
Isekai Defense

Do you know how mankind ends? Take up your weapon and fight back the monster invasion. The game that was boasted as the absolute hardest strategy game, [Isekai Defense]. I used to be the 'player' who had accomplished everything in this game and reached the true end, but it was a disastrous end where everyone died except the protagonist, Raon Eva. Determined to create a perfect happy end, I chose to transmigrate and found myself in the body of the protagonist as a child, surrounded by monsters in a burning village. With only my strength of will and memories of invasion as a player--. In order to save the people I love. I shall tear my enemies apart. --------- Available chapters on SubscribeStar and Patreon: up to ch 38. --------- Come join the discord: https://discord.com/invite/xwqs7dKspx Check my SubscribeStar for exclusive benefits: https://www.subscribestar.com/febya Or Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/febya Thank you ^^

FebyA · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Ch 43. City Tour

After spending a few more days with Arte, we finally arrived at the city of commerce beside the sea, [Goldbay]. There are a lot of high-rise buildings in this city. That was because all kinds of merchants and craftsmen had traveled to the city and formed their own guild. Whether it's the Blacksmith Guild specializing in tools or the Merchant Guild specializing in procuring categories of product from around the world, this is a city that have it all.


Arte let out an exclamation as she looked around the city.

"Oppa, Oppa! There are so many people here!"

"Right? It's a very lively city."

We walked the bustling street and had to talk loudly due to the loud chatter from the people. As she said, there are a lot of people walking around the street.

"But why are they moving to the sea? Do they want to play in the water?"

"Haha, that's probably because some trade ships just arrived."

It was a city that was famous for its trade, after all. The biggest reason was because of its location, which was right beside the sea. And also for the low tariffs policy which is very attractive for the merchants to do sea trade in this city. 

Since new ships had arrived, they must have brought precious goods from outside to sell or require help from the local businesses and craftsmen here. It's a good opportunity to make money, and that might be why there are a lot of people going to and from the harbor right now.

"Ships? What is that?"

"It's a huge transport watercraft that floats above water... Hmm, it would be faster to show you. How about it, Arte? Would you like to see the ships?"

"Yes, yes! I want to see!"

"I like your spirit. Let's go then."

As I was about to walk ahead, Arte squeezed my hand and walked beside me instead.

"Uh, Arte?"


"I'm a bit sweaty, so isn't it uncomfortable?"


She shook her head.

"I prefer to squeeze Oppa's hand as I walk. Ah! And I like Oppa's smell too!"

"I-I see. But, hmm…"

It's a bit embarrassing to be this close in a public place. But should I tell her to stay away? As I was thinking about this, I realized that Arte was slumping her shoulders.

"Can't I? Could it be that Oppa doesn't like holding hands with me?"

"Haha, there's no way I dislike it."

I decided to drop the subject and show her what I mean through action. I squeezed Arte's hand and pulled her closer to me.


Arte let out a weird sound, but soon smiled at the sensation.

"I like feeling Oppa's touch… It reminds me of our first night, hehe."


By first night, she was probably referring to the time I healed her in bed. But I didn't touch her that much, right?


I then remembered how I had touched her naked body down below. The memory comes in along with the soft sensation I felt that day, so I hurriedly shook my head to forget the dirty thought.

Fortunately, Arte seemed to be having fun as she giggled and repeatedly squeezed my hand now and then, bringing me back to the present. I was worried that I had grown too close to Arte in the time we spent, but--

'This is fine too, I guess.'

It will make our parting that much harder for both of us to accept, sure. But it's better than having Arte get lost in this crowd, right? I squeezed her small hand as I justified my action and led Arte to the harbor.


After walking and chatting a bit more, we finally arrived at the harbor.

"Wow! What is that?"

Arte widened her eyes as she looked at a huge ship.

"That's a ship."

"A ship!"

She let out an exclamation as if unable to contain her excitement.

"Oppa, Oppa! How did it manage to float above water? What magic did it use?"

"Oh, that? It floated above water mainly because of physics rather than magic."

"What is physics?"

"Hmm, to put it simply..."

I explained to Arte how a ship could float above water through physics. Of course, the ships in this world, including these ships, have enchantment magic applied to them. 

That also means the ships here worked a bit differently than ships on Earth. However, the basic principle was the same. It was physics. And that's something I could teach Arte with ease.


Arte's eyes sparkled as she listened to my explanation.

"The world is amazing..."

"Right? There are so many amazing things we can find in the world."

"Un, un! And Oppa, who taught me all of these things like it's nothing, is the most amazing!"

"Well, I just happen to know a bit more than most."

"Ah, Oppa is blushing again! Hehe."

Arte giggled and began to tease me. I let her have her fun as we toured around the harbor.


"Well then, shall we go to the orphanage?"

"Eh~ can't I ride the ships?"

"Well... you could if you were a passenger, but we're not going to go anywhere else just yet." 


Arte looked at the largest ship longingly. I did try asking the big brothers guarding the ships to let us ride, but none of them allowed it.

It makes sense, I guess, since they wouldn't know what children like us would do. From their perspective, we might fall down to the sea or cause an accident somewhere when no one's looking. So it would be better to not let us ride in the first place.

It's unfortunate, but Arte would have to give up. I persuaded her briefly and she accepted as looked down as if feeling disappointed.

"I'm sorry, Arte."

"Nnn. Oppa didn't do anything wrong, so it's okay. We can always ride a ship together in the future. Right, Oppa?"


I'm feeling troubled at her expectant gaze. Because the future she imagined might be a long way from now, and might only happen after we reunite.

But I shouldn't tell her that, right? Knowing Arte's personality from the past few days we spent together, she might actually cry when she heard that we would not see each other again for years.

"I'm okay, Oppa! Really! We can just come back someday!"

As I grew silent, Arte seemed worried and talked a bit more as if trying to cheer me up. 

"Someday… right, let's ride a ship together someday, Arte."

There's no need to worry so much about the future at this point in time. No one knows for certain what's going to happen in the future after all.

'Unless you are a special existence like the Seer.'

So, Who knows, we might be able to reunite together even faster than I thought. Or there might be a better end for both of us than what I originally planned.

"Yes! Hehe!"

Only after I smiled did she finally stop feeling anxious and let out a bright smile. Having finished our business at the harbor, we went back to the bustling street.


Right now, we are in the market area, so there are all kinds of stalls around us.

'The orphanage should be on the west side.'

The city was huge, and the orphanage was quite a far distance from here, so I was planning to head there immediately so that I could leave Arte in their care before dinner arrived. 

However, I couldn't help but notice how Arte looked quite restless as she looked around the stalls. Now that I think about it, we also had lunch earlier than usual today. So Arte might have grown hungry already.

'Hm… what should I do?'

I thought for a bit and decided.



"Wanna take a look? We can also eat some food if you want."

"Can I?" 


"Yay! Oppa is the best! Then, let's go, let's go!"

Arte held my hand and dragged me around the city.


We arrived at the food area, where several merchants were competing to get customers. The delicious smell of food could be felt everywhere, making Arte drool as she led me to what seemed to be a food stall where the strongest smell came from.

"Oppa, Oppa! What is that?"

"That's a chicken skewer. They seemed to have a lot of spice and varieties too. Do you want some?"

"Is it tasty?"

"I think so."

"Then, I want the biggest one!"

"Sure, sure."

I bought two chicken skewers and gave her the big one.

"Huh? Why is Oppa's chicken so small?"

"Didn't you say you want the biggest one?"


She looked troubled.

"I did say that, but... that doesn't mean I want Oppa to get hungry and fall sick..."

"I won't get sick even if I'm not eating for days, so don't worry."

I've tested it, so I'm sure. I can hold out for an entire week if I want to, and still have the energy to kill monsters left and right with bare hands.

"That's no good! Oppa shouldn't get hungry in the first place!"

Arte tottered up to me.

"Here, Oppa! Open wide!"

Then, she thrusts her chicken skewer into my mouth.

"Isn't that yours, Arte?"

"Yes! So I can do what I want with it, right?"

"Sure, but..."

"I want to feed Oppa, so come on! Open wide, Oppa! Ahn~"

Arte opened her mouth as if to show me what she meant.

"Well, if you insist..."

"Not wide enough! This skewer is big, you know? Open wider! Like this! Ahn~!"


"Good! Hehe."

I took a bite of the chicken skewer.

"Ah! Oppa's face is red! So cute!"

Arte giggled cheerfully and teased me.

' thought I would get used and become immune to this, but what is this? Why do I feel embarrassed again?'

Having a younger girl feed me feels more embarrassing than I thought. Was it because Arte was such a pretty girl? That might play a part, but who knows.

'No, before that… shouldn't I, the older one, be the one who feeds and cares for Arte instead?'

I can't always be on the receiving end. As I thought of that, my competitive spirit was ignited, and I held out my chicken skewer toward Arte.

"Arte, here."


"It's payback. Take a bite."

"Isn't that yours, Oppa?"

"Right. So I can do what I want, right?"

"Hnnn! That's my line!"

Arte seemed displeased now that the table had turned.

"But, Oppa, your chicken skewer is small. If I eat it, you won't have any?"

"It's okay. I ate a lot from yours."


She looks troubled.

"Come on, Arte. Open wide~."


Arte then took a tiny little bite before looking up at me with a red face. As expected, was it embarrassing for her too?

"Hm? Arte, are you blushing? You are, right?"

"T-this is the sunset! Yes! It's not my fault!"

"Haha, yes, yes. So how was it? Having someone feed you is more embarrassing than you thought, right?"

Arte gave a shy nod at that.

"Yes… but it also felt good…"

"Good. Now that you know how I felt, you should stop teasing me and… huh?"

Did I hear it wrong? It felt good? What is?

"I like it so much! Hehe. Let's do it again, Oppa!"

Seeing Arte's bright smile as she ran to another stall, it didn't seem like I had heard wrong, though.

'What is it? Is it the difference in gender?'

I know females think differently than male, but is it to this extent?

'We learn something new every day, I guess.'

In the end, we teased and fed each other with all kinds of food on that day until night time had come.

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