
Isekai Futanari Monster Girls

Tony Stank. Eighteen years old Science engineering genius that is studying at University. Tony was not an average teen. He has a thing for girls with dicks and monster girls despite being the smartest kid in the University. On one fateful night, When Tony was going home. And that was when he meets his fateful encounter..................."HOOOK!HOOK!" (Truck-sama) (You all know the Isekai drill) WARNING!! This story contains male on futa and futa on male. Some of the early parts of the story will change after the end of the Elf route saga. And I will also change to story to a third person as well.

TheAuthorsanXD · Fantasy
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97 Chs

The Alvida Kingdom (Side story)

(Author note: Thank you WhiteGlint211, Fredrik Andersson, sknasen, nightrise, Ekim, Daniel Quintanilha de Oliveira, bob billion, Curtis1122, Taylor Thompson, GIDEON FRY, Guillaume lebouleur, Gerard Porche, Hexextal and Gabriel for supporting me on Patreon.)

East Continent!

A region that frees from the Church's grip. But that doesn't mean the Church give up on the East continent. And now the thing has been difficult thanks to the Prince and the Grand Alliance's Heros.

At the north is the Gaon empire. A long time ago, the Gaon empire was the most powerful force in the East continent. But as time pass by, the empire power fell, and their land has been slowly taken by a newly raise kingdom. The empire was on the verge of collapsing.

Then, out of nowhere, the empire power was raise to the max, and in a single year, the empire had destroyed five kingdoms, which alarm the whole world. The rest of the kingdom quickly form an Alliance, which call Grand Alliance. But it wasn't enough to stop the empire's force from advancing.

The Grand Alliance has 100x soldiers more than the empire, but they're still losing. Gand Alliance quickly fell into panic from the empire's power and quickly finding a way to stop the empire from marching. At first, they want to ask the Church to help, but if they did, that would mean they have to submit to the Church. Then one of the kingdoms had a solution. Summoning an outworlder that has a super skill ability.

The Grand Kingdom then summon ten young outworlders, and all of them had a unique skill call Job and enhanced strength, speed, endurance and large mana pool.

Then the young outworlders face the force of the empire and achieve their first victory. And thanks to them, the Grand Kingdom took a breath of relief. Then the kingdom that summons the young heroes was promoted to the leader of the Grand Alliance. And that kingdom name is the Alvida Kingdom.

Alvida kingdom is located in the desert in the middle of the East continent. Even though the whole domain is in the desert, the Alvida kingdom is one of the wealthiest kingdoms on the East continent. This because the kingdom is sitting on the richest natural ore and gems on the continent. But the downside to this kingdom is that 70% of the population are a slave. Many other kingdoms were against slavery, but they can do nothing about it since they need to trade with the Alvida kingdom for the precious metal, and Alvida is very rich.


Alvida kingdom capital city.

Alvida audience room.

Magnificent braziers attached to each of the six golden columns light up the lower levels of the throne hall and allow shadows to play and dance where light cannot reach. The carved symmetric patterns on the embowed ceiling dance in the flickering light while stone effigies look down upon the mahogany floor of this royal hall.

A cobalt rug runs down from the throne for a few meters before coming to an end while forked banners with golden borders dangle gently from the walls. Between each banner hangs a small luster. Some of them have been lit and, in turn, illuminate the depictions of heroes and leaders below them.

Curtains hide big, stained glass windows of mesmerizing mosaics coloured the same cobalt as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with jewels and burnished corners.

A great throne of pure gold sits below a grand chandelier and is adjoined by two equally lavish seats for esteemed guests.

The throne is covered in baroque emblems, and fixed on each of the front legs is a ruby crown. The fluffy pillows are light cobalt, and these too have been adorned with golden fringes.

Those expecting an audience with their royal highness can do so on the abundance of gilded and otherwise extravagant alder benches, all of which are facing the centre of the hall. Those of higher standing can instead take a seat in the luxurious mezzanines overlooking the hall.

(Author note: not my word since I'm terrible at describing things.)

Sitting on the throne is the king of the Avida Kingdom. Shutur Nahhunte Dadiani

He obese forty-year-old man. He wore luxurious clothes and jewels all over his fat body. He is looking at his royal subject with pleasing eyes.

"Huhhhh hu hu hu hu! How is our force doing at taking the empire greatest fortress?" (Shutur) And both of his sides are four beautiful sad-looking women who wear a very revealing cloth and a metal collar with a chain attached to it, and the one holding multiple chains is the king.

(Author note: Hu Hu. is a laugh.)

"Right now, our full force is currently pushing in, and soon we will take the fortress down!" (Alvida general)

"Mm. Mm. It seems that the information on the Prince was accurate. He is making his move toward the Westen Church...….but why suddenly move toward the Church?" (Shutur) He rubs his beard.

"We still don't know why but this good chance to strike the empire with our full force!" (Alvida Noble)

"Agree. Send the message to the allied kingdom. It is time to go all out!!" (Shutur)

"Yes! your majesty!!" (All Shutur's subject) They bow to him. Suddenly the hug door bust opens and running.

"REPORTINGGGGGG!!" (Running man). He has the looks as if he gets here at the audience room for days.

"INSOLENT!!! KNEEL IN FRONT OF HIS MAJESTY NOW!!!" (Alvida General) The man stops and quickly get on his knee.

"You are....Lyle Kingdom's intelligent crop." (Shutur)

"My apologies, your majesty." (Intelligent crop) He lowers his head. "I bring news to the leader of Grand Alliance." (Intelligent crop)

"Out with it." (Shutur) He smiles whenever someone mentions the leader of the Grand Alliance.

"The Empire supreme prince has moved all his army to the west to conquer the mystical island of the mist." (Intelligent crop)

"The Island of Mist!!?? Isn't that just a legend!?" (Shutur) His eye was wide open.

"Yes, it seems that the Church has mange to get on that Island and what we can gather there is a civilization of none human, which is Elf, beastkin and centaur." (Intelligent crop)

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!!??" (Shutur). He quickly stood up with a shocking look on his face.

"The Church has mange to get on that Island and what we can gather there is a civilization of none human, which is Elf, beastkin and centaur?" (Intelligent crop)

"Elf, beastkin and centaur......…..our ancestral slave is still alive!?" (Shutur) He trembles with excitement. "You have done well giving me this news. Guard! Escort, this man to a well, deserve rest!" (Shutur) Two guards approach the man.

"Thank you. your majesty." (Intelligent crop) He stood up and bowed toward Shutur and exit the room with two guards.

"Hu Hu Hu Hu....if those slaves are alive, that mean we still own them, and their land belongs to their master, which is me, the ruler of Alvida kingdom!" (Shutur) Long ago, before the calamity. Alvida kingdom was once a powerful kingdom that advanced in magic and enslaved a lot of none human creature with their unique slave collar magic item. Then the catastrophe stuck the world, and thanks to their advanced magic small amount of Alvida people manage to survive.

"General! Sent a messenger to the front line and order our army back immediately! We must not Let those Chuch and Empire take my land!" (Shutur)

"Right away!" (General) He bows and exits the room.

"But fighting two superpower empire will difficult, but the Island of myth belong to the Alivda royal family! I won't let those barbarians and zealots have it! What you all think? What the action for us?" (Shutur) He looks at all his loyal subject.

"Why don't we ally with the Church? That way, we could destroy the empire once and for all!" (Noble 1)

"Are you crazy!? Those fanatics are even worst than the empire. They will kill anyone that won't worship their God, ally or not!" (Noble 2)

"Can't we summon other heroes to fight for us?" (Noble 3)

"We can't. We have only one magic stone left, and we need for that the kingdom's crisis. And you remember the first group we summon? They all betray us! " (Noble 4)

"That because that fool said, "obey or die" as soon the Heroes were summoned!" (Noble 3)

"Then what do you suggest we do then!?" (Noble 4)

"We should ask three other kingdoms to join us." (Noble 2)

"Hmph! those traitor bastards can die for we care!" (Noble 1)

"Whatever you like it or not, we don't have a choice! Right now, we need more power, and that kingdom has a powerful king." (Noble 2)

"Isn't because of us that he got stronger? He should be begging us to be part of the Alliance!" (Noble 1)

"Huhhhhh Bu Bu Bu Bu Bu Bu! I have a solution!" (????) Then everyone turns their heads toward the voice. Another golden throne enters the room with eight miserable women carrying the throne. Sittig on the throne is a heavily overweight young adult but five times bigger than the king. He is so big that he doesn't look like a human but a big round, oily meatball. Next to him is an old skinny man in a black robe holding a magic staff.

He is the Grand Mage of the Alvida kingdom. No one who his name, so everyone just calls him Grand Mage.

"Ohhhhh, My genius son!" (Shutur) The human meatball is none other than Alvida's prince, Aistulf Nahhunte Dadiani.

"Bubububububu! Father-sama, I think the best way to win this war is to summon more heroes!" (Aistulf) All the nobles looked at each other on what to do next because they already discuss the hero summoning with only one magic stone left, which can only summon one person.

"But my son. We can't afford to use the last magic stone. We need it to protect the capital." (Shutur)

"Huuuuuuhhhhh BuBubububububu! "Who said about using a stone!" (Aistulf) He smiles. And his word draws everybody attention.

"Ohhhh, my son! You found a way to replace magic stone?" (Shutur). There is a delighted tone in his voice.

"Thanks to my genius brain! I have a theory and test it, and it works! All we need to do this replace magic with a life force energy!" (Aistulf)

"Ohhh, life force energy? What is that?" (Shutur). He looks baffled.

"Bubububu, life force energy is......is...….life......energy...…is.....(his face getting redder and redder)...life is!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gand mage! Explain what genius prince about to say is!" (Aistuff) He points at the older man with his chubby little finger.

"As you wish, my genius prince. Ahem! The life force energy is energy from all the living thing, and this energy can be used as a fuel to all magical items and spell." (Grand mage)

"Ohhhhhh, what a great discovery!" (Noble 5) The noble began to talk with each other about the new discover energy source.

"Our prince is the smartest in the world!" (Noble 4)

"But where do get a large amount of life force energy?" (Shutur)

"Bubububububu! That easy father-sama! We have a lot of slaves! Why not sacrifice them?" (Aistulf) He had a big smile on his face.

"But my son. We can't sacrifice all the slaves! Otherwise, how can we live?" (Shutur)

"Then let get more slave from other kingdoms! They won't mind if we take some of those lowly commoners. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Let get a lot of them from those three neutral kingdoms!" (Aistulf)

"Yes! Great idea, my genius son! We'll hire some bandit and kidnap those commoner from those kingdoms. While we at it, let get some from the empire as well!" (Shutur)

"See!!?? I'm a hundred times smarter than that faker empire prince!" (Aistuf)

"Huhhhhh huhuhuhuhuhuu! Of course you are my son!........ Now hear me, my loyal subject gather as many slave and lowly commoner as much as possible!..... Grand Mage! How many do you require?" (Shutur)

"To summon one person, we would need at least 1000 people, your majesty" (Grand Mage)

"Mm! Prepare the summoning circle! And to you all, I'm giving Grand mage permission to access all the resources to summon an army of outworlder heroes! So anything Grand Mage ask, I approve." (Shutur)

"It will be done, your majesty!" (All nobles) they bow toward Shutur and his meatball of a son.

"Huuuhhh, Bubububububububu! I can't wait to have a beautiful centaur as my mount! Since these slaves are so useless and slow!" (Aistulf) He glared at the miserable women that carrying the very heavy golden throne!

"I agree! You know what? I don't need these whores anymore! I know! Throw them with the other slave to be a sacrifice!" (Shutur) The women's faces turn pale and quickly beg the king for their life!

"Please, your highness! I'll do anything you want!!" (Crying woman 1)

"Please!! Spare us!" (Crying woman 2) All the woman got on their and begged the king with all their might.

"Enough!! Guard!! Take these them away! And while you at it. Find me other girls to play with!" (Shutur) The guard pulled those crying women away.

"I want to throw my slave as well, but who going carry me? How troubling..." (Aistuf) He sake is head. At the same time, those carrying the prince were relieved that they survive the slaughter.