
Isekai As a wand

In the bustling streets of Shibuya, Hinagawa's ordinary life takes an unexpected turn when a chance encounter with the enigmatic Nika leads to a fateful encounter with a runaway truck. As he faces the brink of death, a divine intervention by the goddess Celestia offers him a second chance at life—but with a twist. Reborn into a fantastical world of magic, Hinagawa discovers that his new form is not what he expected. Transformed into a sentient wand with the remarkable ability to shape-shift, he can only turn into a girl and a wand grapples with his newfound identity as a girl in this new world. Navigating the challenges of his reincarnated existence, Hinagawa must confront the shadows of his past while embracing the boundless potential of his future. With the guidance of Celestia and the unwavering support of newfound allies, she embarks on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, courageously defying societal norms and forging her own destiny in a realm teeming with magic, mystery, and the promise of redemption. Yet, as Hinagawa endeavors to unravel the mysteries of his past and carve out a place in this vibrant new world, he must confront the ultimate sacrifice he made to save Nika—a decision that will forever alter the course of his destiny. (Main character) Hinagawa (A.K.A. Hina) - Gender: Female - Age: Aliased as 10, though she is actually younger - Appearance: - Eyes: Sky blue - Hair: Sky blue with two pink flower hair clips on each side, and a matching pink hairpin - Clothing: Wears a navy blue dress with pink dress ties - Second Form: Magic Wand - Description: In her second form, Hina transforms into a magic wand with a pink body and a blue energy core. She can shift into this form with ease. Hinagawa, affectionately known as Hina, is a young girl whose true age is concealed by the alias of being ten years old, though she is, in reality, younger. She has enchanting sky blue eyes and matching sky blue hair adorned with two pink flower hair clips on each side and a matching pink hairpin. Her usual attire consists of a charming navy blue dress accented with pink ties, reflecting her youthful and vibrant personality. Hina possesses a unique ability to transform into a magic wand. In this second form, she takes on the appearance of a wand with a pink body and a blue energy core, a transformation she can accomplish effortlessly.

Gamer_Fantasy · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Ch 59: After the big event

Hina slowly woke from her slumber, her eyelids fluttering open as she struggled to regain consciousness. "Where am I?" she murmured, her voice weak and strained. Every part of her body ached as if it were about to disintegrate. She winced, feeling the sharp pangs of pain coursing through her.

Just then, the door to her room creaked open, and a maid entered. Her eyes widened in surprise and relief. "Oh, Hina, you're awake!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy. Without wasting a moment, the maid hurried out of the room to inform the castle staff of the goddess's recovery.

Moments later, Carrion burst into the room, his eyes brimming with tears. He rushed to Hina's bedside and enveloped her in a tight embrace. "My daughter, you're finally awake!" he cried, his voice choked with emotion. Tears streamed down his face, each one a testament to the fear and anguish he had endured. "I thought I lost you."

Hina tried to smile through her pain, her voice barely a whisper. "Ah, my body hurts."

Carrion pulled back slightly, his face etched with sorrow. "I'm so sorry," he said, his voice trembling. "I'm sorry you had to go through this."

Hina reached up weakly, placing a hand on his cheek. "It's okay, Father. We're safe now."

The room was filled with a poignant silence as father and daughter shared this tender moment, the weight of their recent ordeal still heavy on their hearts. The sun cast a warm, golden glow through the window, a sign that despite the pain and suffering, there was hope and a future ahead for them both.

Carrion's tears turned to a stern expression as he looked Hina in the eyes. "Don't you dare ever do that again," he said, his voice a mixture of anger and relief. "Attending the tournament without my consent... You had me worried sick."

Hina nodded weakly, understanding the depth of her father's concern. "I'm sorry, Father. I just wanted to help, to prove that I could..."

Carrion sighed, hugging her gently once more. "I know, my dear. But your safety is more important than anything else. Promise me you won't take such risks again."

"I promise," Hina whispered, feeling the weight of her father's love and worry.

The room fell into a quiet, comfortable silence, broken only by the soft rustle of the curtains as the evening breeze flowed in, a reminder of the peacefulness that had been so hard-won.

Carrion managed a weak smile through his tears, gently brushing a strand of hair from Hina's face. "You got me good, performing a body double to fool me," he said, a mix of pride and exasperation in his voice. "I thought you were still sitting near Lefa, just like your actual body."

Hina gave a small, tired smile in return. "I had to make sure you wouldn't stop me, Father. I needed to be there, to fight."

Carrion sighed, shaking his head. "You're as stubborn as your mother was. But you've proven your strength. Just don't scare me like that again."

Hina nodded, her eyes closing as she rested her head against her father's shoulder. "I won't, Father. I promise."

Outside the room, Lefa watched the tender moment between Hina and Carrion, feeling a mixture of relief and admiration for her friend. The ordeal had been intense, but they had come out stronger on the other side.

As Carrion was about to leave the room, Lefa burst in, her eyes brimming with tears. She rushed to Hina and enveloped her in a tight hug. "Hina, you've been out for two weeks already! You had us all so worried. I thought you actually died that time," Lefa said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Hina gently patted Lefa's back, offering a reassuring smile despite her own weariness. "Don't worry, Lefa. I'm strong enough to fend off my enemies."

Lefa pulled back slightly, her eyes still wet but now filled with awe. "You looked so cool in the tournament, Hina! You moved insanely fast, precise, and more powerful than ever. You even managed to defeat the right hand of the demon lord Phobio! And Benimaru, the hero, was amazing too. How did you transform into a magical wand? It was incredible! You became a wand and combined with a sword!"

Lefa's enthusiasm was infectious, and Hina couldn't help but smile wider. "It was a desperate move, but I had to do everything I could to protect everyone."

Carrion, standing by the door, chuckled at the exchange before quietly stepping out, leaving the two friends to their reunion. Hina's heart felt lighter seeing Lefa's excitement and knowing that, despite the hardships, they had all made it through together.

Lefa's expression turned worried again as Hina let out a soft moan. "Are you really okay?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.

Hina nodded, though her movements were slow and cautious. "Definitely," she replied, trying to sound more confident than she felt. Despite her assurance, the pain in her body was undeniable, but she didn't want to worry Lefa any further.

As Lefa bid her goodbye, Hina watched her leave the room with a faint smile. Then, the maid entered with a tray of food, bringing a sense of warmth to the room. Hina's eyes lit up at the sight of the delicious-looking meal, but her excitement was short-lived when the maid insisted on spoon-feeding her.

"I can manage, really," Hina protested, feeling a bit awkward.

But the maid was adamant. "No, Princess Goddess, I must feed you," she insisted, gently spooning the food towards Hina.

Hina blushed at the unexpected attention but couldn't help feeling touched by the maid's care. "I-I'm not that cute," she mumbled shyly.

The maid chuckled softly. "Alright, if you say so," she replied in a low voice, continuing to feed Hina with a gentle smile.

As Hina was gently dressed in regal attire by the maid, she couldn't shake the feeling of displacement that gnawed at her. "This isn't my kingdom, and I'm certainly not a princess here," she voiced her discomfort, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

The maid's smile remained gentle and reassuring. "That may be true, but in the eyes of many, you are still a princess," she offered, hoping to provide some solace to Hina's troubled thoughts.

Accepting the dress with a hesitant nod, Hina moved forward slowly, her weakened body protesting with each step. The sensation of fatigue weighed heavily on her, reminding her of the toll recent events had taken on her physical strength. Just as she felt herself beginning to falter, a sudden presence approached, catching her before she could stumble to the ground.

Surprised by the sudden intervention, Hina looked up to see a young prince standing before her, his gaze warm and inviting. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice betraying her confusion at his unexpected appearance.

The prince's smile widened, his eyes reflecting genuine admiration. "My apologies for the abruptness of my arrival. I couldn't help but be drawn to your presence," he said, his voice smooth and reassuring.

Blushing slightly at the unexpected compliment, Hina found herself at a loss for words. "Please, let me go," she managed to say, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and curiosity stirring within her.

Introducing himself as the Prince of Akasya kingdom, he explained the distance between their realms and the purpose of his visit to the castle. After bidding her farewell with a courteous bow, he departed, leaving Hina to contemplate the encounter.

As she continued down the castle hallway, Hina couldn't shake the lingering sense of curiosity that the encounter had sparked within her. The unexpected meeting with the prince had left her with more questions than answers, and she found herself pondering the significance of their interaction.

Chuckling softly at the maids' comments on the prince's charm, Hina couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement at the situation. Despite the uncertainty that loomed over her, she couldn't deny the faint flutter of excitement that stirred within her heart. With each step she took, she found herself growing more determined to uncover the truth behind her newfound role in this unfamiliar world.