all the little details of my past life.

It felt surreal, but I was determined to make the most of this second chance.

When we arrived at the classroom, I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Miss Elvira opened the door, and we stepped inside.

The classroom was bright and cheerful, with desks arranged in neat rows.

I recognized many of my classmates.

Some faces were exactly as I remembered, while others had subtle differences.

I knew what many of them would grow up to become, and I felt a strange sense of deja vu.

Miss Elvira clapped her hands to get everyone's attention.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today. This is Dio Oh. Please make him feel welcome."

The students looked at me with curiosity. Some smiled, while others seemed indifferent.

This was a special class for foreign kids new to the country, and I could see the mix of excitement and apprehension in their eyes.

Miss Elvira introduced me to the class, explaining that I had just moved here and was still learning the language.

"Let's all help Dio feel at home," she said warmly.

"I know you'll all be great friends."

As I took my seat, I glanced around the room, remembering bits and pieces about each classmate.

This knowledge felt like a secret weapon, and I was determined to use it wisely. 

Miss Elvira's kindness and the warm welcome from the class filled me with a sense of hope.

Mom leaned down, patting my head gently.

"Dio, Mom has to go to work now. You're going to be just fine, okay? Be a good kid and listen to your teacher."

I nodded, feeling a lump in my throat. "Okay, Mom."

She gave me a final hug before walking over to Miss Elvira.

"Thank you so much," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "Goodbye."

Miss Elvira smiled warmly at her.

"You're welcome. He'll be in good hands."

As Mom left, Miss Elvira walked over to me.

She crouched down to my level, her expression kind and reassuring.

"It's okay, Dio," she said, her voice gentle.

She tried to comfort me using some amateur hand gestures, speaking in Norwegian to help me understand.

"You're going to have a great day here. We'll take good care of you."

I smiled weakly, appreciating her efforts.

Even though I felt a bit anxious, Miss Elvira's kindness made it easier to face this new beginning.

Miss Elvira stood up and clapped her hands to get everyone's attention.

"Alright, everyone, gather around!" she called out. The students quickly gathered near her, curious about the new kid.

"Class, I'd like to introduce you to our new student," Miss Elvira announced, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"This is Dio. He's just arrived from another country called Thailand, let's make sure to give him a warm welcome."

The students murmured amongst themselves, some smiling and waving.

"Dio, why don't you say hello?" Miss Elvira suggested, encouraging me with a nod.

I took a deep breath and managed a small wave.

"Hello," I said, my voice soft but steady.

Miss Elvira smiled brightly.

"Thank you, Dio. Everyone, please help Dio feel at home and don't hesitate to assist him if he needs anything."

The kids responded with a chorus of greetings, and I felt a bit of the tension ease from my shoulders. 

Miss Elvira glanced at the clock, noting the time.

"Alright, everyone, it's break time. You can all go out and play," she announced.

"Nora," Miss Elvira continued, "could you please show Dio around the school during the break?"

A girl with blonde hair and big blue eyes stepped forward, her cheeks tinged with pink.

"Sure, Miss Elvira," Nora replied in a shy manner, her gaze flickering to me briefly before she looked away.

"Thank you, Nora," Miss Elvira said warmly.

"Dio, you'll be in good hands with Nora. She knows the school very well."

I nodded, feeling a mix of curiosity and nervousness.

As Nora led me out of the classroom, I glanced back at Miss Elvira, who gave me an encouraging smile.

Nora walked a few steps ahead of me, her movements a bit hesitant. "Um, this way," she said, pointing down the hallway. "I'll show you the playground and then the cafeteria."

I followed her, trying to take in my new surroundings.

Nora's shyness mirrored my own initial hesitation, but I appreciated her willingness to help.

As we walked, I thought about how different this school was from my previous life experiences, and I felt a flicker of hope that things might turn out better this time around.

Dio Stat's Info:







Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 50 krone

Associate - 0

Asset - 0

Digital Asset - 0

Goons - 0

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Company - 0

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