
Knights of the Rosier Empire

My eyes opened to see myself standing in the middle of nowhere. Everywhere I look it's all white. What happened? I just fell asleep?!

"Welcome" A voice from behind echoed throughout the space

I turned around to find that there was a black-haired kid dressed in a fancy black attire sitting on a medieval chair. When did that get there? I swear I should've seen him.

"Who are you?" I said, trying to grab my sword, but the moment I touched it, it burst into dust

"You won't be needing that"

"What do you want?" My voice was shaken to the very core. How can someone just make things disappear?! What's gonna happen?!

"107 views in a day. Not good, but not bad. Boring, that's the perfect way to put it"

What is he talking about?

"I am what humans would call god or one of them at least. Now I've pulled you aside to warn you that if something interesting isn't happening anytime soon, I'll make your story interesting"

A god? I usually won't believe it, but my sword... it's gone. Is this just some kind of story to him? "What do you mean?"

"Humans are easily influenced all I have to do is get rid of someone close to them and they'll act more interesting"

"So you're saying that someone's life is on the line if we don't make our story interesting?" I need to clarify everything. If I just make one wrong assumption things might turn ugly. What a scumbag... I don't know the reason behind such a disgusting threat, but I'd rather not piss him off.

"Yes, I'm glad you catch up quickly, now on your shoulder, you can see the number of views your story currently has. Goals to reach a certain amount of views can appear out of nowhere so you'd a better lookout for those. That's all I had to say, good luck and may God be by your side"

I vision started blurring out and eventually, everything turned black

I slowly opened my eyes again to find that it was morning and the wind blew a little bit colder. Usually, I wouldn't sense these things, but I guess my body's more alert than it used to be. I got up almost immediately and check my shoulder.

He was right... it's there:

Views: 132

Current Objective: None

It's like a tattoo or something. I can't rub it off...

"You had that dream too right?" I looked behind to see Jess taking in the view of the sunrise

"Yeah... I guess maybe that was God, but not a good one if had anything to say about it. Anyways, your pretty calm for someone who just saw a God or a God wannabe"

"I've always wanted this, I'd daydream about this almost every day. To escape, so it's like a dream come true to me. So I'm quite thankful to him" Jess said with a smile

I'm glad she's holding together well, I guess that's why she always looks as if her mind is somewhere else when she's alone. I know how that feels to some degree. Everyone wants to escape reality, everyone has problems that they want to run away from.

I smiled back, Jess had always made me smile. I'm so glad I'm with them... if it was other people I had to be my normal school persona and that would be a real pain in the neck.

"They do know we're awake right?" Jack shouted to Liz trying to make it obvious that they're awake

"Perfect lighting to wake up, but my back hurts" Liz complained

"Hey! What are you kids doing in an area like this!" A guy on the road shouted out from a distance, he seemed to be wearing a Gothic full-body armour and he was running full speed at us

"Careful now, don't say anything stupid," I said, giving everyone the cold shoulder

"SHUT UP YOUR STUPID" Jack replied giving me a salty look

He just can't keep his cool whatsoever. Such a pain... I wasn't sure at first, but now I think we're really in a fantasy world. I'm glad Liz is with us, I've only seen it once or twice, but if she acts seriously she can very convincing and she plays the most roleplaying games out of all of us.

Eventually, the soldier got to us... we didn't see it from a distance, but there was also another person with him. The other guy was wearing a blue leather vest, black pants and lots of other accessories. His main unique feature is probably his long tied up pink hair and grey eyes. From anime experience, I'm quite sure that he's an adventurer.

"RUN" he shouted

There was a huge fire wolf coming our way. Its height was double of mine and the ends of its fur were flaming. It looked like it was half on fire or something.

I was already halfway of preparing myself to run. So does Jack and Jess, but Liz stood infront of it and grabbed her sword. In a matter of seconds, the wolf was sliced into halves and burst into flames.

"So... what are you kids doing between Dandelion and our borders?" The adventurer guy asked trying to break the tension

"Dandelion?" Jack asked obliviously, a millisecond later Liz appeared right behind Liz and slapped him out of the way

"We're sorry, but we've been walking for days and we don't know where we are. We're from a small village that's quite insolated, but then it was attacked a-and... something happened..." Liz started looking sad and tears looked like it was almost coming out of her eyes.

Now that's acting skills! Dang! I knew she was good, but not this good. How did she even make up that story so quickly? Although, I don't think Jack and Jess can act the part. I gotta do something...

"Unfortunately... Aurelius and Elvera over there are in... denial. They didn't believe what happened when they were out hunting in woods. They just... need time" Perfect! Gotta love anime backstories!

"I see. To imagine such a tragic past... umm so! Would you like us to accompany you to the closest town? We just finished patrolling the boarders so we take you to Domum if you want" The adventurer said nicely with an aura that strikes a person's heart like a sharp spear.

Thankfully my heart is too cold for even the sharpest of spears. I'm sure everyone else won't fall for it too!


Okay, I'm wrong... Jess is praying to the like he was some kind of god and Jack looked like he just got blessed with immortality. At least Liz is keeping it together...

"I'll be great if you'd take us there, thank you very much!" I said putting my school act on. Since aura seems to shine so bright I send one of my own. In your face you 'prince charming'!

We walked a few meters behind those two. The knight is kinda weird though, he's not really saying anything. It's like he has no authority, maybe 'prince charming' isn't a normal adventurer after all.

They're talking about something, but I couldn't hear it at all so I didn't try and started a conversation with the others "So... what do you think they're talking about?"

" Soldier: Honestly sir, why did you offer to accompany them to Domum. I mean they serve no purpose to help us and they are in Dandelion. They might be our enemy. Also, pardon my rudeness, but if you really wanted to help them, the closest town to here is Dandelion's Primo?

Nice Guy: Primo? It's our enemy's territory! Look, I know you're a lowly patroller but didn't think you were this low. Can't you sense the light blonde one's skill? It's overwhelming. She killed a level 30 flames wolf. Even if they are spies, we can win them over to our side" Jack said, while almost matching their lip flaps

"How did you know all that?" Liz said, confused

"Elf ears, I can hear so much it's almost too much" Jack started bragging

I remembered him saying that he's an elf, but I forgot... what else did I forget? So then I started to stare really hard at Jack:

Aurelius Delius


Class: Archer

Race: Elf

Strength: 50,000

Agility: 100,000

Constitution: 50,000

Mana: 200,000

Charisma: 20,000

Intelligence: 100,000

Wisdom: 100,000

Overall Powerlevel: 620,000

Nice! I guess he does seem like the type to be good at mana, intelligence and wisdom. You can tell what kind of person someone is by their stats alone. I usually like to investigate these in my spare time when I was playing Fantasy Burst.

Speaking of looking at other people's stats... let's see that prince charming's one

Regis Filius Venuste

Level: 9

Class: Fighter

Race: Human

Strength: 5

Agility: 2

Constitution: 3

Mana: 4

Charisma: 10

Intelligence: 3

Wisdom: 1

Overall Powerlevel: 28

Wow, we are OP in this world! I guess he really was right about Liz having extraordinary mana. I'm not mad at him for taking us to his country. Honestly, I'd do the same if I was in his shoes.

Eventually, we arrived at the walls of Rosier's border...

I'd love advice and criticism (With Reasoning) to improve my work since I am new and am not good at writing. I'd love to experiment to make my work better.

Also, I'm so sorry I can't upload more often.

JustMeHereBoredcreators' thoughts